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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Tuberculosis Research, Institution for, apparatus for vaccine, purchase, 393 appropriation bill, 527 Board of Medical Directors, University representatives, 1071 budget, 701, 788 approved, 146, 249 freeze-dry package unit, purchase, IT 16 quarters in Cook County Hospital, remodeling, 1083 transfer to University, legislation, 528 request, 242 Tubing, Chemical Storeroom, purchase, 900 Tucker, Beatrice H., degree, 853 Tucker, B. W., degree, 846 Tucker, C. W., certificate, 969 Tucker, D. W., degree, 1238 Tucker, Mrs. Helen C , appointment, 733 Tucker, Mrs. Hilda, appointment, 789 Tucker, J. L., appointment, 104, 649, 657 Tucker, J. R., degree, 450 Tucker, J. W., degree, 1243 Tucker, Lucianna, appointment, 734 Tucker, O. A., Jr., degree, 466 Tucker, Priscilla P., degree, 1027 Tucker, W. T., appointment, 1145 Tuckey, S. L., appointment, 383, 589 cancellation, 845 salary adjustment, 1059 Tudor, B. A., Jr., degree, 1023 Tuggle, Mrs. Gloria W., appointment, 73S Tuggle, R. V., degree, 469 Tuggle, \V\, degree, 1021 Tulis, M. A., degree, 271 Tu1l. R. J., degree, 431 Tullio, V., fellowship, 340, 1091 Tullock, W. M., appointment, 735 Tully, J. F., degree, 1229 Tuma, Mrs. Alice B., appointment, 793 Tuma, J., appointment, 782 Tummelson, II. C , Jr., degree, 265 Tumor Clinic, research, gift, 912 Tumor formation in rats, research, gift, 911, I469 Turner, Mary L., degree, 457 Turner, R. M., degree, 1220 Turner, V. D., degree, 848 Turner, \V. L., degree, 1019 Turner, W. R., degree, 1029 Turnock, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 743 Turnock, J. H., Jr., appointment, 1147 degree, 263 Turquette, A. R,, appointment, 565 leave of absence, 1008 \ Turschmann, F. R., degree, 469 . Tursich, F. M., degree, 858 I Tursich, J. A., degree, 474 resignation, 46 ' Turyn, A., appointment, 379, 557, I J 4 2 Tuschhoff, J. V., degree, 115 l Tustin, J. W., degree, 1217 j Tuthill, J. K., appointment, 610, 1144 I Tutt, P. R., degree, 267 Tuttle, Claudean E., degree, 272 Tuttle, D. M., appointment, 1145 Tuttle, Esther W. M., degree, 157 Tuttle, G. P., appointment, 544 ! Tuttle, J. B., degree, 1243 Tuttle, M. A., degree, 157 I Tuxhorn, Frances T., degree, 262 ] Twaite, Babette, degree, 434 i Tweedell, K. S., degree, 264 j Tweedy, H. E,, degree, 855 j Twery, R. J., degree, 1235 j Twichell, E. R., degree, 1215 i Twichell, W. E., degree, 853 , Twiggs, R. E., degree, 122 Twin City Federation of Labor of Champaign, objections, prevailing rates of wages at Robert Allerton Park, 405 ; Twin City Printing Co., purchase, 233, 901, 90^ 1 Twin City Roofing Co., contract, 525 j Twiss, R. F.. degree, 1028 Twist, Jane E., appointment, JO88 Twist, R. L., degree, 469 i Twitchell, Mrs. Nadyne, appointment, 775 1 Twomey, G. M., degree, 856 1170 Twomey, Verdene, appointment, 775 Tung, L., degree, 1203 , Tykociner, J. T,, appointment, 610 fellowship, 980, 1090, IOQT , Tyle, E. J., degree, 1024 Tung, S., degree, 439 Tyler, C. E., degree, 1235 fellowship, 1137 Tyler, Emily M., degree, 848 Tung, T. P., degree, 1010 i Tyler, M. C , degree, 437 Tunick. I. W., degree, 128 i Tyler, W. P., degree, 1232 Tunison, G. L., degree, 465 Tunning, R. S.. degree, 1222 Tylman, S. D., appointment, 694 Tun-Sol Lamp Works, Inc., purchase, 937 leave of absence, 152 Tupper, Caroline, appointment, 559 Tyner, E. H., appointment, 967, 979 Tupper, Marguerite R., degree, 440 Typewriters, Business Organization and OperTupper, N. W., degree, 463 ation, purchase, 483 Turbogenerator, Abbott Power Plant, contract, Tyroler, R. L., appointment, 182 ! Tyrrell, J. J-, degree, 464 249 I Tyson, Dolores C , degree, 1225 Turek, F. W., degree, 463 Tyson, R. A., degree, 448 Turek, R. F., degree, 854 Tzakis, A. N., certificate, 497 Turicchi, Mrs. Rose, appointment. So 5 Turigliatto, Lucille G., appointment, 740 Uchimoto, Laura M., degree, 1230 Turke, G. J., Jr., degree, 1247 Uchtmann, C. G., degree, 1024 Turkiewicz, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 792 Uditsky, N., degree, 275 Turnbull, L. C , degree, 461 Uebel, W. E., degree, 278 Turner, C. A., degree, 1215 Uehling, E. R., fellowship, 1095 Turner, C. T., certificate, 133 declination, 1097 Turner, Elizabeth, appointment, 104 ; Uehrke, G. C , Jr., degree, 473 Turner, F. H., appointment, 545 ! Uehrke, Gladys, appointment, 797 Turner, Fern N., degree, 933 Uhrhan, Evelyn E., fellowship, 182, 343 Turner, G. C , appointment, 49, 870 Ulatowski, J. F., degree, 1218 Turner, G. R., degree, 862 Ulcer, gastric, research, gift, 6g Turner, H. C, degree, 451 Ulloa, Mar got, appointment, 696 Turner, Harold E., degree, 116 Turner, Horace E., appointment, S3, 875 Ulm, A. B-, degree, 857 Turner, Mrs. Helen D., appointment, 592, 603 Ulm, Cleo H., degree, 1211 Ulmer, Estaline D., degree, 453 degree, 440 Ulmer, M. W., degree, 1226 Turner, Helen J., appointment, 73» Ulrich, G. A., degree, 457 Turner, J. K., degree, 849 appropriation, balance reapTurner, Lona L., appointment, 104, 39*, 7*9 l Ultra-centrifuge, 70 1 propriated, Turner, Margery, appointment, 642 ! Ultrasonics, effects, research, 65 Turner, Marilyn J., appointment, 735 ; Umbdenstock, M. M., degree, 1020 Turner, Mary E., appointment, 751
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