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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
192 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 13 mend that the contract for the general work on this property be awarded to Lewis S. Colbert under the standing contract with him for minor remodeling, on a cost plus basis previously approved by the Board, at an estimated cost of $0,000 for the general work. I concur in this proposal and recommend an appropriation of $12,000 for this remodeling. On motion of Mr. Davis, this project was approved and the appropriation was made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fomof, Mr. Davis, Mr. Livingston. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF BARRIER AT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (6) When the University of Illinois took over the Navy Pier, there were no Stanchions or chains around the east end of the Pier separating the recreational area and the promenade. This area is used heavily during the day and IS also Used at night whenever dances or other events are held in the auditorium. The installation of a barrier is desirable as a safety improvement and is also required under the terms of our agreement with the City of Chicago as a restoration item. The United States Navy, former lessee of the Pier, removed the barrier and the University in leasing the space assumed the obligation of replacement. Bids have been received for this installation, and the Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend the award of the contract to the lowest bidder, the Pulaski Iron Works, Chicago, in the amount of $3,223.25. Funds are available in the Physical Plant renewal and replacement budget. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract. On motion of Mr. Livingston, authority was given as recommended. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF VENTILATING SYSTEM IN ILLINI U N I O N BOOKSTORE (7) T h e bookstore area in the Arcade Building was increased in 1047 by the closing of the central corridor to provide office space. This has been a material improvement in the bookstore operation, but Since these are interior rooms there is a problem of ventilation. A similar problem exists in the book storage rooms in the basement during the summer months. Bids have been received for the installation of a ventilating system for these areas. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract to the lowest bidder, Schroeder's Heating and Ventilating, Champaign, on the basis of their bid of $4,970. Funds are available from Bookstore operations for this improvement. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract. On motion of Mr. Davis, authority was given as requested. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR REPLACEMENT OF SIDEWALKS AT CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES (8) Bids have been received for the replacement of sidewalks and curbs on the east side of Wood Street between Polk Street and the alley north of Taylor Street and also on the south side of Polk Street from Wood Street to the alley west of Hermitage Avenue. The walks and curbs in these locations are in very bad condition and are hazardous. New sidewalks are contemplated regardless of how the area is finally developed architecturally, and the replacement at this time would definitely improve the appearance of the Wood Street frontage, as well as reduce hazards. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract to the lowest bidder, Concrete Craftsmen, Inc., Chicago, in the amount of $4,850. Funds are available in the Physical Plant budget for this improvement. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract. On motion of Mr. Livingston, authority was given as requested.
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