UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1441]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Prosche, M. A., degree, 932 Prospect Avenue, property at 305 North, lease, 187 Prosser, C. L., appointment, 566 Prosser, O. R., degree, 126 Prosthetic Dentistry, postgraduate course, contract, 237 Proteins in swine nutrition, study, 235 Protein therapy, research, gift, 69 Prottsman, E. G., degree, 445 Protzman, D. P., degree, 447 Protzman, Ruth M., appointment, 41, 230, 662 resignation, 156 Proudfit, Mrs. Doyne, appointment, 753 Proust, collection of letters, purchase, 1039 Prouty, L,. R., degree, 1232 Prouty, M. D., Jr., certificate, 206 Provine, L. H., appointment, 635 Provost, report, additions to staff and education programs for 1949-1950, 816, 885 Provost's Office, budget, 541, 732 Prucha, Martin John, appointment, 587 Prucha, Martin John, Jr., degree, 439 Prudent, Norma J., degree, 1236 Pruett, Jean M., appointment, 733 Pruitt, Annie L., appointment, 659 declination, 844 Pruitt, F. H., degree, 857 Pruitt, Martha, appointment, 380 Prusinski, N. A., degree, 1235 Pruter, J. R., degree, 1215 Pruzansky, S., appointment, 338, 708 Prymuski, Eva D. E., degree, 454 Prymuski, R. M., degree, 466 Pryor, W. C , Jr., degree, 1224 Przypyszny, Mary A., appointment, 102 degree, 1206 Psicbogios, H. P., degree, 1224 Psychiatry, budget, 689, 784 clinical faculty, 56, 878 fellows, 344 gift, anonymous, 167 research, 167, 910, 911, 912, 1170, 1172, ii73 training in clinical psychology, 1170, 1172 gift fund, addition, 912 purchase, centrifuge, 353 electroencephalograph, 355, 482, 902 residency, contract, 984 Psycho-Educational Clinic, plans, preparation, application for federal funds, 971 Psychological Clinic, equipment, appropriation, 947 quarters, 1122 remodeling, appropriation, 1181 Psychology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 aviation equipment, purchase, 481 budeet, 567, 743 summer session, 387, H49 equipment, appropriation, 191 fellows, 343, 1095 gift, research, 1168 training in clinical psychology, 1168 head of department, appointment, 11S6 lie detector, purchase. 1038 • remodeling, appropriation, 191 contract, 32 Publications, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69 budget, 621 . faculty, annual compilation, discontinued,


! J 1 I


Public Housing Administration, temporary housing units at Galesburg, contract, termination, 331 temporary housing units at Galesburg, transfer, 420 Public Information, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 483, 485 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 677,


I Chicago Undergraduate Division, 716*804 I Urbana-Champalgn departments, 550, 740 I catalog for Navy Pier, printing, 1163 t Public Roads, Bureau of, contract, n 58 1 Public utilities, advisory committee, 417 ! Public Works Office Ninth Naval District, , contract, 1158 j Puccetti, A. J., degree, 86z ' Puckett, Eileen, appointment, 770 i Pudewill, C. J., degree, 1219 j Puestow, C. B., appointment, 691 ! Pugh, R. O., degree, 1238 : Pugliese, J. C., degree, 1022 j Pugliese, T. A., degree, 1033 ; Pulaski Iron Works, contract, 192 I Pullen, C, R.. degree, 1218 , Pulkn, M. W., Jr., degree, 1010 I Pullen, Mrs. Mary K., appointment, 774 Pulley, E. V., degree, 932 j Pulliam, A. L., degree, 849 j Pulliam, J., appointment, 754 i Pullman, Tra, degree, 442 I Pullman, M. E., degree, 1249 ! Pullman, "Mrs. Phyllis, appointment, 785 ' Pulos, A- J., appointment, 636, 1139 j Pumphrey, A. E., degree, 273 , Pundsack, F. L., degree, 456 I Punyagupta, S., degree, 267, 1014 I Purcell, W. J-, degree, 1012 i Purchases, 20, 61, 87, 129, 151, 163, i?6, 183, 193, 209, 228, 232, 240, 248, 279, 299, j 305, 33?, 35J, 3^8, 392, 402, 414, 479, ; 490, 505. 522, 825, 900, 923, 937, 953, ' 959, 974, 982, 1001, 1037, 1051, 1063, I 1079, 1115, 1131, 1160, 1185, 1258 ! Purchasing Office, purchase, steel building, j 354 : truck, 1260 I Purdy, R. C , degree, 1219 1 Purko. Michael, degree, 1026 Purko. Myroslow, degree, 933 Purnell, E. A., degree, 468 Purnell, Elizabeth I., appointment, 742 Purnell, Isabelle, appointment, 956, 1192 Purnell, L. S., degree, 262 PurneU, \V. F., appointment, 338, 583, 600, 837 salary adjustment, 1058 Purnell Fund, budget, 598, 750 Purvis, C. (J., appointment, 641 Purvis, T., Inc., purchase, 959 Pusey, W. A., estate, gift, 66 fund, gift, 1170 Pusey, W. S., appointment, 767 Pushkin, E. A., appointment, 53, 253, 874 Putnam, W. J., appointment, 389, 618 Putnick, W. M., degree, 460 Putnik, E. V., appointment, 837 Pye, M. L., appointment, 624 Pyenson, H., appointment, 589, 650 Pyle. D. K., degree, 1237 Pyles, O. C„ Jr., degree, 1033 Pyles, Wzllette E., degree, 113 Pypes, D. E., Jr., degree, 1025 Pyrethrum synergists, study, 1158 Publications Office, Chicago Professional ColPyrex laboratory glassware, purchase, 25, 394, leges, appropriation, balance reappropri900, 1063, 1259, 1261 ated. 485 Quaintance, W. F., degree, 1033 Public functions, budget, 552 Quails, L. L., degree, 158 Public Health, budget, 688, 784 Quastler, H., appointment, 425, 621 clinical faculty, 877 Quebman, P. B., degree, 1221 department, organization, 1071 Questiaux, Lillian M., appointment, 927, 1153 head of department, appointment, 1071