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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
76 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORTS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE [September 23 The Secretary presented for record the following report of actions of the Executive Committee. August 4, 1948 1. Purchase of property at 710 West Indiana Avenue, Urbana. The Board of Trustees on July 21-22, 1048, authorized the Executive Committee to act for the Board in the purchase of another residence property for faculty housing. The Committee authorized the purchase of the property at 710 West Indiana Avenue, Urbana, from Gordon Phillips, owner, for $17,000, and made an assignment of $18,000 for this purpose from the General Reserve Fund to provide for expenses incidental to the purchase and such repairs as may be necessary. August 11, 1948 1. Funds for remodeling in Chicago Undergraduate Division. The Executive Committee authorized an assignment of $15,230 from the General Reserve Fund for remodeling to provide a new General Engineering Drawing Room and adapt the present room for use as a library ($9,500), and for the purchase of equipment, library shelving, tables, chairs, control desk, and miscellaneous furnishings ($5,730). These improvements are to provide suitable reading space and the purchase of equipment for a valuable architectural library which has been presented to the University by Holabird and Root of Chicago. 2. Award of contract for extension of Utilities Distribution System. The following bids were received: Kuhne-Simmons Co., Inc., Champaign $167 017 Warner Construction Co., Chicago 209 948 On the recommendation of the Director of the Physical Plant Department, the Comptroller, and with the concurrence of the President's Office, the Executive Committee authorized the award of the contract to Kuhne-Simmons Co., Inc., the lower bidder. Funds are available in the State appropriation for this project. August 25, 1948 1. Increase in contract for heating installation in Women's Residence Halls. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommended an increase of $1,858 in the contract with Gallaher and Speck, Inc., Chicago, for heating installations in the new residence halls for women on Lincoln Avenue to provide for furnishing and installing the necessary valves, pipes, fittings, and other appurtenances for a pressure reducing valve station. The Executive Committee authorized this increase. Funds are available in the State appropriation for the "Construction of student residence halls." 2. Contract for construction of steam distribution system. Bids were received for the construction of the steam distribution system between the second unit of the Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Building and the Chicago Mini Union Building. Five firms were invited to bid but the only one received was from the William A. Pope Company, Chicago, for $31,240. The bid included a provision that it would remain a firm bid only if accepted within three weeks. The deadline was September 3, 1948; hence, early action was desired. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommended the award of a contract to the William A. Pope Company, Chicago, in the amount of $31,240. The Executive Committee authorized this contract. Funds are available in the State appropriation for this project. 3. Reconstruction of sidewalk and driveways at Physics Research Laboratory. T h e Physics Research Laboratory (Betatron Building) at Urbana is in an area which is subject to flooding during heavy rains as the result of overflow from the Illinois Central underpass. The following bids were secured on the elevation of the sidewalk and reconstruction of such driveway areas as will be necessary to dam the flood waters:
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