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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i 9 48] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 5 one block from the campus and immediately west of Mini Hall and Arcade Building properties. Contains approximately 5,500 square feet. Admirably suited and satisfactorily located for the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations. Rental, $408.33 a month. Minimum lease period, five years. University to pay portion of heat and operating expense estimated at $600 a year. 2. 514 East John Street, Champaign. — Second floor. One block west of campus. Contains approximately 1,200 square feet. Rental, $150 a month for a term of five years. The Physical Plant Department and the Provost have examined these properties and report them satisfactory for University use and at reasonable rentals. Because of constitutional limitations, it is impossible for the University to make a lease which runs beyond the end of a biennium without reserving the right to cancel at that date. The owner of the Sixth Street property, W. B. Hayes, refuses to take a lease of this kind. H e is willing to take a lease from the University of Illinois Foundation, which may make a straight five-year lease. The Foundation may then lease it to the University under conditions which the University can meet. There is reason to believe that the University will carry through this lease for the full five-year period. The area on South Sixth Street would provide for all activities of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations such as office space, seminar room, and library. It would require an additional appropriation of $2,290 for operating expense and an appropriation for remodeling to be requested at a future meeting of the Board of Trustees. It is planned to use the area on East John Street for the student publications staff. This would release their present area for the new tabulating equipment now on order. An appropriation of $800 a year for operation would be required. Some minor remodeling would be necessary but detailed plans have not progressed sufficiently to present an estimate of the amount at this time. I recommend that (a) the leases be approved, (b) the University of Illinois Foundation be requested to lease the Sixth Street property for sublease to the University, and (c) appropriations be made for operation and rentals as follows: operation, $3,090 a year, rentals, $6,700 a year, and that an appropriation not to exceed $25,000 be made for necessary alterations to prepare the space for use by the Institute. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these recommendations were adopted, and the appropriations were made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Mr. McLaughlin, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Davis, Mr. Green, Dr. Luken. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE (7) The Executive Committee reports that on recommendation of the Provost of the University an assignment of $28,305.97 was made for remodeling and other improvements in the President's House, viz.: a. The completion of the east portion of the third floor so as to provide a suite of two bedrooms with adjoining bath. b. The completion of adjoining space as a sewing room and the construction of shelving for a storeroom. c. Improvements in the ladies' and men's rooms on the first floor, including a new lavatory. d. A full length extension of the garage to be built on the south side of the present garage. The Committee also authorized awards of contracts for this work as follows: General w o r k — Clarence Siems, Urbana $18 980 00 Plumbing, heating, and ventilating — Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign 3 234 00 Electrical work — Fedco Electrical Contractors, Inc., Danville 641 97 Plumbing fixtures •— to be purchased 550 00 Cleaning and moving — to be done by Physical Plant Department labor 250 00 Landscaping — to be done by Physical Plant Department 150 00
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