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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Simmergren, R. M. t degree, 441 Simmons, C, W., degree, n g g Simmons, D. V-» degree, 462 Simmons, E., appointment, 767 Simmons, Emily S., appointment, 548, 620, 957 Simmons, G. K,, degree, 1026 Simmons, Mrs. Mildred J., appointment, 760 degree, 10 ir Simmons, Nancy, degree, 457 Simmons, P., degree, 862 Simmons, R. E., degree, 468 Simmons, W. D., degree, 464 Simms, E., degree, 262 Simon, E. H., degree, 1210 Simon, F. V., degree, 127 Simon, Josephine A., degree, 662 Simon, L., Jr., degree, 1242 Simon, M. L., certificate, 496 Simon, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 382, 957, "45 Simon, R., degree, 457 Simon, R. B., degree, 278 Simon, R. P., appointment, 767 Simon, S. S., degree, 851 Simon, W. E., degree, 1216 Simon, W. P., appointment, 387, 512, 659, 1149 Simons, U. E., degree, 449 Simonsen, S. H., degree, 930 Simonson, B, E., degree, 271 Simplex Time Recorder Co., purchase, 1162 Simpson, C. E., degree, 1020 Simpson, Mrs. Elaine C , appointment, 838, 1089 Simpson, F. H., tribute, 1051 Simpson, Frances, appointment, 647 Simpson, H. B., degree, 1203 Simpson, J. D., degree, 267 Simpson, J. E., degree, 468 Simpson, L., gift, 905 Simpson, M. H., degree, 1201 Simpson, R. C , degree, 1236 Simpson, R, E., degree, 378 Simpson, R. H., appointment, 380, 629 lease, 132 Simpson, R. L., fellowship, iog5 declination, 1138 Simpson, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 798 Simpson, V. G., degree, 1027 Sims, Anna R., appointment, 806 Sims, J. R., degree, 1206 fellowship, 1092 Sims, Mrs. Joyce, appointment, 789 Sims, M. D., degree, 47^ Sims, S. S., degree, 8.57 Sims, V. A., degree, 457 Sinai Temple Congregation of ChampaignUrbana, gift, 903 Sinclair, Annette degree, 43* Sinclair, C. IX, degree, 473 Sinclair, G. M., appointment, 619 degree, 441 Sinclair, Margaret A., degree, 1239 Singbusch, Elsa L., appointment, 76? Singer, E. G., Jr., degree, 275 Singer, J. D., appointment, 50, 871 Singer, J. R., appointment, 755 degree, 1021 Singer, M., certificate, 1035 Singer, M. B., appointment, 613. " 4 7 Singer, R. R., Jr., degree, 275 Singh, A., degree, 848 Singh, H-, appointment, 875 Singh, K., degree, 161 Singler, C. L., degree, 1033 Singleton, J. W., appointment, 56 resignation, 256 Sink, Marie J., degree, 468 Sinnamon, G. K.., appointment, 254, 609 degree, 261 Sinnott, J. W„ appointment, 770 Sio, A. A., degree, 1203 Siokos, B., degree, 470, 1247 1453 Sires, E. A., degree, 117 Sires, H. C., appointment, 765 Sirich, J. B,, appointment, 383, 558, 563, 1146 j Sirota, N. H,, certificate, 292 Sisco, Jennie E., appointment, 800 Sisco, P. C., degree, 1030 Sisk, D. EM member of advisory committee, 79. 818 Sisk, Pearl B., degree, 438 Siska, A. H., degree, 447 Sjsney, Mrs. Josephine L., appointment, 75g Sisson, K. P., degree, 1028 Sistek, Mrs. Louetta V., appointment, 737 Sistek, P. E., degree, 1023 Sister M. DePaul Klover, degree, 118 Sister M. Hortensia Kizior, degree, 1248 Sister Mary Dorice Suchowski, degree, 114 Sister Mary Gregory Marquardt, degree, 857 Sister Mary Martinette Hagan, degree, 430 Sister Rose Catherine Nicely, degree, 855 Sittner, Mrs. Mollie L., appointment, 103, 338, I 512 degree, 854 Sivik, M. V., degree, 123 I Sixth and John Streets property, appropria| tion, balance reappropriated, 486 ; purchase, 360 j annual payment, 499 Sixth Street, property at 704 South, lease, 4 I remodeling, contract, 93 j Sixth Street parking lot, resurfacing, 1116 Sjordal, J. E., degree, 1210 Skadden, D. H., appointment, 624 degree, 849 Skadeland, H. M., appointment, 512, 723 j Skagen, Eileen, appointment, 783 i Skeen, J. R., appointment, 512 Skeen, Nancy N., scholarship, 255 Skelton, Janice N., degree, 457 Skelton, \V. H., degree, 460 Skibbens, Alice, appointment, 794 Skidmore, S. A., degree, 1220 Skidmore, W. E., appointment, 42 Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, architectural services, housing projects in Chicago, 78, M5, 403, 99i housing research project, 196, 226 rental staff housing survey, 195 student housing survey, 404, 490 Skiles, Phyllis J., degree, 457 Skin, preoperative preparation, research, gift, ! 68 I Skinn, J. R., degree, 1237 \ Skinner, G. S., degree, 453 [ Skinner, M. B., appointment, 868 I Skinner, R. C., degree, 112 | Skinner, R. E.. degree, 1218 1 Skizas, G., degree, 1240 ; Skogen, Mrs. Clara S., appointment, 718 \ Skok. J., appointment, 595 Skold, R. V., degree, 454 ! Skolnik. E., appointment, 685 j Skonecke, H. L.,. degree, 450 Skoog, I. H., degree, 1229 Skorburg, J. F., degree, 1029 I Skorburg, N. R., degree, 1031 Skorburg, W. ])., degree, 268 I Skorodin, B., appointment, 57 ! Skorupa, Loretta B„ degree, 465 j Skraastad, N., degree, 468 Skroder, C. E-, appointment, 381, 610, 1144 Slack, Mrs. Harriett H., appointment, 739 Sladek, Mrs. Adeline, appointment, 807 Sladek, R. R., degree, 1216 Sladek, \V. R., appointment, 50, 871 t Slaght, H. L., degree, 1229 j Slagle, A. G., degree, 266 Slais, \V. J., certificate, 206 j Slaker, F. A., degree, 1221 ! Slane, W. F., degree, 1225 j Slapak, Mildred V., degree, 861 ! Slater, B. J., degree, 444 j Slater, C. P., appointment, 735
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