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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1434 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Radio Station, cont'd budget, 655, 766 equipment, appropriation, 824 purchase, 959 recording mecnanisms ; purchase, 982 record programs service, contract, 410 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 transmitter and tower, purchase, 1163 Radio and television engineering research, fellowship, gift, 67, 906, 1167 Radio tubes, Electrical Engineering, purchase, .3°7 Radium bomb, reconversion, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 , Radium D, effects, research, gift, 909 Radloff, C. F., appointment, 801 Radner, Frayda L., degree, 458 Radtke, R. A., degree, 1242 Radwell, Thelma I., appointment, 73-2 Rae, A., appointment, 384, 645 Rae, E. C , appointment, 511, 636 Raede, C. H., degree, 1033 Raede, Mrs. Lois J., appointment, 734 Raemer, R. M., degree, 1234 Raeske, W. C. J., degree, 1027 Raff, A. M., degree, 473 Raffel, M. W., degree, 270 Ragan, E. H., appointment, 102, 694 declination, 844 Ragan, M. R., degree, 1201 Ragins, A. B., appointment, 685 Ragins, O. B., appointment, 48, 869 Ragsdale, R. G.. Jr., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1097 Rahn, S. YV\, appointment, 739 Railroads, economic effects of use of frictiontype bearings, study, 185 Railsback, H, M., member of advisory committee, 416 Railsback, O. L-, appointment, 1125, 1136 Raimondi, A. S., degree, 1024 Rain, C , painting, purchase, 1117 Rainer, E. J., degree, 1029 Raines, I. I., appointment, n 40 degree, 434 Rainey, D. R., degree, 268 Rainey, G. T., degree, 121 Rains, Dorothy M., degree, 117 Rains, J., appointment, 746 Rains, J. H., Jr., degree, 270 Raisbeck, A., appointment, 57, 878 Raisbeck, L. R., degree, 450 Rail, R. W., degree, 1242 Rallo, J. J., degree, 117 Ralph, Mary J., degree, 456 Ralston, Carolyn J., degree, 458 Ramaswami, D., degree, 475 fellowship, 980, 1096 Ramey, Nellie H-, degree, 259 Ramm. H., degree, 463 Ramroop, I., degree, 1013 Ratnsdell, Joan M., degree, 1231 Ramser, J. H., appointment, 581 salary adjustment, 1057 Ramsey, C. E., degree, 470, 1247 Ramsey, Edith, appointment, 789 Ramsey, Eva, apiwintment, 789 Ramsey, S. W., degree, 1236 Ramsey, T. F., Jr., certificate, 206 Ramsey, T. H., degree, 1018 Ramshaw, W. C , degree, 456 Ramza, M. J., degree, 859 Ranalletta, T. R., degree, 1232 Rand, G., degree, 1029 Randall, F. A., appointment, 609 Randall, Gladys, appointment, 797 Randall, J., degree, 1018 Randall, J. G., appointment, 563 Randall, P. N., degree, 158 Randall, R. O., degree, 159 Randell, Shirley R., degree, 463 Randies, W. J., degree, 1207 Quetsch, Mrs. Miriam F., appointment, 927, "53 Quick, G. N., degree, 1219 Quick, Mrs. Lois D., appointment, 740 Quick, R. B., degree, 1242 Quick, R. L., degree, 1242 Quick, S. R., degree, 128 Quill, Leonora, degree, 861 Quine Library of Medical Sciences, budget, 708, 800 gift, funds for books, 67, 912 improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 Quinlan, Kathryn H., appointment, 718 uinlan, R. L., degree, 1234 uinlivan, J, M., certificate, 133 uinn, B. L., degree, 468 uinn, C. E., degree, 847 Quinn, Caroline, degree, 453 Qutnn, J. K., appointment, 560, 1144 Quinn, J. P., degree, 271 Quinn, Marian D., appointment, 629 declination, 844 uinn, T. J., degree, 1231 uinolinic acid, role in metabolism of tryptophan and niacin, research, gift, 1167 uinty, Gladys H., fellowship, 1091 uirk, K, J., degree, 126 uonset building, Airport, foundation and floor, 281 appropriation, 23 purchase, 281 aviation psychology, appropriation, 1077 Raack, E. F., certificate, 1035 Raasch, Elaine L., degree, 453 Rabe, R. F., degree, 1219 Rabens, I. A., appointment, 48, 869 Rabens, J. I., appointment, 102 Rabens, R. A., degree, 1247 Rabin, R., appointment, 720 resignation, 844 Rabinov, D. I., degree, 1247 Rabinowitch, E. I., appointment, 620 Rabinowitz, M., degree, 460 Raby, W. L., certificate, 1046 Race Street housing project, See Florida Avenue and Race Street housing project. Rachau, E., Jr., appointment, 785 Rack, L., degree, 1247 Racster, C. E., degree, 1219 Radctiffe, B. G., degree, 462 Radcliffe, Louise E., appointment, 796 Radebaugh, C. H., degree, 1029 Radebaugh, Mary S., degree, 1031 Radek, Antoinette, appointment, 791 Rademacher, R. C . degree, 856 Radice, C , appointment, 1006 Radio, Research and Educational Hospitals, gift, 66 Radiobiology Laboratory, equipment, appropriation, 191 Radiocarbon Laboratory, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 72, 486, 530 Radio Corporation of America, purchase, 233 Radiology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 485 betatron tube replacement, 983 budget. Dentistry, 697, 787 Medicine, 690, 785 Research and Educational Hospitals, 706, 796 clinical faculty, 57, 878 contour machine, purchase, 240 equipment, appropriation, 174, 1077* n ^ 7 films, gift, 912 graduate curriculum, 1101 remodeling, appropriation, 824, 1077 research, Rift, 909, 911 X-ray equipment, purchase, 1003 Radio seminar, funds, gift, 333, 1165 Radio Station, administration, changes, 813 statement of President, 881
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