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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 8l 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. b. Replacement of Horticulture Department cars: Two Chevrolet sedans replaced with new Chevrolets or Fords 2 800 Ford panel truck (used in the Bankhead-Jones spray investigations) I 200 c. Reconditioning of boilers at Horticulture Field Laboratory 1 5°o Installation of coat hooks on walls of all classrooms in David Kinley Hall I Remodeling of rooms in Gregory Hall to provide office space for the Council on Teacher Education 3 Equipment for Speech Laboratory 29 Reserve Books Service Station at Chicago Undergraduate Division.. 1 Storage facilities for Military Department equipment 1 Facilities at Dixon Springs Experiment Station (supplementary to previous appropriation made by Board of Trustees, January 8, 1948) 2 Remodeling of dwelling at 1208 West Springfield Avenue assigned to College of Education for use as nursery school for mentally retarded children 8 Changes in administrative offices 25 a. Moving the Mailing Room, now on the ground floor of the Arcade Building Annex, to 810 South Sixth Street b . Vacating of latter building by University Press c. Moving Tabulating Division from ground floor Administration ( E ) to Arcade Building Annex d. Moving of Director of Admissions Mailing Room from ground floor Administration ( W ) to Arcade Building Annex e. Moving proofreaders and editors from various rooms in Administration Building to ground floor Administration ( E ) f. Installation of new press in space vacated by Director of Admissions Mailing Room, which is adjacent to present University Press Total $94 970 280 000 678 500 500 550 000 _ _ 603 On motion of Mr. Nickell, these funds were appropriated as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Mr. McLaughlin, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Dr. Luken. ADDITIONAL REAPPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES (8) On July 22, 1948 (Minutes, page 27), the Board of Trustees approved a reappropriation of certain unexpended balances on June 30, 1948. T h e need for the following additional balances will continue in 1948-1949, and their reappropriation is requested: U rbana-Champaign: Electrical Engineering College special equipment.. $5 311 Educational Administration 45 Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations 198 Gallivan Tract 2 836 $8 390 Chicago Undergraduate Division: Library 5 000 Total balances recommended for reappropriation 13 390 I concur and request the reappropriation of the above balances. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these balances were appropriated as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Mr. McLaughlin, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Dr. Luken.
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