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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 21 ROBBERY AT BUSINESS OFFICE OF CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES (19) The Business Manager of the Chicago Professional Colleges reports through the Comptroller that on the morning of June 17, 1948, at about 11:00 a.m., armed robbers held up the Business Office of the University at the Chicago P r o fessional Colleges and robbed the Business Office of the following valuables: 1. Currency and coin $2 238 00 2. Receipts for advances as a result of adjustments due to resignations and travel advances 385 27 3. Possible loss due to loss of powers of attorney authorizing the endorsement of State warrants 2 446 83 Item 2 represents only that portion of a total of about $800 of papers taken which it has been impossible to replace. Additional replacements may come to light on these items. Item 3 represents powers of attorney attached to receipts of authorization for endorsing salary warrants from individuals leaving the University after payrolls were prepared. These enable the cashier to replace the amount advanced and credit the difference between that and the warrant to the department to which it was originally charged. It will probably be possible to replace to a considerable degree, and perhaps fully, all of these documents. Item 1 is completely covered by insurance but not items 2 and 3. This report was received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (20) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed between May 1 and July 10, 1948 (see Appendix, page 65). This report was received for record. GIFTS AND GRANTS OF FUNDS FOR RESEARCH AND OTHER PURPOSES (21) A report of gifts and grants of funds for research and other purposes received by the University since the last report on March 9, 1948 (see Appendix, page 66). This report was received for record. RESOLUTIONS FROM T H E ILLINOIS PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION (22) The Illinois Pharmaceutical Association at its annual convention at Springfield on May 16, 17, and 18, 1948, adopted the following resolutions: RESOLUTION N O . 13 Resolved: That the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association, in convention assembled at Springfield, Illinois, May 16-17-18, 1948, commends the President and Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Dean E. R. Series of the College of Pharmacy for the splendid, cooperative, and cordial relations which have existed during the past year between them and the Pharmacy Advisory Committee to the College of Pharmacy, and respectfully suggest and recommend the appointment of our respected member and Past President, Harold A. Wild, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dale Ruedig, as well as the reappointment of our respected member, Otto J. Pelikan, to succeed himself, and the retention of our respected members, Jack I. Reader, Ed Brown, and Charles Walgreen, Jr., as the five members of that Committee, in addition to our President as ex officio member of that Committee. RESOLUTION No. 14 Resolved: That the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association recommend to the President of the University and the Board of Trustees that facilities be established to graduate 200 pharmacists each year; be it further Resolved: That the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association concur in and support the proposal of the University of Illinois Buildings Committee to establish a new Pharmacy Building and a Drug Plant Experiment Station, to further the adequate development of pharmaceutical education in this State; and be it further
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