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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Masuoka, S. J., appointment, 39, 154 degree, 1244 Masur, E. F., appointment, 39 Matayoshi, Yoneko, appointment, 792 Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Applied, budget, 693, 786 Mathe, R. E„ degree, 1205 Mathematics, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 budget, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 719, 804 summer session, 391, 1153 Urbana, 564, 742 summer session, 385, 1146 fellows, 342, 1093 statistics, graduate curriculum, 1180, 1255 Matheny, W. G., appointment, 567 Mather, C. F., degree, 1211 Mathers, L. E., member of advisory committee, 178 Matheson, M. H., degree, 445 Mathews, D. K., appointment, 836 Mathews, E. G., appointment, 382, 551, 559 Mathews, J. M., appointment, 566 Mathews, Josephine A., degree, 852 Mathews, R. J., degree, 858 Mathews Avenue, property at 402 South, remodeling, appropriation, 29 contract, 29 property at 404 South, remodeling, appropriation, 191 balance reappropriated, 487 property at 606 South, remodeling, appropriation, 29 balance • reappropriated, 71 contract, 29 property at 608 South, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 487 remodeling, 175 Mathews Avenue and Illinois Street, lot on southeast corner, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 purchase, 359 Mathewson, R. H. ( appointment, 1143 Mathis, Mrs. Elsa, appointment, 775 Mathis, Ethel, appointment, 785 Mathis, India, appointment, 738 Mathis, Shirley, appointment, 799 Mathisen, A. F., degree, 1201 Mathisen, K. M., degree, 1021 Mathur, P. N., degree, 1013 Matisse, Pierre, Gallery, purchase, 280 Matlick, B. V., degree, 1220 Matlock, K. J., degree, 123 2 Matoesian, G., degree, 1021 Matoush, W. R-, fellowship, 1091 Matovich, Elsie, appointment, 799 Matson, H. J., degree, 451 Matson, R. W., degree, 1221 Matsuoka, Amy, appointment, 783 Mattenson, M., degree, 1018 Matteo, D., appointment, 807 Matter, H. W., certificate, 1035 degree, 2Go Mattes, Dorothy J., degree, 452 fellowship, 427 declination, 428 Matteson, H. E., degree, 1221 Matteson, M. R„ appointment, 39, 57h IZ^1 Matteson, Mrs. Patricia M., appointment, 181 resignation, 231 Matteson. T., appointment, 746 Mattheessen, W. L., degree, 268 Matthews, C. F., degree, 117 Matthews, E. E., appointment, 766 degree, 1241 Matthews, Edith A., appointment, 1006, 1148 decimation, 1195 Matthews, J. W., appointment, 95*5 Matthews, R. C , degree, 445 Matthews, W. J., appointment, 746 Matthews, \V. T., appointment, 749 I403 Mattila, W. C , certificate, 1035 Mattingly, W. M., degree, 1237 Mattison, R, M., degree, 439 Mattix, W., degree, 463 Mattresses, purchase, Residence Halls, 131, 48T, 937 Student and Staff Apartments, 1162 Matusiak, L. W., certificate, 1035 degree, 459, 1203 Matusiak, R. C , degree, 1027 Matyas, C. A., degree, 116 Matychowiak, F, A., degree, 1246 Mat2kin, L. L., appointment, 54, 875 Mauk, M. E., degree, 1219 Mauk, Mary E., appointment, 806 Mauk, Mrs. Mary F,, appointment, 760 Maunder, Mrs. Betty, resignation, 256 Maunder, D. T., appointment, 376 Mauney, Mrs. Clarice, appointment, 798 Maupin, F. M., degree, 440 Mauran, W. L., Jr., appointment, 56 Maurer, E., degree, 278 Maurer, F. H., member of advisory committee, Maurer, G. F., degree, 441 Maurer, J. L., degree, 1241 Maurer, Raymond J., degree, 1228 Maurer, Robert J., appointment, 314, 337, 616 Maurice, C. G., appointment, 230, 693 resignation, 156 Maury, Mrs. Jean H., appointment, 716, 807 Mautner, H. M., degree, 468 Mautz, L. J., appointment, 766 Mautz, L. P., degree, 275 Mautz, R. K., appointment, 39, 377, 624, Mauzey, A. J., appointment, 683 Mavor, J. D., degree, 1234 Mawhinney, E. A., fellowship, 343, 1095 Maxey, G. W., appointment, 735 declination, 109 Maxey, R, E., degree, 460 Maxfield, D. K., appointment, 647, 726, 1089 Maxfield, E. R., degree, 450 Maxson, D. R., degree, 119 Maxwell, C, L., appointment, 1070, 1087 Maxwell, Eleanor F., degree, 114 Maxwell, Madalyn O., degree, 434 Maxwell, Mary L.., appointment, 752 Maxwell, Miriam, degree, 120 Maxwell, R. C , appointment, 654 Maxwell, R. P., degree, 122 May, D. S., degree, 1033 May, G. M., certificate, 496 May, M. A., degree, 463 May, Norma, degree, 1224 May, R. L., certificate, 496 May, R. V., Jr., degree, 434 Mayall, R. P., degree, 128 Maybach, Pearl S., degree, 120 Mayeda, C , degree, 468 Mayer, C. H-, Jr., degree, 859 Mayer, J. C , certificate, 1035 Mayer, J. W., degree, 1221 Mayer, M. Eileen, appointment, 741 Mayer, Maxine E., appointment, 750 Mayer, R. W., appointment, 626, 1142 Mayfield, C, W., degree, 265 Mayfield, N. D., degree, 278 Mayfield, P. MM degree, 848 Mayflower Guild, First Congregational Church of Oak Park, gift, 66 Mayhall, F. E., degree, 1217 Maynard, \V. E., degree, 117 Mayo, Cora S-, degree, 458 Mayo, T. B., Jr., degree, 456 Mayo General Hospital at Galesburg, release by University, 421 Mayrand, Elizabeth, appointment, 50, 716 Mays, A. B., appointment, 380, 631, 1142 Maze, H. J., degree, 1023 Maxenko, D. M.., degree, 268 1140 244
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