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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] STATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 587 qi 000 6 000 1 500 (98 500) (148 000) #141 120 Expense Equipment Contingent Total, Station Total, Expense Total, A nimal Total, A nimal Total, Animal and Equipment Science, College Science, Station Science 5276 650 54i7 770 180 5/0 750) Salaries and Wages Dairy Science 1. G. W. Salisbury, Professor and Head of Department. . . < c"*aVcn $ 4 5 (Total Salary) (9 3 2. H. A. Ruehe, Professor { c"w° 4 I S-AY50 (8 (Total Salary) 3. W. L. Gaines, Professor, Emeritus 4. M. J. Prucha, Professor, Emeritus 3 5. W. W. Yapp, Professor, Dairy Cattle Breeding {^AY° o 4 (Total Salary) (7 6. C. S. Rhode, Professor (See Smith-Lever Fund) E-AY (7 7. W. B. Nevens. Professor, Dairy Cattle Feeding { S^vko (See Hatch Fund) S-AY15 (Total Salary) 8. 0 . R. Overman, Professor, Dairy Chemistry ^VAV' (Total Salary) 9. , Professor Dairy Bacteriology C-B80 (See Hatch Fund) S-BY20 (Total Salary) 10. R. W. Bartlett, Professor, Agricultural Marketing (Salary under Agricultural Economics) 11. , Professor, Dairy Cattle Physiology. . . S-BY70 (See Hatch Fund) .' S-BY30 (Total Salary) 12. J. G. Cash, Associate Professor E-AY 13. K. E. Gardner, Associate Professor, Dairy Production. . { c ' / i v - n (Total Salary) 14. A. F . Kuhlman, Assistant Professor, Dairy Production. . V S ^ (Total Salary) 15. W. O. Nelson, Assistant Professor, Dairy Bacteriology. . < c S x / (Total Salary) 16. K. E. Harshbarger, Assistant Professor, Dairy Pro-|C-B75 duction \ S-BY25 (Total Salary) 17. E. E. Ormiston, Assistant Professor, Dairy Production. . < C'-RV 5 (Total Salary) 18. M. H. A l e x a n d e r , A s s i s t a n t Professor, D a i r y Pro-/C-B50 duction \ S-BY50 (Total Salary) 1 3 3 43o 570 000) 1 430 370 800) 800) 1 640 5 160 (1 200) (8 ooo)2 1 5 (6 5 (1 400 500 900) 3 830 920) (7 750) 4 (2 (7 (6 2 3 (5 2 2 900 100) 000) 500) 570 330 900) 040 710 (4 750) 3 T70 2 080 (5 250) 3 635 1 615 (5 250) 3 635 1 (5 2 2 (4 615 250) 100 800 900) Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System. On ]eave of absence with pay from August 1, 1949, to February 1, 1950. On leave of absence with pay from April 1 to September 30, 1950.
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