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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 299 PURCHASES (17) There are submitted a report of an emergency purchase authorized and a list of purchases recommended (see Appendix, page 305). On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, the action of the President of the University in authorizing an emergency purchase was approved and confirmed, and the purchases recommended were authorized. C O M P T R O L L E R S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (18) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed to March 10, 1949 (see A p pendix, page 307). T h i s report w a s received for record. CURRICULUM IN SECRETARIAL TRAINING (19) The University Senate recommends the establishment of a new curriculum or concentration of courses of study in the College of Commerce and Business Administration to be known as "Secretarial Training." This program is designed for students who wish to prepare for secretarial work requiring a high degree of technical skill and broad business education. It is an Upper Division curriculum open to students who have completed the first two years in the College of Commerce and Business Administration. The course requirements are as follows: Primary List: At least forty-four hours including the courses shown as required must be selected from the following. Required: Management 101; Economics 248; Management 245; Marketing 101; Rhetoric 272; Business Law 261; and Secretarial Training 102, 112, 103, 113, 222, 233. Elective: Economics 200, 210, 214, 228, 240, 250, 254, 255, 272, 303, 312, 378, 379Secondary List: Fifteen hours of electives must be chosen from courses in history, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, and home economics. Note I. The program for the Upper Division is open only to students who have completed all of the requirements of the Lower Division. Students in Secretarial Training may substitute Business Computations (Accy. 121) for college algebra. Note 2. Students will be admitted to typewriting and shorthand for credit only when they have achieved a level of proficiency equal to that reasonably expected from one year of high school or one semester of college work. Note 3. Students who have had inadequate prior training in typewriting and shorthand may take their instruction in Beginning Typewriting (Sec. Tr. 101) and Beginning Shorthand (Sec. T r . i l l ) in the College of Commerce and Business Administration but will receive no credit. Note 4. Credit for shorthand and typewriting will be allowed for graduation only in the commercial teaching and secretarial training fields of concentration. Note 5. Credit in shorthand and typewriting toward graduation will be granted only when the entire series of courses in these subjects is completed. Note 6. Typewriting and shorthand classes will each meet for one class hour, five times a week. Note 7. All students selecting this field of concentration will be required to complete sixty hours in courses offered in the College of Commerce and Business Administration as a graduation requirement. Note 8. The secretarial training field of concentration will result in the following distribution of hours in the Upper Division: Required, 32; economics electives, 12; secondary list, 15; free electives, 7 to 1 1 ; total, 66 to 70. I concur. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this curriculum was approved as recommended. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WELL AT ROBERT ALLERTON PARK (20) The Director of Robert Allerton Park and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for the drilling of an eight-inch well at the Park to John Bolliger Sons, Fairbury, the lowest bidder, on the following terms: 1. A base price of $1,875 for the first 150 feet and $8 a foot for each additional foot up to a maximum of 200 feet.
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