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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

145^ BOARD OF TRUSTEES Siegbahn, N-, appointment, 795 Siegel, A., degree, 457 Siegel, A. L., appointment, 155, 871 Siegel, E., certificate, 496 Siegel, H., certificate, 496 Siegel, L. H., degree, 1225 Siegel, N. M., degree, 1033 Siegel, R. G., degree, 1229 Siegert, H. F., degree, 468 Siegfried, R. P., degree, 268 Siegle, P. E., appointment, 392, 715, 720 Siegmeier, L. B,, degree, 1030 Siegrist, F. L., degree, 123 Sieling, Fern F., appointment, 797 Sieling, R. A., degree, 450 Siemons, E. H., degree, 1027 Siemons, P., degree, 1028 Siems, C. H., contract, 5, 1082 Sierks, E. F., appointment, 42, 387 Siess, C. P., appointment, 608 Sievers, J. J., appointment, 181 Siewert, F. T., resignation, 231 Siewierski, R., degree, 270 Sifferd, C. S., appointment, 548 degree, 112 Sifrer, A., degree, 1218 Sigel, E. C , degree, 1232 Sigel, S. M., degree, 270 Siglin, 1. S., appointment, 682 Signatures, delegation of, Board officers, 1042 facsimile, resolution, 287, 1043 Signor, Nelle M., appointment, 647, 663, Sih, K., degree, 1013 Sikes, G. R., degree, 1225 Sikes, V. G., appointment, 1142 degree, 447 Sikora, C. J., degree, 1027 Silarski, Lorraine, appointment, 793 Silberg, S. S., appointment, 722, 1152 Silbergeld, S., appointment, 103, 391, 1153 Silberman, B. E., certificate, ,1035 Silberman, R. E., degree, 453 Silep, C , certificate, 173 Siler, L. D., appointment, 759 Silin, Jacqueline, fellowship, 1137 declination, 1195 Silkett, A. F-, appointment, 391, 392, 723, 1152, 1154 Silkin, I., degree, 468 Silkwood, W. M., degree, 461 Silos, South Farm, repair, 353 Silva, J., appointment, 784 Silver, Doris, degree, 861 Silver, E., degree, 472 Silver, J. D., degree, S65 Silver, J. M., degree, 1247 Silver, R. J., appointment, 230, 549 degree, 259 resignation, 845 Silverman, Ann, appointment, 785 Silverman, B., appointment, 611 Silverman, E. J., degree, 273 Silverman, M., degree, 1229 Silverman, R. J., appointment, 1147 Silverman, R, M., degree, 1033 Silverstone, D. A., degree, 1242 Silvertrust, D. A., degree, 125 Silvestrini, D. R., degree, 450 Sim, A. D., degree, 1242 Sim, J. R., degree, 1221 Simcox, C. E., degree, 930 Simer, P. H., appointment, 679 Simerl, L. H-, appointment, 578, 601 salary adjustment, 1057 Simet, L., degree, 271 Simhauser, L. E., degree, 444 Siminoff, P., degree, 850 fellowship, 841, 1137 Simkin, M., appointment, 49, 870 Simkin, W., appointment, 49, 870 Simmel, Marianne L., appointment, 957 Sholem, S. H., degree, 1235 Sholl, M. D., degree, 1242 Sholota, H. M., degree, 468 Shomay, D., degree, 856 Shonfeld, R. B., degree, 463 Shopen, K. G,, appointment, 721, 1193 Shop Laboratories, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, 723, 805 Shor, H., degree, 112 Shore, F. J., appointment, 425 Shores, J. H., appointment, 380, 629, 649, 1143 Short, Dorothy M., appointment, 41, 662, 1088 Short. H. E., degree, 1215 Short, J. J., degree, 858 Short, N. H., degree, 1020 Short course, American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, contract, 236 Shorts, K. R., degree, 1213 Shotick, G. K., degree, 468 Shouh, J. G., degree, 460 Shramek, W. J., degree, 1242 .Shramm, R. J., degree, 1225 Shrifter, H. B., degree, 457 Shrode, L. B., appointment, declination, n o Shrode, R. S., degree, 1209 Shrogin, Sylvia D., appointment, 768 Shrout, R. E., degree, 457 Shroyer, Mrs. Ellen W., appointment, 745 Shroyer, L. W., I l l , degree, 434 Shub, L., degree, 439 Shubert, D. W., degree, 445 Shugart, Nancy S., degree, 1231 Shull, B. W., degree, 1020 Shulman, M. D., degree, 1215 Shulman, V. H., certificate, 206 Shulse, \V. A., degree, 1028 Shumaker, J. C., degree, 265 Shuman, C. B., member of advisory committee, 178, 365, 1176 Shuman, D. L., degree, 458 Shuman, H. E., degree, 160 Shurte, Marcia A., degree, 855 Shurtleff, J, H., degree, 1226 Shurtleff, W. C , degree, 1022 Shustcr, H. F., degree, 262 Shutt, D. L., degree, 433 resignation, 845 Shutt, H. E., degree, 1219 Shuttleworth, R., appointment, 957 Shuwal, M. C , degree, 1033 Sibal, L. R., degree, 457 Sibley, K. E., degree, 117 Sibley, M. Q., appointment, declination, n o Sibons, G. D., appointment, 838 Sichau, Margaret, appointment, 798 Sichta, C. J., degree, 446 Sidebottom, O. M., appointment, 618 engineering bulletin, publication, funds, 1165 Sideman, M. B., degree, 453 Sider, R. M., degree, 462 Sidewalks, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 Chicago Professional Colleges, contract, 192, 329 construction, referred to Buildings and Grounds Committee, 370 Green Street, contract, 90, 297 Physics Research Laboratory, reconstruction, 76 temporary housing areas, contract, 810 Sidler, V. L., degree, 460 Sjdlo, R. J., degree, 1238 Sidney Harrison Co., purchase, 1162 Siebert, F. S., appointment, 645, 655 Siebold, W. C , degree, 1240 Siebrasse, M. J., degree, 122 Sieck, H., Jr., d egree, 1202 Sieferman, Helen L., degree, 124 Siefert, E. \VM appointment, cancellation, 46 Siefken, R. R., degree, 128
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