Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHEDULE B 477 Income: A N N U A L OPERATING BUDGET (95 U N I T S ) A m o u n t Gross rentals Vacancy loss (3%) Net Annual Rental Expenses :z Wages Operating supplies Utilities Insurance Miscellaneous Elevator maintenance and power Building maintenance Furnishing maintenance Grounds maintenance Total Expenses Net Annual Amount Available for Debt Service $79 920 1 2 4002 77 520 4 323 432 6 775 806 1 000 750 5 704 2 392 434 $22 616 $54 904 FIVE-YEAR CURRICULUM IN ARCHITECTURE For the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (To be inaugurated for students entering as freshmen in September, 1949) I. SUMMARY BY PRINCIPAL SUBJECTS Basic Subjects: Physical Education, Hygiene, and Military Science Rhetoric Mathematics Physics General Education 4 History of Architecture Total Basic Subjects Technical Subjects: Architectural Projections Freehand Drawing and Modeling Theory of Architecture Basic Design Architectural Design Materials and Methods of Construction Equipment of Buildings Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Structural Theory and Design Architectural Practice City Planning Total Technical Subjects Total Hours for Graduation General Option 10 6 9 9 19 _n 64 4 14 2 3 36 10 9 6 12 2 3 101 165 Engineering Option 10 6 15 9 16 II 67 4 12 2 3 22 10 9 9 25 2 98 165 1 Gross rental based on the following rates a month: 5 sleeping rooms with bath, $55.00; 66 zero bedroom apartments, $65.00; 3 one bedroom apartments, $85.00; 20 one bedroom apartments with dining alcove, $87.50; and 1 one bedroom apartment with dinette, $90.00. '3 Deduct. 4 Management expense included in general University administrative expense. The general education electives are to be divided between the humanities, social sciences, and biological sciences.