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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
38o BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 21 Salary 267 267 267 267 267 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. E. E. Liebhafsky, Assistant (50% time) R. H . Mason, Assistant (50% time) Martha Pruitt, Assistant (50% time) D. L. Spriggs, Assistant (50% time) R. J. Teweles, Assistant (50% time) Education 25 001 1. 2. 3. 456. 78. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. K. D. Benne, Professor I 489 T. E, Benner, Professor 2 000 G. M. Blair, Professor 1 334 R. B. Browne, Professor R. W . Burnett, Professor 1 334 F . G. Cornell, Professor J. J. DeBoer, Professor 1 334 G. P . Deyoe, Professor A. F . Dodge, Professor 1 371 H . M. Hamlin, Professor H . C. Hand, Professor 1 556 W . V. Kaulfers, Professor 1 334 S. A. Kirk, Professor I 445 A. B. Mays, Professor 1 612 C. W. Odell, Professor 1 334 E. F . Potthoff, Professor ( 2 5 % time) 417 E. H . Reeder, Professor 1 578 B. O. Smith, Professor 1 556 F . H . Finch, Associate Professor I 223 M. K. Humble, Associate Professor 1 200 W . P . McLure, Associate Professor ( 2 5 % time) P . V . Miller, Associate Professor ( 2 5 % time) H . A. Schultz, Associate Professor of A r t Education (50% time) 556 (See A r t ) (556) (Total Salary) (1 112) J. H . Shores, Associate Professor 1 112 R. H . Simpson, Associate Professor I 223 M. R. Sumption, Associate Professor ( 2 5 % time) B. F . Timmons, Associate Professor of Sociology (50% time) 645 (See Sociology and Anthropology) (644) (Total Salary) (I 289) J. L. Trump, Associate Professor (50% time) Letitia Walsh, Associate Professor 1 278 A. W . Anderson, Assistant Professor 1 156 W . R. Dixon, Assistant Professor 889 J. T . Hastings, Assistant Professor (50% time) C. G. Knapp, Assistant Professor (67% time) 712 (See Physical Education for Men) (356) (Total Salary) (1 068) Vivian R. Nuess, Assistant Professor of Mathematics 889 G. W . Reagan, Assistant Professor 1 128 W . O. Stanley, Assistant Professor 1 067 J. N. Weiss, Assistant Professor R. E. Wochner, Assistant Professor (25% time) Florence M. Flach, Instructor (50% time) L. J. Phipps, Instructor E. G. Pogue, Instructor and Assistant Director of Teacher Education 934 D. S. W a r d , Instructor 889 L. V. Peterson, Instructor Sue Crain, Instructor 954
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