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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS , E E E H 2 2 18 4 $339 625 400 400 387 650 592 80. , Assistant in Marketing 81. , Assistant 82. 7.50 Part-time Assistants 83. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Business Organization and Operation Salaries and Wages Economics 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 910. 13. 14. IS16. 1718. 1920. 21. 22. 2324- 2526. 27. 28. Professor., Head of Department (Total Salary) E. L. Bogart, Professor, Emeritus (From Retiring Allowances ) C. M. Thompson, Professor, Emeritus (See Administration) Simon Litman, Professor, Emeritus H . R. Bowen, Professor (Salary under Administration) V. L. Bassie, Professor (Salary under Bureau of Economic and Business Research) H . M. Gray, Professor W. E. Chalmers, Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial R e l a t i o n s ) . . . . (Total Salary) E. Hagen, Professor P. Locklin, McKinley Professor of the Economics of Public Utilities ( F r o m McKinley Professorship Fund) (Total Salary) W. A. Neiswanger, Professor D. W . Smythe, Professor (See Institute of Communications) (Total Salary) (Two years from September 1, 1048) P. M. VanArsdell, Professor Administrative Assistant to Head of Department (Total Salary) H . K. Allen, Professor Margaret Reid, Professor E. T. Weiler, Professor J. F . Bell, Professor R. H . Blodgett, Professor Mrs. Dorothy S. Brady, Professor (See Bureau of Economic and Business R e s e a r c h ) . . . (Total Salary) P. H. Brown, Professor E. B. McNatt, Professor F. E. Lee, Professor D. L. Kemmerer, Professor R. M. Nolen, Associate Professor R. I. Mehr, Associate Professor J. F . Due, Associate Professor G. A. Steiner, Associate Professor W . C. Robb, Associate Professor (See Administration) (Total Salary) Aso AY50 P 4 950 6 050 (11 000) (3 000) AY AY40 2 AY6o' A A A G50 G50 A50 DY50 A A A A A Aso D50 A A A A A A A A A75 D25 10 3 (4 (8 000 200 800) 000) 8 000 5 (3 (8 8 4 (4 (8 3 4 (7 7 7 7 7 7 3 (3 (7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 (1 (5 000 000) 000) 000 000 000) 000) 375 125 500) 750 500 500 500 500 750 750) 500) 000 000 500 500 250 000 000 313 437) 750) 1 2 Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System. One-half time in each, department during academic year and full-time in. Institute in summer. 3 On leave of absence without pay until further notice; disability benefits payable by Retirement System.
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