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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
420 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 25 Bids have now been received for (1) insulation of the pipe, and (2) the construction of underground electric duct run and manholes. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend award of the contracts to the lowest bidders: Asbestos & Magnesia Materials Company, Chicago, insulation of the pipe $ 8 570 Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign, construction of electric duct run and manholes 34 717 Funds are available in the State appropriation for 1947-1949 for the enlargement and extension of the utilities distribution system. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute these contracts. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these contracts were authorized. CONTRACT FOR WATERPOOFING EXTERIOR WALLS OF PHYSICS RESEARCH LABORATORY (49) Shortly after the completion of the Physics Research Laboratory (the Betatron Building), it was found that the mortar joints, particularly in the south wall, were not water-tight. This is probably due to use of mortar of too rich a mixture in the laying of the bricks, causing shrinkage and fine cracks in the joints. During heavy rains there is considerable leakage with damage to the interior walls and in some cases to equipment. T h e Physical Plant Department consulted the State Architect's office and the Small Homes Council regarding corrective measures. Both organizations had experienced similar defects but knew of no product or treatment they could recommend. After further investigation, information and estimates were secured from two organizations specializing in this kind of work, the Western Waterproofing Company, Chicago, and the A. C. H o r n Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Western quoted a price of $3,45o for repairing the entire south elevation of the Physics Research Laboratory and the H o r n Corporation quoted $3,344 for the same job. W o r k done by this company on other buildings, including some hotel jobs, was investigated and found satisfactory. The treatment consists of testing all joints with hammer and chisel, taking out loose joints, and grouting all of the joints with factory-mixed material. The work is all done by the H o r n Corporation's trained crew. I recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a contract for $3,344 for the restoration of the south elevation of the Physics Research Laboratory. Funds are available in existing appropriations for this work. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this contract was authorized. CLOSING OF GALESBURG UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (50) Further conferences have been held with the Public Housing and Home Finance Administrator (in charge of the temporary housing project at Galesburg), and the Director of Public Welfare with respect to the time and conditions of the final transfer of government property used by the Galesburg Undergraduate Division. Under the date of May 31, 1949, the W a r Assets Administration approved a transfer of this property to the State of Illinois for use for public health purposes, including especially the operation of a Geriatrics Institute for the care of the aged, infirm, and senile as of June 1, 1949, subject to concurrence of the University. This transfer was accepted by the Director of the Department of Public Welfare and by the Comptroller on behalf of the University, hy Letter Agreement dated May 31, 1949, subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees. By agreement with the Department of Public Welfare, the University has continued in possession in order to close up its activities. The Department further requested that the University continue responsibilty for the property until September 1, 1949 (the original lease with the University ran until September 20, 1949). Officers of the University have agreed to do this, it being understood that operations are to be reduced as rapidly as possible and the staff and expenses
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