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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
490 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [July 28 ACTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Secretary reported for record that the Executive Committee has taken action on the following matters, on recommendation of President Stoddard, since the June meeting of the Board. E m p l o y m e n t of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill T h e Executive Committee on June 30 authorized t h e employment of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill at a fee not to exceed $5,600 for services plus traveling expenses, based on the estimate in the memorandum from the Director of the Physical Plant Department. Appointments T h e Executive Committee on July 5 made the following appointments: 1. J O H N DOUGLASS RYDER, P r o f e s s o r and H e a d of t h e Department of Elec- trical Engineering, at a salary of $n,ooo. 2. FREDERICK C. DIETZ, Head of the Department of History, at a salary of $9,500. 3. LAURA J. HUELSTER, Acting Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women, for one year, at a salary of $5,500. Leave of Absence for Professor Scheick T h e Executive Committee on July 5 granted leave of absence without pay for one year from September I, 1949, to Professor William H . Scheick, to enable him to act as Executive Director of the Building Research Advisory Board of the National Research Council. T h e Committee also appointed Associate Professor James T . Lendrum to be Acting Coordinator of the Small Homes Council for the year. Purchases The Executive Committee on July 5 authorized the following purchases: Item Department Vendor Cost Baldwin Locomo$10 080 00 One 120,000 lb. Universal Civil Engihydraulic testing machine neering tive Works, f.o.b. Chicago Eddystone, Pa. Interstate Printers 2,000 copies Training the Life Business 1 787 75 Insurance Agent Management & Publishers, f.o.b. Service Inc., Danville Urbana Rogers Printing 1 610 00 1,000 copies Mathematical University Theory of Communications Press Co., Dixon f.o.b. Urbana Dwight Brothers 250 reams 22x34 4 ° ' b . 2 5 Office Supply 4 091 53 per cent rag bond, white; Store Paper Co., f.o.b. 150 reams ditto 32 lb.; Chicago Urbana 100 reams ditto 26 lb.; 10 reams 28x34 4 1 lb. ditto; 21 reams 24x38 49 lb. ditto; 48 reams 24x38 38 lb. ditto Renewal of voluntary work- Business Office, Liberty Mutual 2 834 68 men's compensation and Bursar's Insurance Co., (Subemployers' liability insurDivision Chicago ject to ance, including occupaunguartional disease coverage and anteed $50/100,000, effective Audivigust 7, 1949, for one year dend of as required b y t h e Re20 per s e a r c h D i v i s i o n of t h e cent at Navy Department, to policy cover t h e operations nectermiessary t o perform t h e renation) search w o r k s t i p u l a t e d under numerous tasks of Naval Research Contract Noori-71
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