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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I465 Tayel, M. A. R., degree, 440 Tehon, S. W., appointment, 611 fellowship, 1137 Teichmann, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 718 Taylor, A. B. r appointment, 389, 566 Teigler, H. I„ appointment, 547 Taylor, A. E., degree, 1014 Teitelman, S. L„ appointment, 59, 880 Taylor, A. M., degree, 472 declination, 929 Taylor, Babette, fellowship, 1089 Tejada, A. D., appointment, 804 Taylor, C. B., appointment, 55, 425, 690, 876 Tektronix Co., purchase, 280 Taylor, Charles E., appointment, 104, 389, 618 Telephone equipment, Chicago Professional declination, 428 Colleges, contract, 185 Taylor, Clifford EM appointment, 104, 595, 601 Telephone service, Dentistry, postgraduate Taylor, Curtis E., degree, 1020 j program, 901, 959 Taylor, C. G., degree, 275 i Telephone system, budget, 670, 776 Taylor, C. R., degree, 857 Telephone switchboard, Chicago Professional Taylor, D. E., appointment, 425, 839, 979 Colleges, appropriation, balance reappro^ degree, 450 priated, 72 Taylor, E. H., collection, appropriation, balTeletype sets, electronic digital computer, ance reappropriated, 70 purchase, 902 Taylor, Elizabeth, appointment, 803 Television, football games, contract, 30 Taylor, F. C , degree, 854 Telleen, J. M., degree, 1019 Taylor, G. J., appointment, 104, 388, 570, Telling, G. R., certificate, 206 1150 Telser, S. E., appointment, 871 resignation, 1138 Temmer, H. E., appointment, 715 Taylor, G. P., degree, 449 Temperature and humidity, control equipment Taylor, H. O., Jr., degree, 858 in Noyes Laboratory, contract, 82 Taylor, J., suit, dismissed, 1084 study, appropriation, balance reappropriated, legal services, 989 70, 484 Taylor, J. F„ degree, 1197 Temperature - measuring device, discovery, Taylor, Juanita J„ degree, 1229 patent rights, 1068 Taylor, Katharine, degree, 121 Temple, Jean A., degree, 453 Taylor, L., appointment, 803 Temple, W. C , degree, 859 Taylor, Margaret J., degree, 440 Tenenbaum, J., degree, 1235 Taylor, Margaret L., degree, 113 Tener, R. L., appointment, 561 Taylor, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 798 resignation, 845 Taylor, P. M., certificate, 323 Teng, C , degree, 431 Taylor, R. L., degree, 1028 Tennant, R. M., degree, 1238 Taylor, R. S., degree, 860 Tennes, Ruth E., degree, 851 Taylor, R. W., degree, 1199 Tennessee Corp.. gift, 67, 905, 1167 fellowship, 980 Tennis courts, Chicago, contract, 411 Taylor, S. G., I l l , appointment, 49, 104, 374, Illinois Field, appropriation, balance reap683, 1087 propriated, 487 Taylor, Mrs. Sadie W., apixjintment, S39 University High School, contract, 296 degree, 440 Tensing, B. F., degree, 863 resignation, i n , 256, 1097 Tents. Four-H Club Camp, rental, 352, 1163 Taylor, Sarah E., appointment, 732 Teodosiadis, R., degree, 930 Taylor, T. F., degree, 278 TepHtz, R., degree, 1229 Taylor, \V. B,, appointment, 1142 Teppema, R. A., appointment, 801 Taylor, W. H., appointment, 42, 565, 1147 Terfansky, H. M., degree, 1233 Taylor, Wei ton I., appointment, 155, 680 Teris. M. K.. degree, 271 Taylor, Willison I., degree, 1245 Termination of appointments, 304, 427, 1096, Taylor, W. L., degree, 439 1137 Taylor, W. R., appointment, 557, 784 Ternquist, A. R., certificate, 1046 Taylor-English Coal Co., contract, 24, 179 Terrell, E. W., certificate, 1035 purchase, 1001, 1051, 1260 Terrell, J. M„ Jr., degree, 1022 Taylor Street, 1830 West, permission to inTerrien, F. W., appointment, 374, 569, 657 stall wire and equipment, contract, 235 Terril. C. E.. degree, 1215 property at 1712-14-16 West, purchase, 403 Terrill, T. R., certificate, 1035 property between Hermitage Avenue and Terrill, S. \V., appointment, 586, 1139 Paulina Street, acquisition, 403 degree, 157 Taymor, Helen An, degree, 457 Terrill, W. A., appointment, 624 Teacher Education, Council on, appropriation, degree, 260 balance reappropriated, 69 Terry, Ellen A., appointment, 839 budget, 631, 760 degree, 1015 health education program, funds, gift, 1167 resignation, 1056 office space, remodeling, 81 Terry, J. W., degree, 1237 Teacher of handicapped children, classification, Terry, Joanne M.. degree, 1231 discontinued, 173 Terry. R. D., degree, 118 Teacher training in agriculture, duplication in Terry. R. E., appointment, 698 state teachers colleges and normal uniTertocha, E. D., degree, 1231 versities, statement. 1084 Terzaghi, K., appointment, 609 Teachout, M. W.. degree, 1221 Tesch, W. J., Jr., degree, 271 Teagle Foundation, Inc., gift, 68 Teschan, P. E.. appointment, 871 Teague, Leah C , degree, 1210 Teschan, Patricia P., degree, 473 Tebow, H. J., degree, 432 Tesluk, H.. appointment, 876 Tebrugge, H. A., degree, 1242 Tessman, Mrs. Ethel S., fellowship, 1094 Teca Corp., purchase, 394 declination, 1138 Tedford, E. V., Jr., degree, 1225 Test, C. E., degree, 449 Tedford, Norma L., degree, 1210 Tester, Jane B., degree, 275 Teel, H. L., degree, 450 Testing machine, purchase, Aeronautical EnTeel, R. R.. degree, 1215 gineering, 352 Teeple, H. M.. degree, 274 Civil Engineering, 353, 490, 1258 Tehle, E. A., Jr., degree, 1212 1 Teton, J. B., appointment, 52, 676, 872 Tehon, L. R.T appointment, 621 Tevebaugb, J. L., degree, 1226
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