UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1440]

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I Price, G. A., appointment, 425 President's Office, budget, 54*. 732 Price, H. D., resignation, n o public functions fund, appropriation, 314 Price, H. H,, I I , degree, 1233 Presley, H. H., degree, 1201 Price, H. R., certificate, 323 Presley, Halina J., appointment, 717, 1151 Price, K. H., certificate, 206 Presley, Sophie J., appointment, 51, 253 Price, M. B.. degree, 470, 1247 degree, 474 Price, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 743 resignation, 844 Price, P. W-, appointment, 837, 927, 1148 Press, E. G.. degree, 473 Price, R. C , degree, 1219 Press, Norma T., degree, 463 Price, R. L., appointment, 766 Press, Valetta J., degree, 463 Press, University, appropriation, balance redegree, 473 appropriated, Kinley Autobiography, 483 Price, R. M., appointment, 390, 3g2, 714, 721, printing and publications, 69 722, 1152 University History, 483 Price, R. W., degree, 454 budget, 549, 739 Price, S. R., certificate, 1176 Price, T. S., degree, 1242 contracts with authors, authority, 813 Prichard, H. C , degree, 1235 equipment, appropriation, 296 Pridham, T. G., degree, 430 moving, appropriation, 81 Pridmore, W. T., degree, 461 photoengraving, contract, 482, 1187 Priebe, A., appointment, 764 printing equipment, contract, cancellation, Prier, J. E., appointment, 596, 644, 837 247 printing of books, contracts, Allen, D, C , degree, 442 480 Pries, G. F., degree, 1033 Baer, Jean C , 1164 Priest, F. O., appointment, 51* 872 Baldwin, T. W., 1037 Priest, R. E., degree, 1227 Branch, E. M., 938 fellowship, 1094 Cantril, H., 982 declination, 1097 Chicago Undergraduate Division cataPrignano, J. A., degree, 1224 log, 523 Prikopa, J. I., degree, 1033 Cremeans, C. D., 480 Prill, H., appointment, 784 Davenport, E., 937 Primer, L., degree, 275 Edelman, J. M., 1064 Primero, Francisca, appointment, 793 Graduate College catalog, 901 Princeton University, purchase, 1161 Handel, L., 1064 Principali, D., degree, 267 Herrick, M. T., 1037 Prindiville, R. F., degree, 1236 Holadav. A. G., 1037 Prineas, P. G., degree, 1219 Journal of English and Germanic PhiPringle, J. T., appointment, 765 lology, increase, 176 lease, 525 Kinley Autobiography, 479 Printing and publications, appropriation, balKolb, P., 240 ance reappropriated, 69 Meduna, L. J., 938 i Printing equipment, contract, cancellation, 247 Schramm, W., 479, 1115 Printing Products Corp., purchase, 1163 Shannon, C. E., 490 Print Shop, offset press, appropriation, balance Smiley, J. R., 1038 reappropriated, 483 The Miracle of Growth, 1 1164 purchase, binding of Illini Years, 1163 Time Table, 64, 235. 35 * 93&> *o63 book sewing machine, 1259 Trelease, W., 983 , film catalog, presswork and binding, 902 Undergraduate Study catalog, 351, 982, folder, 937 1065 layout and register table, 522 Utley, Jean, 1164 offset printing press, 354 Vestal, A. G., 480 parts for folder, 983 Weaver, \V., 490 press, 62, 393 Winterich, J. T., 5^3 Printy, G. E., degree, 439 Yuncker, T. G., 983 fellowship, 1055 revolving account, 550 Frisby, W. J,, certificate, 133 Presser Foundation, gift, 1165 Prisyon, J. B., degree, 462 Presson, P. H., degree, 274 Pritchard, D. D., appointment, 754 Prestin, H., appointment, 771 Prizes, funds, budget, 672, 712 Preston, C. S., appointment, 754 Proctor, Inez I., degree, 1207 Preston, D. A., degree, 468 Proctor, Laura M., fellowship, 341, 375 Preston, F. W., appointment, 59 declination, 375 Preston, Patricia, appointment, 796 resignation, 928 Preston, R. C , degree, 1213 Proctor & Schwartz, Inc., purchase, n 16 Preston, W. J., degree, 865 Proehl, C. W., appointment, 102, 630 Prestridge, J, A., Jr., appointment, 495, 511, declination, 844 Proehl, P. O., appointment, 303 635 Pretzman, Phyllis L., degree, 1215 cancellation, 110 Pretzsch, D., degree, 1020 degree, 260 Preuss, R. S., degree, 1232 Professional work experience, requirements, Preventive Medicine, budget, 688, 784 policy, 972 clinical faculty, 877 Profrock, Alice M., degree, 458 department, organization, 1071 Programs Unlimited, Inc., gift, 1170 equipment, appropriation, 1127 Progressive admissions plan, rescinded, 244 head of department, appointment, 1071 Prohaska, J. V., appointment, 58 Prewitt, L. E., degree, 1027 Prohaska, Rosemary, appointment, 800 Prezorski, J. R., degree, 460 Projection service, class, budget, 651 Pribble, Mrs. Joanne, appointment, 764 Projectors, appropriation, 245 Fribble, K. G., degree, 1.242 Propes, E. A., appointment, 41 Price, B., degree, 1226 resignation, n o Price, B, M. M., Jr., degree, 1242 Propst, D. W., appointment, 49, 869 Price, C. K., Jr., degree, 1030 Prorok, E. J., degree, 472 Price, E. M., degree, 1224 Prorok, E. S., degree, 1244 Price, Emma L, C , degree, 1207