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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
306 Item Thirty-five Spencer No. 33 MH or Bausch and Lomb No. BA8 monocular medical microscopes with triple nosepiece in 16 mm., 4 mm., and i.B mm. oil immersion objectives; 10X eyepiece only, condenser and mechanical stage less carrying cases One 18* lathe with 72* centers; taper nose spindle, 12 spindle speeds 14 to 345, complete with compound rest, round tool post, large and small face plates, thread chasing dial, steady rest, follow rest, motor to be 208/3/60 7K hp AC complete with controls; 1-3 jaw Universal and 1-4 jaw Independent chuck, taper attachment and adjustable light mounted One 15" lathe with 36" centers; spindle speed range 30 to 1200 RPM, compound rest, tool post, dry chip pan, large and small face plates, steady rest, taper nose spindle, telescopic taper attachment, 1 H" round chuck (Sjogren type) and collets from y&" to iH" by i6ths; motor 208/3/60, 3 hp AC; 8" Univ e r s a l and 10 I n d e p e n d e n t chucks, adjustable light and micrometer carriage stop One frame for Universal plastics testing machine to be constructed in accordance with our specifications One 2-channel amplifier and strain gage control unit employing 5000 cycle carrier voltage; one 2-channel amplifier and strain gage control unit employing direct current gage circuit One 6-channel oscillograph complete with continuous drive record magazine and optical stage for 6 galvanometers; 9 galvanometers; 1 synchronous time marker unit; 1 gear reducer attachment One vibrating reed electrometer, detecting 1x10-17 amperes Eight 8' electronic work benches; five 5' ditto One i}4 ton truck equipped with combination stake and grain body, with hoist One i-ton milk delivery truck to replace 1941 panel truck 560 study lamps for student rooms in the new Women's Residence Hall BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department College of Pharmacy Vendor Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago [March 10 Cost 5 722 00 Chemistry Joseph Behr & Sons, Inc., Rockford 5 570 63 f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio Chemistry Peoria Tool & Engineering Co., Peoria 3 047 8: f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Krouse Testing Machine Co., Columbus, Ohio Hathaway Instrument Co., Denver, Colo. 3 248 00 f.o.b. Urbana Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Hathaway Instrument Co., Denver, Colo. 1 600 00 f.o.b. Denver Physics Graduate College Animal Science Food Technology Residence Halls Applied Physics Corp., Pasadena, Calif, R. A. Smalley Planing Mill, Champaign Power Farm Implement Co., Champaign f.o.b. Pasadena 1 500 00 1 458 40 3 410 32 Living room furniture for furnishing Robert Allerton Center F o u r 1949 four-door Chevrolet sedans T w e n t y - t h r e e pieces of physical therapy and hydrotherapy equipment required for the remodeled quarters of the Department of Physical Medicine One 4-hour " A " label safe with twelve letter files and one shelf, approximate inside measurements 42* wide x 20* deep; one 4-hour "A" label safe with three shelves, approximate inside measurements 42* wide x2o* deep Robert Allerton Center Physical Plant Physical Medicine Power Farm Implement Co., 1 474 ° 5 Champaign 3 444 00 Colonial-Premier Co., Chicago (bases) Marshall Studios, 700 00 Veedersburg, Ind. (shades) Kiler's, Inc., 11 992 23 f.o.b. Champaign delivered Sullivan Chevrolet Co., 6 071 00 Champaign Ille Electric Corp., 5 936 90 Long Island 1, N.Y. Medicine, Administration Herring, Hall, Marvin Safe Co., Chicago f.o.b. delivered and installed 1 834 I 2
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