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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1448 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schweig, E. S., degree, 126 Schweik, A, E., degree, 1242 Schweikher & Elting, contract, 1002 Schweitzer, A. W., appointment, 55, 876,927 Schweitzer, G. F., certificate, 206 Schweitzer, J. D., degree, 1217 Schweitzer, L. F,, degree, 278 Schwenk, W. T., gift, 905 Schwerdt, Helen F., degree, 1229 Schwerdt, R. F., degree, 1229 Schwerdtfeger, EJva G., appointment, 752 Schwerma, H., fellowship, resignation, n o Schwetz, J. J., degree, 450 Schwetz, M. J., degree, 1242 Schwetz, Marion A., degree, 1231 Science and Industry, Museum of, cancer exhibit, construction, contract, 177 funds, 909, 1170 Scientific Equipment & Manufacturing Co., gift, 1169 Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., purchase, 164, 900 Sciora, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 798 Scire, F. J., degree, 1023 Scofield, Elizabeth K., appointment, 41 resignation, 513 Scolnick, A. M., degree, 1229 Scott, A. L., appointment, 560 Scott, Mrs. Bernice A., resignation, n o Scott, C. L., degree, 126 Scott, C. M., appointment, 74 r Scott, D. S., degree, 929 Scott, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 751 Scott, E. J., appointment, 41, 385, 565 Scott, E. S-, fellowship, 1055, iogi Scott, Emma, appointment, 792 Scott, G. A., degree, 265 Scott, G- C , degree, 1243 Scott, G- H., appointment, 54. 875 Scott, H. B., degree, 267 Scott, Harold Martin, appointment, 585 salary adjustment, 1059 Scott, Harold Martin, Jr., degree, 456 Scott, H. W., appointment, 383, 562 leave of absence, 293 Scott, J., appointment, 570 Scott, J. C , contract, 24 increase, 821 Scott, J. P., degree, 859 Scott, J. S., degree, 454 Scott, J. W., appointment, 1150 Scott, K. E., degree, 1215 Scott, L. L., appointment, 385 Scott, M. B., appointment, 425 degree, 442 fellowship, 343, 1095 scholarship, 156 Scott. M. J., degree, 1011 Scott, M. W,, degree, 278 Scott, Monna R., degree, 453 Scott, N. R-, appointment, 610 degree, 1198 Scott, Patricia A., degree, 270 Scott, R. E., appointment, 41, 387, 566 resignation, 981 Scott, R. F., appointment, 1007 degree, 1016 Scott, R. P., degree, 1022 Scott, R. W., degree, 865 Scott, T. R., Jr., degree, 444 Scott, V., purchase, 937 Scott, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 764 Scott, W. F., certificate, 817 Scott, VV. 0-, appointment, 583, 601 degree, 435 salary adjustment, 1058 Scottish Rite Masonic Fund, addition, gift, 910 Scotton, D. W., appointment, 1140 degree, 1016 Scouffas, G., appointment, 155, 382, 560 Scovill, H. T., appointment, 623 Screens. Residence Halls, purchase, 481 Schultz, H. G., degree, 271 Schultz, J. E., degree, 1242 Schultz, L. W., appointment, 58, 696, 879 Schultz, Lauretta, appointment, 790 Schultz, P., degree, 273 Schultz, R. E., appointment, 1193 Schultz, Susan A., degree, 440 resignation, 375 Schultz, W. M., appointment, 386, 614 degree, 441 resignation, 1008 Schulz, G. W., appointment, 805 Schulz, W. F., appointment, 616 Schulze, Grace M.. degree, 456 Schumacher, Loretta C , appointment, 75^ Schumacher, R. E., degree, 1242 Schumacher, W. G., degree, 1217 Schumacher, W. W., degree, 278 Schumacker, Mary T., appointment, 77© Schumaier, C. P., degree, 1215 Schumann, D. W., appointment, 242, 303, 563- ii45 Schunk, C. A., degree, 126 Schupp, J. G., appointment, 871 Schur, \V. B., degree, 462 Sckurman, J. R., degree, 473 Schussele, H. A., certificate, 4g6 Schussele, J. H., degree, 267, 1209 Schuster, C. S., degree, 1202 Schuster, L. A., degree, 1219 Schutt, A, C , degree, 1242 Schutz, F. \V., Jr., degree, 1014 fellowship. 427 Schutz, G. E., degree, 276 Schutz, H. A., appointment, 103, 725 Schutz, H. G., degree, 1225 Schutz, Susie J.« degree, 1229 Schuyler, A. L., degree, 1221 Schuyler, \V. M., appointment, 718 Schwab, A. M., degree, 449 Schwab, Betty R., degree, 453 Schwab, J. J., degree, 476 resignation, 844 Schwab, M., degree, 473 Schwalb, R. R., degree, 271 Schwalbe, E. F., degree, 268 Schwalbe, W. L., appointment, 61S Schwarm, £. W., degree, 449 Schwartz, A. H., degree, 1229 Schwartz, C, appointment, 720, 1153 Schwartz, D., appointment, 103 Schwartz, E., degree, 1033 Schwartz, E. A., certificate, 133 Schwartz, Elizabeth, appointment, 1054 Schwartz, Faye L., degree, 458, 1203 Schwartz, G. F., appointment, 637 Schwartz, H., degree, 1247 Schwartz, H. D., degree, 461 Schwartz, H. R., appointment, 50, 871 Schwartz, I., degree, 862 Schwartz, Mrs. Usa, appointment, 797 Schwartz, Irene E,, appointment, 734 Schwartz, L,, degree, 456 Schwartz, L. H., appointment, 53 Schwartz, Lillian, appointment, 798 Schwartz, M. L., appointment, 512, 872 Schwartz, Merle T„ degree, 1026 Schwartz, Molly K., degree, 1024 Schwartz, R. E., degree, 1023 Schwartz, S. 0., appointment, 49 declination, 231 Schwartzman, M. L-., degree, 1233 Schwarz, Alice D., degree, 1236 Schwarz., E. W., degree, 1219 fellowship, 1092 Schwarz, F. J., degree, 1248 Schwarzlose, P. F., appointment, 381, 610, 1144 Schwarz Paper Co., purchase, 901 Schwass, W. G., degree, 114 Schwegal, D. M., fellowship, 1093 declination, 1138 Schweibish, A. A., degree, 1033
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