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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Sullan, R. B,, degree, 1238 Sullivan, Bernadette M., appointment, 839 Sullivan, Catherine MT, appointment, 104, 593, 6or, 604 salary adjustment, 1060 Sullivan, D. L., fellowship, 342, 1094 Sullivan, Eugenia B., degree, 453 Sullivan, H. M,, degree, 1221 Sullivan, J. M., Jr., degree, 1028 Sullivan, Mrs. Joanna, appointment, 796 Sullivan, L. A., Jr., degree, 1221 Sullivan, Mary A., degree, 117 Sullivan, Richard E,, degree, 431 fellowship. 231 Sullivan, Robert E., degree, 861 Sullivan, R. F., appointment, 771 Sullivan, R. N., appointment, 384, 645, 1146 leave of absence, 1047 Sullivan Chevrolet Co., purchase, 232, 235, 306, 354, 394, 937, 984, 1117, 1163, 1260 Sullivan Farm, fencing, appropriation, 1182 Sullivan tracts, purchase, 310 annual payment, 499 Sulzer, E. G., degree, 440 Summers, C. R., degree, 1202 Summers, H. E., appointment, 807 Summers, J. B., degree, 1247 Summers, 0 . C , degree, 117 Summers, R. G., degree, 275 Summers, W. L., appointment, 384, 645, 1146 Summer Session, budget, approved, 362, 1126 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 390, 726, new appointments, 363 Urbana-Champaign divisions, 375, 647, 763, 1138 timetables, printing, 351 Summerville, L. M., certificate, 206 Sumner, Barbara A., degree, 453 Sumption, M. R., appointment, 380, 633 Sun, K., degree, 261 fellowship, 340 termination, 1097 Sundberg, Gertrude J., degree, 118 Sundeen, R. A., appointment, 547 declination, 845 Sunderland, J. R., certificate, 133 Sunderman, G. E., degree, 433 Sundgaard, A., appointment, 104, 570 resignation, 845 Sundin, H. S., appointment, 231, 609 degree, 442 fellowship, 1092 Sundin. R. H., degree, 1244 Sundloff, F. D., degree, 859 Sundmacher, H. C , degree, 1034 Sung, W. P., degree, 124 Sunlin, W. M.. degree, 122 Sun Oil Co., lease, 84, 149 Sun Times, gift, 1170 Sunyar, A. \V. t appointment, 303 degree, 258 resignation, 428 Supervision and High School Instruction, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 Suppiger. N. R., degree, 463 Supple, C. J., degree, 457 Surbaugh, W. C , appointment, 771 Surgeon, J. D., degree, 1020 Surgery, air-conditioning unit, purchase, 960 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 budget, 691, 785 clinical faculty, 57, 879 fellows, 344 gift, cardiovascular training, 1172 postgraduate teaching, 911 research, 68, 167, 908, 909, 1170, 1171. 1172 1151 1463 Suryk, R. R., degree, 1242 Sus, Geraldine, appointment, 793 Susina, Mrs. Betty J., appointment, 254, 699 Susina, S. V., appointment, 182, 698 fellowship, 107 declination, 156 Suslick, A., degree, 1247 Susman, C. D., degree, 1021 Susman, I. C , degree, 472 Susman, Marilyn G., degree, 453 Sussman, M., appointment, 957 Sussman, Raquel B., appointment, 839 Sutcher, Muriel E., degree, 465 Suter, N. S., Jr., degree, 1238 Suter, R. C , degree, 115 Suter, R. H., appointment, 733 degree, 125 Sutherland, A. D., degree, 439 fellowship, 341 declination, 345 Sutherland, B. M., degree, 1245 Sutherland, R. L., appointment, declination, HI graduate curriculum, HOT Surgical Dressings, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 707, 796 Surratt, E. E., degree, 266 Sutherlin. Kathryn J., appointment, 638 Sutter, Nancy A., appointment, 839 Sutton, H. H., degree, 117 Sutton, J. C , appointment, 839, 1146 Sutton. J. R., degree, 857 Sutton, Mrs. Nancy B., resignation, 428 Sutton, R. M., appointment, 104, 383, 564, 632, 1146 degree, 158 Sutton, W. M., degree, 453 Suzuki, H. E., degree, 447 Svatos, G. F., degree, 1026 SvetanofF, C , degree, 1248 Svob, T.. degree, 259 Svoboda, D., degree, 1021 Svoboda, I. L., degree, 1242 Swager, E. C , degree, 464 Swain, H. H., degree, 1245 Swain, J. W., appointment, 563, 1145 Swain, Victoria P., appointment, 104 Swain, W. E., degree, 1225 Swain & Myers, Inc., purchase, 351, 900 Swaminathan, S., degree, 930 Swanberg, A. V., Jr., degree, 472 Swank, Irma L., appointment, 104, 662, 10S8 Swann, S., Jr., appointment, 607 Swanson, A. H., degree, 460 Swanson, D. C , degree, 1233 Swanson, Dorothy I., degree, 466 Swanson, F. L., degree, 455 Swanson, Frances E., appointment, 73S Swanson, George, & Son, contract, 330 Swanson, Gustav, appointment, 786 Swanson, G. C , degree, 1235 Swanson, J. W., appointment, 570, 1150 Swanson, Jean D., degree, 1225 Swanson, Marilyn J., degree, 457 Swanson, Mrs. Marjorie W., appointment, 570 Swanson, N. L., degree, 268 Swanson, \V., appointment, 38S Swanson, W. O., degree, 459 Swanson Associates, contract, 355 Swartz, M. S., degree, 1242 Swartzhaugh, W. J., degree, 848 Swayer, W. J., member of advisory committee, 178 Swearingen, C. S., appointment, yjz Swearingen, V. L., appointment, 748 Sweeney, E. H., degree, 450 Sweeney, Mrs. Jane, appointment, 779 Sweeney, M. J., appointment, 56 Sweet corn, agreement to grow and introduce varieties developed by University, 236 Swehla, R. K. degree, 1229 Swendsen, J, E., degree, 1218 Sweney, A. B., degree, 432 Swengel, Mrs. Beulah W., appointment, 38S, 570, 1150 resignation, 1195
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