UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1431]

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Parker, H., appointment, 56 Parker, H. S-, degree, 466 Parker, J. A., fellowship, 339 Parker, J. T., appointment, 53 Parker, K. H., degree, 262 Parker, K. P., degree, 433 Parker, M. L., appointment, 58, 879 Parker, Mrs, Margaret C , appointment, 734 Parker, N. A., appointment, 613 Parker, P. B., degree, 274 Parker, R. W., appointment, 654 cancellation, 844 Parker, Shirley, degree, 463 Parker, T. A., degree, 1232 Parker, W. E., degree, 1027 Parkerson, Lauralynn, appointment, 774 Parkhill, R. T., degree, 468 Parking facilities, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 Parking lots, construction, appropriation, 827 contracts, 370 Mechanical Engineering Building, 810 Student and Staff Apartments, 950 resurfacing, Ceramics Building, 482 Sixth Street, n 16 Parks, C. E., degree, 464 Parks, F. A., appointment, 773 Parks, M. E., degree, 1201 Parks, R. F., degree, 450 Parks Air Lines, transport service at Airport, agreement, 1183 Parliman, J. R., degree, 468 Parmacek, L., appointment, 55, 685 Parmalee, P. W., degree, 856 Parmelee, C. W., friends, gift, 66 Parmet, B. S., appointment, 40 declination, 156 Parmley, J., degree, 265 Parnes, S., degree, 268 Parnisari, E. P., degree, 1024 Parr, G, W., degree, 266 Parr, L. F., Jr., degree, 852 Parr, R. D., degree, 468 Parr, R. L., degree, 449 Parr, Rosalie M., appointment, 557 Parr, Shirleyanne C , degree, 463 Parrill, R., appointment, 755 Parris, S. E., degree, 1228 Parrish, Mrs. Bertha, appointment, 803 Parrish, C. M., degree, 442 Parrish, J. B., appointment, 379, 626 member of committee to hear objections to wage rates at Robert Allerton Park, 506 Parrish, W. M., appointment, 388, 570, 837, Parro, D. E., degree, 865 Parry, John Jay, appointment, 559 Parry, John Jay, Jr., degree, 450 Parry, Mrs. Linnetta M., appointment, 749 Parsons, Betty, Gallery, purchase, 1117 Parsons, M. B., degree, 1010 Parsons, M. G., degree, 1019 Parsons, T. E.f appointment, 756 Parsons, W., appointment, 771 Parsons, W. A., degree, 451 Partenheimer, Charlotte, appointment, 770 Partenheimer, Hilda, appointment, 773 Parzygnat, E, F., degree, 1023 Paschkes, E., appointment, 57, 878 Pash, Olga, appointment, 794 Paskind, J., appointment, 37, 878 Paskus, V. J., appointment, 654 cancellation, 844 Paspy, S. F., Jr., appointment, 303, 607, 1006 degree, 266 Pasqua, P., appointment, 41 declination, 45 Pass, B., certificate, 133 Passman, H. M., degree, 859 Passow, E. W., degree, 267 Pasteurizer, Food Technology, purchase, 1259 Pastva, Mrs. Eloise C , appointment, 978



Pasvogel, M. W., degree, 850 Patents, agreement with United States Department of Agriculture, 500 government research contracts, waiver of policy, 7 research grants, American Cancer Society, policy, 1184 United States Public Health Service, policy, 942 Adams, G. D., 917 coverage in Great Britain, 917 Adams, R., release, 964 Beyler, R. E., release, 193 Bhattacharyya, P. K,, release, 369 Bluestein, B. R., release, 1068 Carter, H. E., license agreement, 1044 release, 369, 917 Conroy, E, H., Jr., release, 369 Ernst, E. W. ( application, 1068 Frank, R. L., release, 209, 964 Garvin, J. S., release, 369 Goodwin, C. W., release, 369 Gottlieb, D., release, 369, 917 Johnstone, H. F„, rejection, 941 Kerst, D. W., 917 coverage in Great Britain, 917 Kintner, P. M., release, 965 Leonard, N. J., release, 193 Marvel, C. S., release, 209, 1068 Samuel, A. L., application, status, 965 Stein, S. N., release, 369 Wallace, G. I., release, 1068 Zygmunt, \V., release, 1068 Patents Committee, members, 288 Paternoster, Mary A., appointment, 797 Paterson, H. C , appointment, 641 Paterson, Mabel C , appointment, 390, 1151 degree, 1212 Pathman, J. H,. appointment, 689 resignation, 958 Pathology, budget, Dentistry, 697, 787 Medicine, 685, 783 Research and Educational Hospitals, 705, 795 camera, purchase, 960 clinical faculty, 55, 876 equipment, contract, 1183 gift, fellowship, Bristol Laboratories Inc., 167, 908 research, arteriosclerosis, r 172, 117 3 betatron X-ray beam, effect on bone and cartilage, 911 capillary circulation, 1172 cardiac, 1172 nephritis, 1173 nucleic acids in cells, 910 nucleus and cytoplasm, relation of, 167, 1170 rheumatic fever, 908 graduate curriculum, 1100 remodeling, appropriation, 970, 995 contract, 1183 Patient Drugs, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 708 Patinkin, D., appointment, 41 resignation, 231 Patka, Rita M., degree, 473 Paton, R. F., appointment, 41, 387, 616, 1149 Patrick, B. S., degree, 1247 Patrick, T. R., degree, 854 Patrick, Mary M.. degree, 463 Patrick, R. L., appointment, 253, 624, 1140 Patrick, \V. F., degree, 1236 Patterson, Bette J., appointment, 664 resignation, 428 Patterson, C. I., Jr., appointment, 1054 degree, 1010 fellowship, 255 Patterson, F. S., degree, 1201 Patterson, Florence, appointment, 793 Patterson, G. K., degree, 128 Patterson, H. I., degree, 1243