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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
810 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 ACTIONS OF T H E EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Secretary reports for record that the Executive Committee has taken action on the following matters, on recommendation of the President's Office, since the July meeting of the Board. C o n t r a c t w i t h Medical C e n t e r C o m m i s s i o n August 8 — "Resolution" and "Contract between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Medical Center Commission" (see Appendix, page 86S). Clinical F a c u l t y of t h e College of Medicine, 1949-1950 August 9-—Approved the appointment of the clinical faculty of the College of Medicine (see Appendix, page 866). Sidewalk Surfacing in H o u s i n g A r e a s August 10—• Award of contract for surfacing asphalt sidewalks and maintenance work on drainage ditches in temporary housing areas to Champaign Asphalt Company, the lowest bidder, $24,600. P a r k i n g L o t a t N e w Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g Building August 10 — Award of contract for construction of parking lot at new Mechanical Engineering Building to Champaign Asphalt Company, the lowest bidder, $7,36o. G r a v e l D r i v e S o u t h of P h y s i c s R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r y August 10 — Award of contract for construction of a gravel drive south of the Physics Research Laboratory (Betatron) to F r a n k A. Somers Company, the lowest bidder, $2,415. I m p r o v e m e n t s in N a t u r a l H i s t o r y Building August 2 6 — Award of contracts for improvements in Natural History Building to provide space for the Department of Physiology to the lowest bidders, as follows: general work, E. N. DeAtley; electrical work, Potter Electric Company; plumbing and heating, Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company. The total cost estimated at not to exceed $11,000. Selection of J. H . W h e a t on L e v e r e n z Claim August 2 9 — Approval of appointment of Mr. James H . Wheat as the University's representative in arbitration requested by Leverenz Electric Company of its claim for additional compensation ($8,785.33) for wire and wages paid electricians in wiring floor trenches in the ground floor of the Electrical Engineering Building. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E FACULTY MADE BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY T h e Secretary reported that the President has approved the following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above since the previous meeting of the Board of T r u s t e e s : 1. JOHN R. BARRY, Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning October I, 1949, at an annual salary of $5,500. 2. ALFRED F . BORG, Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, beginning September I, 1949, at an annual salary of $4,700. 3. A N N BROMLEY, Dean of Women in the Undergraduate Division in Chicago, beginning September 1, 1049, at an annual salary of $4,500. 4. GEORGE R. BRYAN, J R . , Assistant Professor of Naval Science, beginning August 20, 1949, without salary. 5. PATRICIA J. COLLINS, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women, beginning September I, 1049, at an annual salary of $4,000.
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