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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Neuber, F. W., degree, 1203 fellowship, 343, 1095 declination, 1138 Neufeld, Elvina A., degree, 1246 Neufeldt, J. H., degree, 276 Neuhausen, S. E., degree, 115 Neuhauser, Irene, appointment, 47, 868 Neumann, A. L., appointment, 1070, 1087 degree, 430 Neumann, D. A., degree, 862 Neumann, H. G., degree, 465 Neumann, Mrs. Use E., appointment, 391, 718, 1153 Neumann, J. H., degree, 1248 Neumann, June B.. degree, 436 Neumann, P. E., degree, 124S Neumann, Mrs. Rose-Alice, appointment, 762 Neunaber, A. H., degree, 1227 Neurology and Neurological Surgery, budget, 683, 783 clinical faculty, 51, 872 research, gift, 911 Neuropathology, course, contract, 282 Neuss, Vivian R., appointment, 565 Nevada Street, property at 909 West, purchase, 3 change in recommendation, 77 property at 1001 West, lease, 187 property at 1003 West, lease, 132, 187 property at 1005 West, purchase, 1122 remodeling, appropriation, 1181 property at 1009 West, lease, 238 Nevens, W. E., appointment, 587, 597 leave of absence, 292 Neville, C. 15., certificate, 206 Newar, 1). R., degree, 1033 Newberger, C , appointment, 51, 872 Newbold, R. F., degree, 122 Newbould, E. J., appointment, 654 cancellation, 844 Newby, G. E., Jr., appointment, 722 Newcomb, R., appointment, 635, 639 purchase, 902 Newcomb, W. B., degree, 453 Newcomer, H, h., appointment, 377, 623 Newcomer, J. I., degree, 1023 Newell, Delilah A., degree, 458 Newell. G. F., degree, 1199 fellowship, 1137 Newell, R. J., degree, 1242 Newgard, H., & Co., contract, 948 1 Newhouse, W. E., appointment, 74 Newkirk, Mrs. Elaine F., appointment, 561 degree, 113 Newkirk, J. E., degree, 1028 Newkirk, T. A., appointment, 755 Newkirk, T. F., degree, 261 resignation, 428 Newlin, R. E., degree, 1219 Newlin. V. A., degree, 852 Newlin, W., member of advisory committee, 178 Newlon, M. E., degree, 278 Newman, A., certificate, 133 Newman, Alma J., appointment, 781 Newman, Dorothy, appointment, 101 Newman, E. A., appointment, 956 fellowship, 107 Newman, E, M., degree, 1242 Newman, H. C , degree, 278 Newman, 1. L., degree, 1214 Newman, J. C , certificate, 1035 Newman, t. H., appointment, 40, 654 cancellation, 981 Newman, R. E., degree, 1233 Newman, Samuel, certificate, 206 Newman, Solomon, appointment, 784 Newman, Shirley M., degree, 1236 Newman, W. D., certificate, 133 Newmark:, J. H., degree, 128 Newmark. N. M-. appointment, 608 Newton, Elaine, appointment, 780 Newton, Mary E., degree, 1231 1417 Newton, Robert Keith, appointment, 230, 648 Newton, Robert Keith, Jr., degree, 470 Newton, W. M., degree, 1243 Newton, Mrs. Winifred C , appointment, 645 declination, 844 Newton Soil Experiment Field, barn, rebuilding, labor, 305 building and equipment, replacement, appropriation, 208 fencing, appropriation, 1182 tractor, purchase, 353 New York Blower Co., purchase, 983 Neyendorf, Doris M., degree, 276 Ng, Chew-Chao, degree, 1014 Niagara Chemical Co., contract, 525 Nianick, L. M., appointment, 54, 230, 876 Niblack, R. L., degree, 445 Nicewick, E. W., Jr., degree, J 234 Nicholas, B., degree, 1029 Nicholas, Constance, appointment, 382 Nicholas, D. J., degree, 1234 Nicholas, Dixie L., appointment, 798 Nicholas, L, J., degree, 1228 Nicholl, S. C , Jr., degree, 468 Nicholls, Mary L., degree, 1231 Nichols, C. L., degree, 443 j Nichols, Mrs. Eleanor J., appointment, 776 1 Nichols, H. A., degree, 1033 i Nichols, L. E., degree, 447 Nichols, Maria J. C., degree, 432 Nicholson, Edna, member of advisory committee, 243 Nicholson, J. A., appointment, 565, 1148 Nicholson, L. P., degree, 447 Nicholson, R. L., appointment, 720 1 Nickell, Rosa M., appointment, 74 2 j Nickels, R. C , degree, 278 j Nickels, R. W., degree, 1221 • Nickerson, H,, Jr., degree, 1238 ; Nickett, A., degree, 1201 i Nicolai, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 782 j Nicolai, Joyce F., degree, 458 I Nicolai, V. O., degree, 122, 1017 ; Nicolaides, E. D., degree, 851 j Nicoll, Joan, fellowship, 1137 Nicoll, T. H., degree, 865 Nicolosi, J. P., degree, 1242 Nicolson, R. V., degree, 1219 Nida, R. S., certificate, 77 Niden, Doris B., degree, 1228 Niederman, Sara C , appointment, 718 Nieling, Martha, appointment, 785 Nielsen, A. C., member of advisory committee, 4i7 Nielsen, Agnete J., degree, 1027 Nielsen, Doris, appointment, 782 Nielsen, Lorraine M., appointment, 387, 1148 degree, 1211 Nielsen, R. C , degree, 1219 Nielsen, T. H., appointment, 773 Nielsen, T. W., degree, 1228 Nielson, E. D., degree, 158 ! Nielson, P. E., appointment, 57, 836 j Niemann, Rosemary E., degree, 470, 1246 \ Nienhuis, Wyba, certificate, 1035 Nierman, R. I., degree, 278 Niesen, F. W., degree, 126 Nieusma, Mrs. Beverly, appointment, 793 Niewold, D. W., degree, 1214 Nifond, Harriet M., appointment, 101 Nightingale, E. R., Jr., degree, 128, 851 Nightlinger, R. Ff., degree, 1024 Nikcevich, M.( degree, 1217 Nikiforuk, G., degree, 1249 Nishimura, M. S., appointment, 621 Nissen, R. W., degree, 1242 ] Nitrogen, Chemical Storeroom, purchase, 902 1 Nitrogen compounds, flash reducing agents in smokeless powder, study, 236 Nitto, P. J., degree, 464 Nixon, J. R., degree, 1029 Nixon, R. W-, degree, 1244, 1246 Nobe, M., degree, 47 2
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