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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 247]

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[February 17

ISAAC JOLLES, Psychologist, State Department of Public Instruction, Springfield H . WORLEY KENDELL, Professor and Head of Department of Physical Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago

FREDERICK H . MAURER, Pediatrician, Peoria MAYER A. PERLSTEIN, Pediatrician, Chicago

HAROLD WESTLAKE, Director of Speech Clinic, Northwestern University, Evanston

On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were made as recommended.

PROGRESSIVE ADMISSIONS PLAN (4) On recommendation of the Director of Admissions and Records and with the concurrence of the Provost, I recommend the following changes in the policy governing admissions to the University effective at the beginning of the Summer Session of 1949: 1. That the progressive admissions plan be rescinded. It is generally agreed that the plan has worked well. It is no longer needed, because we expect to be able to admit all students, resident in Illinois, who qualify under the former system. Illinois residents will be admitted who fulfill the standard entrance requirements— graduation from an accredited secondary school with fifteen units of acceptable secondary school work. 2. That with respect to applicants who are not residents of the State of Illinois: ( a ) the admission of new freshmen be confined to students who rank in the upper 50 per cent of their high-school graduating classes; and (b) the admission of transfer students be confined to those who average not less than 3.5 in their college work in terms of the marking system of the University of Illinois. 3. That transfer students who are residents of Illinois who have a scholastic average of less than 3.0 be admitted only on special action of the dean of the college to which the student seeks admission.

On motion of Mr. Livingston, these changes in policy were approved as recommended.

AMENDMENT OF POLICY AND RULES RELATING TO COMPENSATION AND WORKING CONDITIONS OF NONACADEMIC EMPLOYEES (5) In accordance with the terms of the Policy and Rules Relating to Compensation and Working Conditions of Nonacademic Employees, the Director of Nonacademic Personnel certifies to the Retirement System most nonacademic employees as of the date of employment. This practice is costly in time and effort, since employee turnover occurs chiefly within the first six months of employment, the normal probationary period. It is agreed by all officials concerned that the practice should be changed to provide for certification at the end of the six months probationary period. This calls for the following changes in the Policy and Rules (language to be deleted in brackets and new language in italics) : SECTION I — 6. [A permanent and continuous employee is ( a ) one employed in a position or in work which the University contemplates continuing for the next six months, or is ( b ) a person who has completed six months of service.] A permanent and continuous employee is an employee who has completed six months' service in any classification or classifications in nonacademic employment. F o r this purpose a month of service shall be no less than twenty work days, excluding approved absences. A person employed regularly but on a part-time basis and fulfilling the above conditions will be considered a permanent and continuous employee. SECTION I I I — i-A. Permanent and continuous employees and those employed in positions or in work which the University contemplates continuinq for at least six months, but who have not yet completed six months' service in any classification or classifications of nonacademic employment, in prevailing rate groups paid at hourly rates, will be paid a monthly rate determined by multiplying the number of hours of the work year, which shall be uniform in all years, by the hourly rate and dividing by 12, as follows: . . . SECTION V I — i-Sub-paragraph. Permanent and continuous employees and those employed in positions or in work which the University contemplates continuing for at least six months, but who have not yet completed six months' service in any classification or classifications of nonacademic employment not in a prevailing rate group will be excused with full pay.