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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1422 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Palmberg, E. L., appointment, 738 degree, 265 Palmer, C. D., Jr., degree, 857 Palmer, C. E., appointment, 376, 635 decimation, 428 Palmer, F. A., degree, 931 Palmer, H., degree, 276 Palmer, J. E., degree, 278 Palmer, J. R., fellowship, 342 Palmer, R. B., degree, 121 Palmer, R. E., degree, 1224 Palmer, T. W., degree, 1220 Palmieri, J., appointment, 40 Paluga, E. M., degree, TOZ8 Palumbo, P. J., degree, 1231 Pampe, W. R., degree, 161 Pan, S., degree, 261 fellowship, 255, 340 Pan, Y., degree, 158 Pan American Petroleum & Transport Co., gift, 67 Pan American Refining Corp., gift, 906, 1166 Pana Refining Co., purchase, 481 Pancoast, R. L., certificate, 133 Pancoe, S-, certificate, 206 Pancreatic function, research, gift, 167 Pandazi, A. A., degree, 1211 Pang, C. E., degree, 1248 Pang, D., degree, 260 Panhellenic Council, gift, 904 Pankau, F. E., degree, 473 Pankau, R. A., degree, 1248 Pankey, B. W., degree, 438 Pankonm, K. \V., degree, 446 Panny, J. H.. degree, 447 Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co., purchase, 902, 938, 1064, 1065 Panter, E. G., appointment, 874 Pantone, A. M., appointment, 57, 879 Pape, W. I. t degree, 468 Paper, purchase, Alumni Association, 163, gor Office Supply Store, 64, 130, 163, 184, 232, 233, 234, 279, 305, 354, 480, 481, 490, 937, 960, 983, 1038, n6o, 1162, 1260 Owens, C. B., appointment, 388, 570 Owens, D. J., Jr., degree, 1214 Owens, E. C., degree, 473 Owens, F. S., Co., purchase, 1064, 1117 Owens, Mrs. Louise B., appointment, 740 Owens-Illinois Glass Co,, gift, 905 Oyen, W., degree, 472 Ozacar, I. M., degree, 1016 Ozalid Division, General Aniline & Film Corp., purchase, 131 Ozell. C. S., degree, 125 Ozgor, E. M., degree, 447 Ozone, K-, appointment, 154, 686 resignation, 958 Pabst, Loraine B., fellowship, 342 Pabst, P., degree, 123 Pace, Viola, appointment, 785 Pace Associates, contract, 410 Pacific Fire Insurance Co., purchase, 522 Packard, Bessie E., appointment, 748 Packard, F. E., member of advisory committee, 416 Packtor, Doris M., degree, 859 Packtor, J. J., degree, 1234 Padavic, F. J., degree, 1023 Padella, A. M., degree, 443 Paden, D. W., appointment, 40, 379, 626 Paden, Mrs. Elaine P., appointment, 739 Padlocks, Physical Sciences, purchase, 394 Padnos, E., appointment, 56 resignation, 183 Padro-Acevedo, Anibal, degree, 267 Pagano, J. F., appointment, 253 degree, 430 fellowship, 107 resignation, 256 Page, A. C-, Jr., fellowship, 1091 Page, D. A., appointment, 385 degree, 1012 Page, F.lida M., degree, 1232 Page, F. B M Jr., degree, 120 Page, J. L., appointment, 383, 562 lease, 132 leave of absence, 1047 Page, Mrs. Janet L., appointment, 1087 Page, R. A., member of advisory committee, " 178 Page, R- R., appointment, 102, 720 Page, VV. T., Jr., degree, 852 Pagels, Mrs. Joyce B., appointment, 745 Pagels, W. D., degree, 272 Paget, J. F., appointment, 51 Pahlow, Georgia A., degree, 1239 Paine, E. B., appointment, 6TO Paint, purchase, Physical Plant, 1162 Residence Halls, 960 Painter, C. L., degree, 430 Painter, E. Elizabeth, appointment, 688 research, gift, 68 Painter, T. P., appointment, 40, 637, 650 Painter, R. E., Jr., degree, 1214 Painting, contract, Galesburg Undergraduate Division, 328 Robert Allerton Park, 333 Paintings, Fine and Applied Arts, purchase, 280, 1117 Trees collection, gift, 190, 241 Paint Shop, Chicago, building acquired, 403 Pairitz, H. A., degree, 273 Paklepa, J., degree, 1219 Palbicke, Carol J., degree, 934 Palcheff, Mary, degree, 1215 Palevsky, H., appointment, 424, 956 resignation, 1055 Palewicz, R. A., degree, 1024 Palis, C. A., degree, 1242 Pahtz, L. L., appointment, 48 resignation, 345 Pallmer, P. G., Jr., degree, 1025 Palm, G. F., degree, 271 Palm, Marcella W., degree, 262 Palman, Charlene, degree, 934 Papers, O. K. Co., contract, 237 Paper supplies, Physical Plant, purchase, 164, 184, 279, 354 Papke, D. M„ degree, 858 Pappas, G. B., Jr., degree, 848 Pappas, H. J., degree, 128 Parade Ground Dormitories, budget, 671, 777 mattresses, purchase, 481 Paradise, M., appointment, 788 Paradise, R. L., degree, 1033 Paralysis agitans, research, gift, 68 Parchmann, J. A., certificate, 1035 degree, 273 Pardieck, J. J., degree, 1242 Pardue, D. R., appointment, 654 Parent, Gaile M., certificate, 817 Parett, R. E., degree, 857, 1212 Parett, Ruth J., degree, 458 Parge. E. W., degree, 1238 Pargellis, W. M., certificate, 407 Parikh, K. H., degree, 261 Paris, M., appointment, 764 Parish, Lucy E., degree, 121 Parisot, M. L., degree, 450 Park, A. L., appointment, 40 resignation, 428 Park, Esther A., appointment, 511 Park, R., appointment, 956 Park, R. C-, certificate, 133 Parke, Betty L., degree, 270 Parke, Davis, and Co., gift, 165, 908 license agreement, streptomycin products, 1044 Parker, Parker, Parker, Parker, D. E., degree, 266 Elizabeth I., degree, 259 F. D., degree, 848 G. C , degree, 1237
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