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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 830]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Proposed New Regulations

821 (Cont.)

Present Regulations (Cont.) register because of military or naval service. 2. Failure of a scholarship holder to register in the University not later than twenty (20) days after the beginning of the fall or winter semester will constitute a release (forfeiture) of the scholarship. The member who made the original appointment, if he is still a member of the General Assembly, may transfer the scholarship to some other student in his district. A scholarship held by a person who has been granted a leave of absence under the law to earn money to continue his education may be transferred only when released in writing by the present holder; and such a scholarship held by one who is absent for military or naval service is not forfeited by failure to register or by a discontinuance of his course, and may be transferred only when released in writing by the present holder, or when proof of death is presented by amdavit of some competent person.

2. Failure of a scholarship holder to register in the University not later than (20) days after the beginning of the fall or winter semester will constitute a release (forfeiture) of the scholarship. A scholarship that is released or forfeited may be transferred to some other student from the district as indicated in Section 30 — II of the law. A scholarship held by a person who has been granted a leave of absence under the law to earn money to continue his education may be transferred only when released in writing by the present holder; and such a scholarship held by one who is absent for military or naval service is not forfeited by failure to register or by a discontinuance of his course, and may be transferred only when released in writing by the present holder, or when proof of death is presented by affidavit of some competent person.

O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h e s e r e g u l a t i o n s w e r e a m e n d e d a s r e c ommended. C O N T R A C T F O R LEASE O F EDUCATIONAL FILMS (9) T h e Dean of the Division of University Extension recommends that the University enter into a contract with United World Films of America, New York City, for the leasing and acquisition of a series of films on "The Earth and Its Peoples." The films have been produced for the teaching of geography in grade and high schools. T h e collection consists of 121 prints of 35 titles. The lease provides for the payment of $35 per print upon receipt of the films, $35 per print 12 months after delivery, and $35 per print 24 months after delivery, a total payment of $105 per print. Upon conclusion of the lease, the films will become the property of the University. The lease may be terminated at the end of a year upon 30 days' notice. T h e films will be used by the Audio-Visual Aids Service for rental to schools at a rate of $3 for the first day and $.50 for each additional day. During the period of the lease United World Films will pay the University $5.50 per booking which United World Films arranges with schools to introduce the films. United will not charge schools for this. The University will service all bookings in Illinois except in the City of Chicago. "Junior Scholastic," a monthly school magazine, will have an article on these films in each issue during the school year 1949-1950. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this contract. O n m o t i o n of M r . M c L a u g h l i n , a u t h o r i t y w a s g i v e n a s r e c o m mended. C O N T R A C T FOR REMODELING H O U S E AT UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS AIRPORT (10) On July 22, 1948 (Minutes, pages 23-24), the Board of Trustees authorized a contract with J. C. Scott, Tolono, for remodeling a house at the University of Illinois Airport to provide living quarters for two members of the staff of the Institute of Aviation whose services require them to live near the Airport. The contract was on a cost plus 10 per cent basis at an estimated total of $8,500.