Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
372 M. O. ALPERS 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 21 RALPH TANGNEY, Plasterers and Cement Finishers jACKGREEAR/Ir0nWorkerS T ,,r . For the Illinois State Department of Labor EDWARD H. BLANCK (vice FRANK ANNUNZIO, Director of the Department) Monticello Community Club C. G. HOLFORTY, President The issues finally boiled down to one: Has a prevailing rate of wages for the work to be done under the proposed contracts been established in Monticello ? It is my judgment, in which the University representatives concur, that this question must be answered in the negative. A prevailing rate could not therefore be specified in the proposed contracts. If labor representatives or other citizens believe otherwise it is their privilege to bring the matter into court, following the procedure given in the statutes. Should a judge rule against the University in this matter, I should recommend that the University, in accepting such a decision, apply it to the beginning hour of all work in the contracts. I feel that there is nothing to be gained by further delay, and I therefore recommend that the contracts for work at Allerton Park as submitted to the Board of Trustees on April 21st be approved. Respectfully yours, GEORGE D. STODDARD President O n receipt of this report, the Committee authorized the award of contracts for work at Robert Allerton P a r k to the lowest bidders as recommended on April 2 1 , 1949 (Minutes, pages 333 to 3 3 5 ) . This report was received for record. SECRETARY'S REPORTS T h e Secretary presented the following lists for record, as printed in the Appendix. 1. Appointments made by the President of the University (page 373). 2. Graduate fellows (page 374). 3. Resignations and declinations (page 375). T h e Board adjourned. H. E. C U N N I N G H A M K E N N E Y E. W I L L I A M S O N Secretary President