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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1416 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Nelson, Mrs. Evalyn R., appointment, 663 resignation, 981 Nelson, G. E., degree, 1242 Nelson, G. K., appointment, 624, 1087 Nelson, G. R., degree, 468 Nelson, G. T., degree, 1197 Nelson, G. W., degree, 468 Nelson, Georgia A.,, degree, 1025 Nelson, Mrs. Gloria A., appointment, 742 Nelson, H. A., degree, 1219 Nelson, H, B., certificate, 496 Nelson, Howard C , appointment, 612 Nelson, Hubert C , certificate, 496 Nelson, H. J., degree, 123 Nelson, Hazel M., appointment, 789 Nelson, Iris, appointment, 791 Nelson, James Albert, degree, 1224 Nelson, James Andrew, appointment, 40, 607, 956 Nelson, John Addison, degree, 117 Nelson, John Adolph, Jr., degree, 1235 Nelson, J. C , degree, 1033 Nelson, J. O., degree, 472 Nelson, J. T., appointment, 881 Nelson, K. O., fellowship, 1096 Nelson, Kenneth Robert, degree, 266 Nelson, Kenneth Roy, degree, 1026 Nelson, L. P., appointment, 1087 degree, 1 r 7 Nelson, Marjorie L,, degree, 269 Nelson, Mrs. Mary R., appointment, 761 Nelson, N. A., degree, 464 Nelson, N. C , appointment, cancellation, 45 Nelson, N. H., degree, 456 Nelson, N. K., degree, 930 Nelson, R. A., degree, 275 Nelson. R. C , fellowship, 1094 declination, 1138 Nelson, R. E., certificate, 206 Nelson, R. H., resignation, 844 Nelson, R. M., degree, 433 Nelson, R. P., certificate, 1046 Nelson, R. W., degree, 858 Nelson, Mrs. Rebecca O., appointment, 1146 Nelson, Severina E., appointment, 388, 570, 632, 1150 Naval Aviation College Program, contract, 336 Naval Science, budget, 654* 7^5 quarters, remodeling, appropriation, 1181 contract, 18 Nave, V. L., degree, 1033 Navy Department, contract, 355 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 984 Bureau of Naval Personnel, 984- 1062 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, 236, Bureau of Yards and Docks, 282 Office of Naval Research, 65, 131, 282, 355t 525. 936, 961, 984, 1062 Navy Pier, installation of barrier, contract, Nay, Shirley J., degree, 456 Naylor, T. K., fellowship, 1092, 1096 Neaderland, R. B., degree, 1249 Neal, E. L f , degree, 269 Neal, G. E., degree, 859 Neal, J. P., appointment, 610 degree, 1208 Neal, M. S., degree, 1028 Neal, Mrs. Martha L., appointment, 790 Neal, R. A., degree. 450 Neal, R. C , degree, 450 Neal, R. G., degree, 1237 Neal, Susan E., degree, 453 Near, I., degree, 278 Nearhoff, C. J., degree, 1236 Necheles, J. R., appointment, 50, 870 Neckopulos, E., degree, 449 Nedved, O. M., degree, 1022 Nedwick, Lucile, appointment, 780 Nedzel, A. J., appointment, 685 Needham, L. E., degree, 1234 Needham, W. R., degree, 1228 Needier, Mary E., degree, 1224 Needier, W. L., degree, 1028 Needlman, Glorye, degree, 1026 Neely, Florence E., fellowship, 1089 Neer, H., degree, 468 Nees, H. H.. appointment, 770 Neese, Jean L., degree, 446 Neff, Eleanor R., resignation, n o Nehama, I. D., degree, 1219 Neher, F. V., degree, 1224 Neher, G. E., degree 447 Nehls, R. E., Jr., degree, 1242 Neiberg, M., degree, 466, 1207 Neighbers, J,, degree, 463 Neil, J. F., Jr., certificate, 206 Neild, R, E., degree, 445 Neiler, Rich, and Bladen, engineering services, oil distribution systems, 20 water system rehabilitation in Research and Educational Hospitals, 923 Neilson, C. E., appointment, 772 Neilson, Ruth A., appointment, 777 Neiman, Mrs. Ida, appointment, 806 Neira, L. B., degree, 1248 Neiswanger, W. A., appointment, 625 Nelmar, R. J., degree, 1238 Nelson, A. I., appointment, 589 Nelson, A. M., degree, 269 Nelson, A. P., degree, 1234 Nelson, B. G., appointment, 50, 870 Nelson, C. I., Jr., degree, 1214 Nelson, Carolyn R.? degree, 1026 Nelson, D. E., appointment, 101, 611, 749 declination, 844 degree, 118 Nelson, D. G. H., degree, 1244 Nelson, D. J., degree, 1217 Nelson, Dorothy, appointment, 836 fellowship, 107, 255 Nelson, E. A., degree, 123 Nelson, E. C , certificate, 1046 Nelson, E. E., degree, 468 Nelson, Edna V., degree, 117 Nelson, Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 780 Nelson, Erma E., appointment, 734 192 282, 307 work with children suffering from cerebral palsy, funds, gift, 974 Nelson, T. M., degree, 1228 Nelson, Mrs. Theo, appointment, 664, 1088 Nelson, W. D., degree, 468 Nelson, W. E., degree, 450 Nelson, W. O., appointment, 587 cancellation, n o salary adjustment, 1059 Nelson, W. R., degree, 1026 Nelson & Nettnin, Inc., contract, 395 Nemanich, W. J., degree, 443 Nephritis, research, gift, 68, 1173 Neri, D. J., degree, 468 Nesbit, A. H., degree, 260 Nesheim, R. O., degree, 1013 fellowship, 339, 1089 Nesler, Florence, appointment, 764 Nester, N. W., appointment, 771 Ness, Emily E., degree, 453 Nesslar, J. W., degree, 275 •Nestel Products Co., Inc., purchase, 234 Netherton, R. E., degree, U24 Nettles, J. B., appointment, 52, 873 Nettles, W. J., certificate, TJ Nettleship. O. R.. degree, 438 Network analyzer, quarters, remodeling, appropriation, 1049 service and research, contract, 1062 Netzer, A., certificate, 969 Netzer, D. L., appointment, 1145 Neubauer, C. E., degree, 463 Neubauer, Gayle C, degree, 463 Neubauer, H. F., appointment, 769 degree, 1236 Neubauer, I. C , degree, 470, 1246 Neuber, Anna L., appointment, 739
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