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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

882 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [September 29 Mr. Hudson will be chairman of the radio curriculum in the School of Journalism as well as director of University broadcasting. With this appointment, I feel that we can no longer put off Mr. Wright's request, and I have therefore recommended that he be permitted to devote full time to public information. I can not let this occasion pass without saying a few more words about Joe W r i g h t who this week completes thirty years of service to the University. H e came to work for the University of Illinois as secretary to President Kinley on October 1, 1919. The following year Dr. Kinley assigned him the task of setting up a University information service. H e has been director of this service ever since. In 1925, when the Illinois experimental radio station grew into station W I L L , he was made director of the University station. In that position he developed the University Radio Service which supplies programs to other stations. H e was instrumental in establishing the University F M station W I U C, and has been a ceaseless crusader for a state-wide educational F M network. H e appointed Mr. Frank E. Schooley, who is today being named station manager. Joe Wright has held high office in the National Association of Educational Broadcasters as well as in the College Public Relations Association, and he is affectionately known to hundreds of radio and newspaper men. Now that Joe Wright is consolidating his activities a little, I am glad to express the University's gratitude for thirty years of faithful and constructive service. CONTRACT W I T H VETERANS ADMINISTRATION FOR STEAM SERVICE T h i s A G R E E M E N T m a d e a n d e n t e r e d into this day of 10, , by and between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, a public corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois (hereinafter called the "Contractor") and the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Government") represented by the Chief, Procurement Division, Supply Service, Veterans Administration (hereinafter called the "Contracting Officer"). WITNESSETH: Whereas, there is being erected a Veterans Administration Center in Chicago, Illinois, consisting of a Regional Office and an estimated 500 bed capacity hospital, bounded by Polk Street on the North, South Damen Avenue on the East, on the South by West Taylor Street, and on the West by Ogden Avenue; and Whereas, the Government desires that the necessary steam be furnished as required by the Veterans Administration Center; and Whereas, it is to the advantage of the Government to procure steam from the Contractor in lieu of providing its own plant; and Whereas, the Contractor is in a position to furnish the required amount of steam to the Government; and Whereas, the Government is willing to compensate the Contractor for providing the required steam service. Now, Therefore, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I. FACILITIES The Contractor will provide a steam plant from which steam will be furnished through underground pipes to be provided by the Contractor to the Government boundary line at the northwest corner of Damen Avenue and Taylor Street. ARTICLE I I . SERVICE ( a ) The Contractor agrees to furnish sufficient steam at an approximate pressure of n o lbs. per square inch, to the Government boundary line, to meet the requirements of the Government, but not to exceed, at the option of the Contractor, 53,000 lbs. of steam per hour. (b) T h e Government agrees to purchase from the Contractor approximately 74,000,000 lbs. of steam during each twelve month period of this contract. ARTICLE I I I . METERING T h e steam furnished hereunder shall be measured by meters installed by the Contractor at the approved location. The Contractor shall have the right and privilege to maintain and calibrate such meter or meters and will have access thereto over the lands of the Government at all reasonable hours for such purposes.
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