Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
228 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [ J a n u a r y 13 mend the award of a contract to the lowest bidder, Mancini and Ventrella, Chicago, on the basis of a lump sum bid of $89,351. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract. T h i s authority was given as recommended. A D D I T I O N TO CONTRACT FOR GENERAL WORK O N STUDENT A N D STAFF APARTMENTS (4) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $2,637 in the contract for the general work in connection with the construction of the student and staff apartments. This increase is to provide for the substitution of terrazzo stair treads and landings in place of cement. Funds are available for this addition. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the above addition to this contract. T h i s addition to contract was authorized as recommended. PURCHASES (5) There are submitted recommendations for purchases for approval by the Board (see Appendix, page 234). These purchases were authorized as recommended. T h e Executive Committee adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM Secretary J O H N R. F O R N O F , C H E S T E R R. D A V I S PARK LIVINGSTON Chairman