Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
422 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 25 standards of examinations therefor. Such positions and employment now constitute the classified civil service of the State in relation to the University of Illinois. All appointments are made in accordance with the provisions of such rules. Mr. Livingston pointed out that the Board as a whole has not had a previous opportunity to consider House Bill 970 and take an official position on it. The bill was introduced shortly before the May meeting of the Board, at which time the Board had no knowledge of it. There has been no meeting of the Board since that time and obviously the Executive Committee could not speak for the Board. The present University Civil Service system was enacted at the request of the Board which also adopted the Policy and Rules Relating to Compensation and Working Conditions of Nonacademic Employees pursuant to such legislation. After thorough discussion, on motion of Mr. Hickman, the Board adopted the following resolution and requested that it be transmitted to the Senate: 1 "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is opposed to the passage of House Bill 970 which would change the administration of civil service in the University by removing it from the Board of Trustees and placing it under a separate board of commissioners to be appointed by the Governor. "The Board of Trustees is of the strong conviction that this bill would seriously hamper the Board and administrative officers in the administration of nonacademic employees." MESSAGE TO MR. H. E. C U N N I N G H A M On motion of Mr. Livingston, the Board expressed to Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary, its sympathy in his illness, and best wishes. SECRETARY'S REPORT The Secretary, pro tempore, presented the following lists for record, as printed in the Appendix. 1. Appointments made by the President of the University (page 423). 2. Graduate fellows (page 426). 3. Allerton scholarships (page 427). 4. Resignations, declinations, and terminations (page 427). 5. Retirements (page 428). 6. Lists of degrees approved by the University Senate to be conferred at Commencement June 12, in Urbana, and June 17, in Chicago (page 429). The Board adjourned. A. J. JANATA K E N N E Y E. WILLIAMSON Secretary, pro tempore This was done by the President of the University. President