UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1451]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Ruffolo, L. E., degree, 463 Rugs, purchase, Lincoln Avenue Residence, 163, 1164 Ruhm Phosphate & Chemical Co., gift, 1165 Rukstinat, G. J., resignation, 231 Rumble, Mrs. Lucy K., appointment, 661 1088 Rumery, June A., degree, 454 Rummer, Hazel R., degree, 124 Rump, K. C , degree, 1021 Rumsey, G. B., degree, 278 Rumsey, Mary H., degree, 857 Rund, C. J., appointment, 749 Rund, D. M., degree, 1234 Rundback, R. J., degree, 437 Rundell, D. H., degree, 463 Runey, J. B., appointment, 1087 Runkle, R. J., appointment, 103, 387 degree, 855 Runser, Donna, appointment, 775 Runyan, Jeanne, appointment, 747 Runyon, J. B., degree, 1225 Ruppel, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 774 Ruppel, W., degree, 125 Ruscitti, R. S., degree, 1030 Rush, F. A., degree, 121 Rush, H., appointment, 770 Rush, J. V., degree, 456 Rush. Patricia L., degree, 1225 Rushlewski, J. \ \ \ , degree, 1239 Rushing, Dorothy B., degree, 158 Rushing, L., degree, 117 Rush-Presbyterian, budget, 690 Rusk. H. I'., appointment, 575, 585, 602 appreciation of services in negotiating purchase of farm land, 310 Ruskin, B., degree, 1229 Russel, H. G., appointment, 585 Russell, A. C , degree, 1027 Russell, A. H., degree, 1209 Russell. Barbara E., degree, 1024 Russell, C. L., degree, 1030 Russell, C. R-, degree, 468 Russell, C. W., degree, 445 Russell, F. A., appointment, 623 Russell, G. I)., appointment, 374 Russell, G. W., degree, J236 Russell, H. G., appointment, 603 salary adjustment, 1058 Russell, Helen M., gift, 66 Russell, J. A., appointment, 149, 562 Russell, L. M., degree, 464 Russell, L. W., resignation, 46 Russell, Marian E., appointment, 707, 978, 1136 Russell, N. K., degree, 447 Russell, P. E., degree, 1218 Russell, R. L., Jr., degree, 437 Russell, R. S., degree, 124 Russell, Ramona, appointment, 760 Russell, T. E., degree, 456 Russell, Wandalene T., degree, 462 Russello, J. C., degree, 1030 Rust, Dorothy M., degree, 1235 Rust, Eleanor, appointment, 803 Rust, Gladys M., degree, 1201 Rust, R. H., appointment, 425. 534, 59$ degree, 1013 Rust. \V. W., degree, 1242 Ruszel, Virginia H., degree, 473 Rutan, H. G., degree, 457 Ruth, T. L., Jr., degree, 1024 Ruthe, C. E., degree, 1214 Ruthenberg, R. R., degree, 472 Ruther, R. E., degree, 863 Ruthven, B. W., appointment, 41, 657 Rutledge, R. W., degree, 1033 Rutman, D. B., degree, 1024 Ruttle, L. D., appointment, 338 Ruttmann, S. S., degree, 447 Ruwe, A. C , appointment, 579, 598 Ruyle, W. V., degree, 258 Ryan, B. H., Jr., degree, 1033


Ryan, D. C., degree, 128 Ryan, D. G., appointment, 385, 613, 1147 Ryan, E. D., appointment, 391, 724, 1153 Ryan, Mrs. Edna, appointment, 103, 547 Ryan, J, E., appointment, 771 lease, 283 Ryan, J. F., certificate, 496 degree, 1236 Ryan, J. V., degree, 268, 1211 Ryan, L. C., appointment, 799 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 2S7, 1043 i Ryan, Marian L., degree, 1216 ! Ryan, Rosemary E., degree, 1027 Ryan, W. P., degree, 1033 Rybak. P. J., degree, 468 Rychtik, R. F., degree, 450 Rycroft, Mrs. Emily, appointment, 800 Rydbeck, E. H., degree, 464 Ryden, \V. V., degree, 274 Ryder, B. L., fellowship, 1091 Ryder, J. D,, appointment, 490, 610 Ryker, J. M., degree, 1231 Rylander, C. R., degree, 121 Rzeszut, Josephine, appointment, 780 Rzeszut, Julia, appointment, 789 i Saalwaechter, E. G., degree, 466 Saalwaechter, Jeanne P., degree, 1226 Saathoff, E. R., degree, 1242 ' Saathoff, Gladys E., appointment, 758 ! Saathoff. Lucille J,, appointment, 745 Saban, J. P., degree, 278 Sabath, Pearl R., degree, 123 Sabatini, Genevieve R., degree, 435 Sabbatical leaves of absence, list, 292, 407, 946, 1047 Sabin, M, I., degree, 125 Sabo, A. J., degree, 1244 Sabyan, J. J., degree, 276, 1031 Sachar prize in history, gift, 66 Sachtleben, Jvian R., degree, 1024 Sachtleben, \V. C , degree, 461 Sackett, A, D., purchase, 353, 1162 Sackheim, Alice R., appointment, 103, 720, I "53 Sackheim, G. I., appointment, 103, 392, 720, "53 Sacks, M., degree, 1212 Sacks, Miriam, degree, 453 Sacks, S., degree, 1029 Sadkin, B., degree, 1248 Sadorus, M. F., appointment, 756 Sadove, M. S., appointment, 303, 691, 927 Sadowsky, N. M,, degree, 860 Safes, Medicine, purchase, 306 Safety improvements, Noyes Laboratory, appropriation, 995 contracts, 949 Sab, M. H., degree, 1204 , Sagan, J., Jr., degree, 846 I fellowship, 341, 1092 ! Sager, J. R., degree, 278 j Sagert, A. L., degree, 468 I Sagik, B. P., appointment, 1139 1 Sagle, C. H., degree, 468 [ Sagona, F. M., appointment, 103, 698, 838 I Sagraves, Marjorie A., degree, 124 1 Saguiguit, G. F., degree, 1207 • Saidel, A., degree, 865 i Saillard, Mrs. Ruth M., appointment, 737 Sailor, J. C., degree, 1215 I Sainati, E., fellowship, 1093 [ St. Clair, Eloise, degree, 454 1 St. Clair, L. E., appointment, 596, 643 St. Clair, L. G., degree, 1232 St. Clair, R. G., degree, 453 St. John, J. B., degree, 125 St. John, R. E., degree, 461 1 St. John, Ruth E., degree, 1216 I St. John, W. L., degree, 124 I St. Joseph Appliance Store, purchase, 280