Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Department Agronomy Electrical Engineering Physical Plant Physical Plant Vendor International Harvester Co., Kankakee McMullen Refrigeration Co., Danville Noble Motor C o Dan ville Peoria Mat Co., Peoria 395 Cost 1 142 70 Item One 5' engine drive Harvester thresher with bagging attachment One three-ton self-contained air conditioning unit 3 hj>, 230 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase One 1949 1TA ton truck with flat bed dump body, to replace 1940 Chevrolet 1 K ton truck 200 yards 36* wide x %" thick black pyramid rubber matting f.o.b. E. Moline 1 450 co f.o.b. Urbana 1 905 38 1 074 0 0 f.o.b. Urbana C O M P T R O L L E R ' S REPORT OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED APRIL 1 1 TO MAY TO, 1 9 4 9 Amount to be Paid to the University With Whom Purpose Date National Broom Study of the improvements of broom$ 12 500 00 March 14, 1949 Manufacturers corn by breeding for yield and quality of brush and for disease Association resistance Study of investigations with soybean Hail Loss Research April 19, 1949 in yield losses sustained from hail Committee storm damage Study of nonmodular masonry house Structural Clay April 18, 1949 Products Institute Instruction of veterans under PL16 Rates per Veterans January 1, 1949 contract and 346 at Chicago (Contract No. Administration V3028V-44O March 7, 1949 Rates per Instruction of veterans under PL 16 contract at Chicago Professional Colleges (Contract No. V3028V-452) Rates per March 7, 1949 Instruction of veterans under PL16 contract at Chicago Professional Colleges (Contract No. VA2 8r-vr-ui4) Rates per September 28, 1948 Instruction of veterans under PL346 contract at Urbana (Contract No. V3028V448) February 3, 1949 Rates per Instruction of veterans under PL16 contract and 346 at Urbana (Contract No. V3028V-466) January 25, 1949 Instruction of veteran for an extramural course in accountancy under PL16 (Contract No. VA28r-vr1112) Robert J. Downs Renting of McCullough farm Crops equally divided Amount to be Paid by the University $ 910 00 March 27, 1949 With Whom Nelson and Nettnin, Inc. Purpose Professional engineering services for installation of thirteen dental units at Chicago Date April 15. 1949 CHANGE ORDERS FOR C O S T - P L U S CONTRACTS UNDER STANDING CONTRACTS OF J U L Y I , 1948 Purpose A mount With Whom I-ewis S. Colbert Thirteen change orders $13 794 36 Reliable Plumbing Eight change orders 9 259 40 and Heating Co. Four change orders 237 24 Schroeder's Eleven change orders 6 229 44 Square Deal Electric Co. RESOLUTION Whereas, the General Assembly of Illinois has appropriated by Senate Bill No. 662 the sum of $400,000 for the construction of graduate student and staff apartments at Urbana, Illinois; and Whereas, the General Assembly has appropriated in said Bill additional sums for the equipment of buildings and contingencies from which the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has allocated the sum of $251,700 for • staff housi n g ; and