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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1424 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Pearlman, M. D,, appointment, 154, 684, 837 Pearlstein, E. A., appointment, 1192 Pears, J. R., degree, 446 Pearsall, A. M., degree, 1237 Pearson, C. R., degree, 1214 Pearson, D. E., degree, 462 Pearson, Dorothy A., degree, 453 Pearson, E., appointment, 801 Pearson, F., Associates, purchase, g6o Pearson, Florence M., degree, 117 Pearson, Frances P. M., degree, i o n Pearson, G. E., certificate, 496 Pearson, J. D., degree, 450 Pearson, J. E., appointment, 383, 612 declination, 428 Pearson, J. R., degree, 1224 Pearson, K. E., degree, 847 Pearson, Mrs. Marilyn M., appointment, 760 Pearson, N. E., degree, 447 Pearson, O. L., Jr., degree, 1228 Pearson, R. L., degree, 278 Pearson, R. W., degree, 1228 Pease, C. F., Co., purchase, 522 Pease, Mrs. Marguerite J., appointment, 253 cancellation, 304 Peasley, Mary L., degree, 446 Peavler, R. J., degree, 115 Pecchia, D. J., degree, 1239 Pecht. G. A., degree, 447 Pechter, M., degree, 1213 Peck, G. W., appointment, 546, 549 degree, 1011 Peck, L. H., degree, 267 Peck, R. B., appointment, 608 Peck, R. C , degree, 468 Peckham, P. E., fellowship, 340 declination, 345 Peckler, D. A., appointment, 51 Peddycord, D. M., degree, 1235 Pedersen, P., degree, 162 Pedersen, R. V., degree, 1219 Pedersen, V. V., certificate, 133 Pediatrics, budget, 686, 784 clinical faculty, 55, 876 gifts, equipment, 912, 913 fellowship, Meade Johnson & Co., 1169 funds, gi 1, 1173 research, 68, 911 collagen diseases, 1170 leukemia, 910, 911 rheumatic fever, 908, 1171 therapy in infants and children, 166 traveling fund, 165 Pedodontia, budget, 6g5, 787 graduate curriculum, 1098 Pedrotti, L. S., appointment, 1140 Peek, A. L., degree, 438 Peek, R. K., degree, 865, 1213 Peeler, C. H., Jr., degree, 272 Peeples, R. D., degree, 464 Peeples, W. A., degree, 865 Peer, Mrs. Mary K,, appointment, 742 Peifer, A. G., degree, 1015 Peifer, Mary P., degree, 259 Peifer, Rose M., appointment, 733 Peirce, G, R., appointment, 381, 1144 Peirce, R. V., degree, 1012 Peithman, Winona C , degree, 112 Pekarsky, M. R., certificate, 496 Pelafas, P. G., degree, 1224 Pelayo, J., appointment, 803 Pelc, H. J., degree, 122 Pelcher, S. F., Jr., degree, 270 Pelias, Betty A., degree, 1224 Pelikan, E. W., degree, 470, 1249 Pelikan, O. J., member of advisory committee, 22 Patterson, J. D., degree, 1224 Patterson, L. V,, degree, 117 Patterson, Mary M., resignation, 45 Patterson, Mrs. Mildred, appointment, 626, 837. 114* Patterson, Mtliicent, appointment, 770 Patterson, P. L., degree, 1242 Patterson, W. H., degree, 278, 1030 Pattis. S. W., degree, 461 Patton, A. E., member of advisory committee, 417 Patton, A. N., certificate, 206 Patton, D. V., degree, 1238 Patton, E. M., degree, 461 Patton, Helen G., appointment, 757 Patton, J. W., degree, 433 Patton, L. A., degree, 264, 1213 Patton, R. GM degree, 1205 Pauesick, O., Jr., degree, 1239 Paugels, B. C.f degree, 1028 Paugels, L. R., degree, 1028 Pauker, N., appointment, 56, 877 Paul, A. B., appointment, 579, 589 leave of absence, 1008 Paul, Anna, appointment, 796 Paul, D. E., degree, 271 Paul, Elma, appointment, 794 Paul, Gladys L., appointment, 733 Paul, H. A., degree, 1247 Paul, J. T., appointment, 49, 682 Paul, J. W., Jr., degree, 266 Paul, Mrs. Katharine H., appointment, 374, 571, 1087 Paul, O., appointment, 870 Pauli, W. J., degree, 468 PauII, D. M., degree, 860 Paulsen, Mrs. Hilda, appointment, 782 Paulsen, J. A., degree, 1.247 Paulsen, J. D., degree, 1028 Paulsen, Phyllis I., degree, 453 Paulsen, W. E., degree, 1221 Paulsgrove, G. H., degree, 1214 Paulson, Katherine E., appointment, 102, 589, 598 Paulson, R. E., degree, 128 Paulson, W. A., degree, 267 Paurazas, Cecelia M., appointment, 787 Pautsch, H. W-, degree, 460 Pavek. \V« T., degree, 1221 Pavement, surface reflectance, study, 903 Pavis, J. T., degree, 275 Pavlick, A. L., degree, 266 Pawlowski, Louise H., degree, 275 Paxton, E., member of advisory committee, 417 Paxton, F., Lumber Co., purchase, 355 Paxton Typewriter Co., purchase, 281 Payne, J. C , degree, 457, 1207 Payne, J. P., Jr., fellowship, 341, 958 Payne, L. O., degree, 850 Payne, Mrs. Patricia F., appointment, 743 Payne, T. A., degree, 1203 Payne, W. R., degree, 1219 Payroll machine. Physical Plant, purchase, 480 Peabody, G. R., degree. 859 Peabody, Marjorie E., degree, 1224 Peabody, P. R., degree, 441 Peabody Coal Co., gift, 165, 903 Peace, F. S., degree, 860 Peaches, controlling bacterial spot, study, 525 Peacock, H. L., purchase, 183 Peacock, R. C , degree, 858 Peairs, Wanda F., degree, 115 Pearah, J, E., degree, 1023 Pearce, Catherine A., appointment, declination, n o Pearce, F. F., degree, 473 Pearce, H. \V., appointment, 709, 727 Pearce, W., Kift, 905 Pearce. \V. C„ degree, 1018 Pearlman, B., appointment, 682, 837 Pearlman, H. S., degree, 1247 Pelka, F. X., appointment, 694, 837 Pell, R., degree, 1224 Pellegrini, J. P., Jr., degree, 930 Peller, Mae, degree, 1239 Pellettiere, E. V., appointment, 54. 875 Pellizzari, Wilma L., degree, 456
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