Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 205 I concur, with the recommendation that all funds be subject to release by the President of the University according to ( a ) the relative priority of research and educational needs, and (b) the availability of labor and materials to complete alterations and other construction. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these recommendations were adopted, and the appropriations were made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Dr. Luken, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Stevenson. DIVISION OF SOCIAL WELFARE ADMINISTRATION (11) I recommend that the Division of Social Welfare Administration, which has heretofore been administered under the Graduate College, be given independent status similar to that of the independently organized schools and institutes. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this change was made as recommended. PRESIDENT STODDARD REPORTS ON UNESCO At this point, on request of Mr. Williamson, President Stoddard reported informally on the recent session of UNESCO at Beirut, Lebanon. OPEN SESSION The Board, in open session, considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH (1) Dean Henning Larsen of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is also Professor and Head of the Department of English and Acting Head of the Department of Classics. H e has asked to be relieved of some of these administrative duties. On his recommendation I have appointed Professor Paul N. Landis, who has been serving as Vice-Chairman of the Department, as Acting Head of the Department of English from February I through August 31, 1949. On motion of Mrs. Holt, the action of the President of the University in making this appointment was approved and confirmed. AWARD OF CERTIFICATES OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (2) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded the following persons on the basis of their having fulfilled all of the requirements and having passed the C.P.A. examination which was given in November, 1948: EARL WARREN ALLEN WARREN L E W I S ALSBERG ROBERT ARONSON PAUL GUDMUNDUR ASGEIRSON WALTER ROBERT BARON BENJAMIN Q. BECKERMAN MANFRED HULCAR BENCTSON THEODORE BERGER SIDNEY W I L L I A M BERMAN JOHN JOSEPH BIEG ROBERT P H I L I P BLEICHER DONALD NORMAN BOTSFORD WAYNE STRUVE BOUTELL FRANCIS VIRGIL BOYD TRED CAHNMANN LEONARD W I L L I A M CAMPBELL KOBERT THOMAS CAMPION BERTRAM LIONEL C H E Z ALOIS F R A N K C I N A BERNARD FRANCIS CINKOSKE THOMAS FRANCIS CLARK, JR. J O H N CHRISTIAN WALTER CLEMENS LLOYD T R U M A N CLEMETSEN R A L P H GILBERT CONGER LAWRENCE JOHN DESMOND ROBERT L O U I S DICKE ROBERT F E L I X DICKEY LEO VINCENT DIETER LAWRENCE STRODE D U N H A M O L I N N E I L L EMMONS ERSKINE P H E L P S EUSTICE, JR. ANTHONY P H I L I P FALDUTO THOMAS BERT F A U L S CHARLES WOLFGANC FIELD