UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1472]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Talbot Laboratory, electrical distribution system, improvements, engineering services, 999 remodeling, appropriation, 300 balance reappropriated, 71, 487 service drives, appropriation, 175 balance reappropriated, 486 contract, 175, 297 Talbott, R., appointment, 57, 878 Talbott, R. D., degree, 1226 Talbott, W. G., degree, 121 Taliaferro, Lucille W., degree, 1242 Tallmadge, Ellenor, appointment, 759, 760, 762 Talmadge, R. L., appointment, 662 Tamari, M., appointment, 685 Tamen, F. T., degree, 1240 Tamping Bag Co., gift, 903 Tamres, M., appointment, 42, 378, 557 Tanada, T., degree, 1197 fellowship, 980 Tanaka, Mrs. Charlotte, appointment, 792 Tancula, F. T., degree, 1236 Tandberg, Agnes G., appointment, 546, 946, 9S7 T. & R. Supply Co., purchase, 1039 Tandy, Margaret J., degree, 1225 Tang, H., degree, 437 Tang, Y. C , degree, 1209 fellowship, 1092 Tanguy, Y., painting, purchase, 280 Tannenbaum, A., degree, 1237 Tannenbaum, I. R., fellowship, 340 Tannenbaum, Marcia, degree, 1225 Tanner, D, A., appointment, 735 Tanner, F. W., appointment, 555 Tanner, J. F., degree, 447 Tanner, M, C-, appointment, 155 Tanner, Norma V., degree, 453 Tanner, W. S., degree, 271 Tanton, H. B., degree, 469 Tantranon, R., degree, 120 Tao, L., degree, 1210 Tape, G. F., appointment, 616 resignation, 1138 Tapp, G. R., degree, 862 Tapp, J. B., degree, 439 Tapp, N. E., Jr., degree, 470 Tar, Physical Plant, purchase, 900, 1260 Tarika, E. E., degree, 455 Tarlow, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 689 Tame, D. R., degree, 1221 Tarnoff, N., degree, 1242 Tarpley, R, L., degree, 462 Tarpoff, A., degree, 1229 Tarrant, Ramona A., degree, 1238 Tarro, Joan R., degree, 1216 Tarter, A. W., degree, i02g Tarun, D. W., appointment, 1007 Tassler, M. C , degree, 261 fellowship, 43, 427 Tassler, Mrs. Norma L., appointment, 768 Tatalovich, M,, degree, 465 Tate, A., appointment, 583, 600 Tate, L, E., appointment, 762 lease, 132 Tate, Marjorie L., appointment, 512 Tate, R. L., degree, 1219 Tatro, R. E., degree, 857 Taub, A. H., appointment, 383, 564, 620 lease* 238 Taube, A. M., degree, 1207 Tavis, R. L., appointment, 773 Tavormina, P. A., degree, 930 Tavs, Louise E., appointment, 303, 681 Taxes, exemption, legal services, payment, 404 Medical Center Steam Co., status, 999 Michigan Avenue, property at 709 West, payment, 12 payments in lieu of, appropriation, 828 legislation, 528 request, 242 summary, 920

Swenson, L. G.. Jr., degree, 1034 Swenson, R. H., appointment, 638 Swerdlow, A. B., degree, 1229 Swerdlow, R. H., degree, 472 Swieczkowsld, A. T., certificate, 133 Swienton, A. P., degree, 453 Swift, H. R., degree, 469 Swift, J . S., Co., purchase, 64 Swift & Co., gift, 68, 909, 1170 Swindall, B. L., degree, 1242 Swine diseases, value of sulfonamides and antibiotics, study, 525 Swine feeding plant, alterations, appropriation, Swinehart, C. E., appointment, 777 Swine nutrition, study, proteins and vitamins in, 335, 1158 Swing, J. H.. degree, 46s Swininoga, E. J., degree, 1248 Swint, Mrs. Billie, appointment, 799 Swint, Mildred C , degree, 433 Swisher, W. P., appointment, 104, 68.: Swoboda, Mrs. Betty J. H., appointment, 657 degree, 114 Swoboda, T. J., fellowship, 107, 340, 980 Swofford, W. T., degree, 1021 Swortwood, L. C , certificate, 1035 Sydor, J. P., Jr., degree, 849 Sykes, C. W., degree, 1215 Sykora, J., member of advisory committee, 178 Sykora, L. J., appointment, 52, 873 Symon, Alison M., appointment, 388 degree, 1012 Symon. T., degree, 124 Synwolt, R. J., degree, 863 Sypult, D. A., appointment, 756 Syringes, Chicago General Stores, purchase, 279 Szmyd, M. A., appointment, 695, 957 Szold, R. E., degree, 860 Szukala, E. M., appointment, 805 Szybilski. R. K., degree, 1227 Szymanski, F. J., appointment, 303, 681 Taaffe, E. J., appointment, 338, 927 Tabachnick, N. D., degree, 472 Tabaka, J. M., degree, 268 Tabaka, P. R., appointment, 752 Table linen, Illini Union, purchase, 234 Tables, appropriation, Physics Laboratory,



purchase, General Engineering Drawing, 62 Physical Plant, 482 Robert Allerton Park, 351 Student and Staff Apartments, 1162 University High School, 279 Tabulating machine equipment, Chicago, contract, 83 Tabulating Office, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 483 moving, 81 Tacke, A. W., appointment, 874 Tnckett, R. W., appointment, 758 Taft, A. C , degree, 1215 Taft, D. R., appointment, 388, 568 Taft, Marion G., appointment, 795 Taft, W. F., degree, 865 Taggart, R. R., degree, 461 Tagliani, C. T., degree, 1233 Taif, Patricia A., degree, 1248 Tajima, Miyo R., degree, 1233 Takahashi, F. Y., certificate, 133 Takemura, K. H., degree, 115 fellowship, 255, 340 Talbert-Thomas Co., purchase, 960 Talbot, Adelaide, appointment, 787 Talbot, C , member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, termination, 1176 Talbot, Mrs. Nell S., appointment, 692, 696 Talbot, W . M., decree 278