UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1450]

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Rowe, T. H., degree, 1229 Rowe, W. L., degree, 447 Rowitch, J., degree, 472 Rowland, J. W., certificate, 206 Rowland, R. E., appointment, 425 degree, 264 Rowley, W. G., degree, 445 Roy, J. R., degree, 468 Roy, R. O., degree, 1238 Roy, Mrs. Winifred D., appointment, 760 Royal, P . E., degree, 262 Royal Neighbors of America, loan, Student and Staff Apartments, resolution, 369, 395 Royal Tailors, Inc., purchase, 523 Royer, W. L., degree, 1225 Royse, Annabel, appointment, 773 Royster, F, B., degree, 121 Rozen, H. M., degree, 1232 Rozmarek, Elaine R., degree, 453 Rozynkowicz, M. R., degree, 470 Rubhra, Jean O., appointment, 41, 59 Rubel, S. M., degree, 1232 Rubenking, G. B., degree, 468 Rubenstein, F. J., degree, 456 Rubenstein, L. H., appointment, 181 Rubenzik, Marcelle J., degree, 1027 Rubin, A. H., degree, 456 Rubin, Constance R., degree, 270 Rubin, G., degree, 855 Rubin, H., degree, 275 Rubin, H. H., appointment, 47 Rubin, Helene J., degree, 463 Ruhin, I., degree, 1234 Rubin, L., appointment, 978 Rubin, M,, fellowship, 1006 Rubinstein, Mrs. Harriet K.., appointment, 717 leave of absenee, 1056 Rubinstein, P., degree, 865 Ruble, G. E,, degree, 1214 Rubnich, S., degree, 473 Rubovits, A. L., degree, 1225 Rubovits, Joan M. R., degree, 1225 Ruby, A. M., degree, 1029 Ruby, G, B., degree, 1214 Ruby, 1. E., degree, 438 Ruby, P. R., degree, 270 Ruck, Elayne M., degree, 466 Rucker, D. W., degree, 1031 Rucker, H. J., appointment, 577 salary adjustment, 1056 Ruckman, Kathleen M., appointment, 661, 108S Rudd, Marilyn L., degree, 458 Rudd, T. S., degree, 1030 Rude, A. H., degree, 1238 Rudesill, L. L., degree, 1542 Rudin, Cecilia M., appointment, 718 Rudnick, D. P., appointment, 59, 8S1 Rudnick, L. H., degree, 462 Rudnick, R. L., degree, 1033 Rudolph, Lucille M., degree, 456 Rudorf, Carolyn L,, degree, 1203 Rudy, Lorraine, appointment, 779 Rue, O. J., degree, 1242 Rueb, R. R., degree, 854 Rueckert, R. P., degree, 934 Rueff, Dorothy C., degree, 124 Ruehe, H. A., appointment, 587 Ruehe, R. W., degree, 1242 Ruester, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 560 Rueter, A. R., degree, 1033 Ruettinger, J. C , memorial scholarship, gift, 903, 1165 Ruettinger, J. W., gift, 66, 68, 903, 1165, 1173 Ruettinger, Phyllis P., memorial scholarship, gift, 903 Ruff, _L C , appointment, 806 Ruff, L., degree, 473 Ruff, R. T., degree, 450 Ruffin, J- B., degree, 860 Ruffner, H. EM degree, 447

Ross, Edward A., appointment, i 8 i t 568, 838, 1149 Ross, Eugene A., certificate, 496 Ross, F. J., Jr., appointment, 636 Ross, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 790 Ross, G. F., degree, 1238 Ross, H. H., appointment, 561 Ross, H. L., degree, 456 Ross, H. M., degree, 456 Ross, J. R., degree, 1218 Ross, June, diploma, 1247 Ross, Mrs. Lou A., appointment, 799 Ross, Mrs. Marion E., appointment, 740 Ross, Mary F., degree, 117 Ross, P., appointment, 53 Ross, Robert C , appointment, 578 salary adjustment, 1057 Ross, Roy C., degree, 1242 Ross, R. M., appointment, 253, 378, 557,


resignation, 256 Ross, W. F. G., resignation, 147 Ross, Walter M., degree, 126 Ross, William M., degree, 121, 850 Rossan, R. N., degree, 860 Rosset, D. S., degree, 453 Rossetter, G., & Co., employed, 210, 1000 report, 210 Rossi, Doloros, degree, 123 Rossing, J. E., degree, 1229 Rossiter, W. A., degree, 117 Rossman, M. J., certificate, 1035 Rosso, W. H., degree, 852 Rost, R. J., degree, 456 Rostenberg, A., Jr., appointment, 681 research, gift, 167 Roszell, H. A., Jr., degree, 273 Roszkowski, S. J., degree, 274 Rotariu, Mrs. Janet M-, appointment, 743 Rotblatt. L., degree, 1232 Rotenberg, J., degree, 1225 Roter, A. M., degree, 123 Roth, D. F., degree, 270 Roth, D. P., degree, 1232 Roth, H. A., appointment, 58, 880 Roth, I. R., certificate, 133 Roth, Mrs. Lydta N., appointment, 737 Roth, N. G., appointment, 1139 degree, 436 Roth, Phyllis A., degree, 463 Roth, R. E., degree, 472 Roth, R. S., degree, 1015 fellowship, 513 Roth, V. C , degree, 113 Roth, W., appointment, 755 Roth-Adam Fuel Co., purchase, 975, 1001 Rothenberg, M. L., degree, 465 Rpthrock, J. VV., degree, 430 Rothstein, M\, degree, 930 Rotman, M. B., fellowship, 958 Rotter, H. A., degree, 123 Rotter, J., degree, 278 Rottman, J. S., degree, 473 Rottner, Ethel A., degree, 124 Rottschafer, H. W., appointment, 181, 867 Rouff, Christine T., degree, 117 Rouffa, A. S., appointment, 811, 838, 1151 Rough, F. A., degree, 119 Rountree, H. C , resignation, 183 Rourke, J. E., degree, 274 Rousseau, J. S., appointment, 1148 Rovelstad, Ann, degree, 1025 Rowan, 1. C., degree, 1225 Rowe, A. H., degree, 126 Rowe, B. M., degree, 263 Rowe, C. E., degree, 1239 Rowe, D. B., degree, 1237 Rowe, H. V., degree, 852 Rowe, L. E., degree, 278 Rowe, R. G., member of advisory committee, 4*7 Rowe, R. R., degree, 858 Rowe, R. Y., Jr., decree, 120, 1030


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