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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1948] UNIVERSITY C. R. COLLINS, D i x o n C. E. DILLE, Cairo W A Y N E DINSMORE, Chicago C. E . FIDLER, Lewistown C. C. HASTINGS, Williamsville G. W. JENSEN, Antioch OF I L L I N O I S OSCAR L I N N , Canton R. V. M C K E E , V a r n a G. B. M C K I L L I P , Chicago P . J. MEGINNIS, Cicero D. E. SISK, Mansfield H . P . WESSELS, Geneva 79 I concur and recommend that they also be reappointed to the Citizens Committee of the University of Illinois in accordance with the practice of including all college advisory committees in the membership of the general committee. On motion of Mr. Davis, these recommendations were adopted. APPOINTMENT O F ALBERT E. JENNER, J R . , TO BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY (3) The term of office of Mr. John S. Miller, the legal member of the regular three-man Board of Examiners in Accountancy, expired on June 30, 1948. T o fill this vacancy the Committee on Accountancy recommends the appointment of Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1948. Mr. Tenner is forty years of age. H e is a graduate of the College of Law of the University of Illinois having received his LL.B. degree in June, 1930. H e has written extensively on the Practice Act of Illinois, particularly with reference to appellate procedure. H e has served most effectively on many committees of the Chicago and State Bar Associations. H e has achieved distinction in the profession. Mr. Jenner is a member of the firm of Poppenhusen, Johnston, Thompson, and Raymond of Chicago. If appointed Mr. Jenner is willing to serve. I recommend this appointment. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this appointment was made as recommended. APPOINTMENT O F DEAN OF THE COLLEGE O F ENGINEERING A N D DIRECTOR OF THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION (4) Dean Melvin L. Enger will retire from active service as Dean of the College of Engineering, as Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, and as Professor of Mechanics and Hydraulics on September 1, 1949, at the end of the current academic year. I recommend the appointment of Professor William L. Everitt, now Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, to the position of Dean of the College of Engineering and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station for two years from September 1, 1949, and continuing as Professor of Electrical Engineering on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1949, at an annual salary of $12,500. The Executive Committee of the College of Engineering, which consists of the heads of the departments, has been consulted in accordance with the statutory provisions relating to nominations of deans of colleges, and Professor Everitt is the unanimous choice. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , t h i s a p p o i n t m e n t w a s m a d e a s r e c ommended. CURRICULUM IN HEALTH EDUCATION (5) The University Senate recommends adoption of a curriculum in Health Education. This is a four-year program in the School of Physical Education, requiring a minimum of 130 semester hours of credit and leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Health Education (see Appendix, page 128). This curriculum was prepared by the University Committee on Health Education in the Schools, a Committee of the University Council on Teacher Education. It has been approved by the Council and by the School of Physical Education. I concur. O n motion of M r s . Holt, this c u r r i c u l u m w a s a p p r o v e d a n d established a s r e c o m m e n d e d .
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