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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
19491 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Department Agricultural Administration (Dixon Springs Experiment Station 6) Robert Allerton Park Illini Union Bookstore Vendor Cecil Broadway, Golconda 481 Cost 1 20T 39 Item One 5' Harvester combine with auxiliary motor and complete set of screens for combining of grain, beans, grass, and legume seed; to be with rubber tires One 36*x36*,x48" electric d u m b waiter installation in Allerton House Fire and extended coverage insurance including unearned premium insurancein the amount of $200,000 on a monthly reporting form basis effective July 29, 1940, for one year, on the contents of the Illini Union Bookstore, Champaign Aviation liability insurance on a monthly reporting form basis effective July 1, 1949. for one year, providing bodily injury limits of $50,000 a person, $250,000 an accident and property damage limits of $50,000 an accident, covering aircraft owned, leased, and operated by the University both on and off its premises 65 head good grade yearling feeder heifers Adaptation of SNJ Link trainer with additional equipment to provide automatic simulation of final approach landing, including instruments to be used by the pilot in performing approach and landings as per Link Aviation, Inc. 250,000 gallons No. 1 fuel oil for the heating system at Parade Ground Area during the season 1949-1950 80,000 gallons (approximately) regular gasoline to be delivered by transport truck as required during period July 1, 1949. to December 31. 1949 500 pedestal type sand urns One 7' grand piano with ehony finish 10,000 reams 8H f f xio^" 16 lb. substance No. 4 sulphite mimeograph paper 200 reams 22x34 4° lb. 100 per cent rag bond, white, opaqued; 48 reams 22x34 32 lb. too per cent rag bond, white, opaqued, all to be watermarked with U. of I. seal, not localized 150 tons rock phosphate 30 per cent PaOs in multi-wall paper bags 330 screens to replace existing screens at Busey-Evans Hall 600 3o"x7S" innerspring mattresses to be built from 600 used felt mattresses, for use in Parade Ground dormitories Hospital ward furniture for the surgery ward in the Research and Educational Hospitals 30 adult foot pump dental chairs, clinic type with simplified headrest and formatting leather covered seat, ivory tan finish f.o.b. Moline Sedgwick Machine Works, Chicago Warren Montgomery, Urbana (Agent for the Glen Falls Fire Insurance Co.) f.o.b. Monticello 1 857 00 2 004 00 R. Hill Carruth, Chicago (Agent for the United States Aircraft Insurance Group) z 125 00 (estimate) Animal Science Psychology To be selected by Professors R. R, Snapp or F. C. Francis about October 15, 1949 Link Aviation, Inc., Binghainton, N.Y. 8 000 00 (approximately) 20 500 00 Residence Halls Physical Plant Pana Refining Co., Pana Johnson Oil Refining Co., Urbana 26 851 50 13 000 00 (approximately) 2 840 70 2 727 00 4 600 00 3 217 66 Physical Plant Physical Plant Office Supply Store Office Supply Store W. B. Read Co., Bloomington Mendel Riley, Champaign Duffey Paper Co., Rock Island Dwight Brothers Paper Co., Chicago Agricultural Administration Residence Halls Residence Halls Schrock Brothers, Conger ville Arthur Krebs & Co., Springfield Champaign Mattress Factory, Champaign Hospital Equipment Co., Evanston Ritter Co., Inc., Rochester, N.Y. f.o.b. Robbs 2 574 00 installed 4 740 00 2 409 00 Research and Educational Hospitals, Administration Dental Clinics 9 466 02 delivered 13 578 75 f.o.b. delivered and installed
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