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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
246 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 17 necessary refrigeration, insulation, and accessory equipment to maintain constant temperature. This equipment is not available as a single standard manufactured product. It must be constructed and installed especially and is of a highly specialized type both in design and in performance. A committee appointed by Vice-President Ivy has selected the Vilter Sales and Construction Company and the Armstrong Cork Company, both of Chicago, as the concerns best fitted to provide the desired equipment and in a position to deliver and complete the work promptly and within the period of availability of the State appropriation. Prices have been secured from these concerns as follows: Vilter Sales and Construction Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, for mechanical equipment and installation $98 140 Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Chicago, for insulation 28 936 T h e committee in charge of the work has reviewed the proposals and reports that, based on engineering design and cost of necessary components, the proposed costs are reasonable. Vice-President Ivy requests that the contracts be awarded as scheduled above. I concur. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these contracts were awarded as recommended. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY QUARTERS (9) Included in the special appropriations for nonrecurring expenditures made by the Board on January 13, 1949 (Minutes, page 204), are funds for the construction of an addition to Warehouse No. 1, near the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, to provide quarters for research in hydraulic engineering. Since the work is of a remodeling nature, the Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend that it be done under the standing contract with Lewis S. Colbert, Champaign, for work of this nature at an estimated cost of $12,577.30. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this addition to the standing contract with Lewis S. Colbert. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this authority was given as recommended. ADDITION TO GENERAL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING (10) T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $1,752.14 in the general contract for the construction of the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building to provide for (1) terrazzo treads and landings on the stairs in place of cement treads and landings, and (2) asphalt tile floors in stair halls (continuation of asphalt tile floors in corridors). These are some of the items eliminated from the original specifications in order to keep down the cost of the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building. Sufficient funds are now available for these additions. The terrazzo stair treads and the asphalt tile floors in the stair halls will be more satisfactory from the standpoint of maintenance and appearance. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this addition to the contract. On motion of Mr. Davis, this addition to contract was authorized as recommended. ADDITION TO GENERAL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING ( n ) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $4,300 in the general contract for the construction of the Mechanical Engineering Building for the installation of acoustical tile ceilings on the first and second floors in six classroom corridors. Acoustical treatment of
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