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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 349 b. The distribution of student nurses for hospital instruction between the Cook County Hospital and the University of Illinois Hospitals (Research and Educational Hospitals) shall be made according to the ratio of the normal bed complement of the two hospitals which at present is approximately 3,400 for the former and 500 for the latter; i.e., according to the present number of beds 85 per cent of the student nurses in each class will receive hospital instruction at Cook County and IS per cent at the University of Illinois. c. The University will pay the Cook County School of Nursing for the meals (if taken) and room of those students (15 per cent of each class) who will receive hospital instruction at the University of Illinois Hospitals. (The present rate is $30 a month for meals and $35 a month for. room.) d. The University will reimburse the Cook County School of Nursing for the cost of instruction of 15 per cent of the student nurses in each class, the cost of instruction being calculated from the salary paid the teachers and the materials and supplies used in the laboratories and excluding any administrative overhead. 2. Recommendation by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy and approval by the University Senate and by the Board of Trustees to adopt in principle (a) the present student admission requirements and (b) the present curriculum of the Cook County School of Nursing. 3. Recommendation by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy and approval by the University Senate and by the Board of Trustees to authorize the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing on the completion of the curriculum. 4. Admission requirements (present requirements of the Cook County School of Nursing) for candidates for the course leading to the Diploma in Nursing and for the course leading to baccalaureate degree and the Diploma in Nursing. a. Accreditation of high schools. ( i ) Candidates for admission to the Cook County School of Nursing as graduates must be graduated from an accredited four-year high school or present equivalent educational preparation. (2) Certificates in proper form are accepted from schools accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, New England College Admissions Board, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools, Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Western Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York for college entrance requirement. b. Subject requirements. Sixteen units of credit are required. Any one of the following patterns of the high school program is acceptable. Required 1 0 X units English, three years 3 units A foreign language, two years 2 units M a t h e m a t i c s (algebra, general A three-unit mathematics, commercial arithand a twometic, or geometry 2 units unit group History 1 unit chosen from Civics, economics, or social mathematics, science */i unit history, Science, two years (including bibiological, ology or general science, and a physical, or second science, preferably chemsocial istry or applied chemistry or sciences 5 units physics) 2 unitsj Electives $}4 or 6 units (Sufficient electives to make up the full four-year course aggregating 16 units. Not more than 5 units may be chosen from any one field and only 3 may be commercial subjects.) Required 9 or 9 X units English, four years (one unit may be in public speaking, journalism, or drama) 4 units
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