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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Linn, B. F., degree, 1029 Linn, M. B., appointment, 595 salary adjustment, 1060 Linn, G\, member of advisory committee, 79, 818 Linowieski, Dr. and Mrs. A., gift, 167 Linsky, C. R., degree, 1235 Linsky, L., appointment, 100, 565, 1148 Linsley, C. M., appointment, 582, 603 Linsley, R. E,, degree, 265 Linsner, G. F., degree, 1214 Linsner, J. R., degree, 445 Linsner, M, D., appointment, 756 Linzer, E., appointment, 387, 659 Linzing, W. D., degree, 447 Lipe, D. M., degree, 470 Lipe, J., degree, 278 Lipe, R. R., degree, 278 Lipin, J. L,, degree, 271, 1250 Lipinski, W. C , degree, 1219 Lipkin, A. L., certificate, 496 Lipman, E. A,, appointment, 392, 715, 720, " 5 3 , 1*54 Lipman, M. A., degree, 1029 Lipnick, S. E., degree, 1018 Lipotich, G. J., degree, 275 Lippa, S. J., degree, 1027 Lippincott, R,, appointment, 775 Lippitz, Shari A., degree, 1231 Lippoldt. R, F., degree, 271 Lipps, Caroline N.. degree, 433 Lipshutz, G., degree, 452 Lipshutz, L., degree, 452 Lipsky, L. J,, certificate, 1035 Lipson, L., degree, 1238 Lipton, Barbara, appointment, 878 Liquid air, production, mechanical engineering services, 307 Lis, E. F., appointment, 56, 836, 877 cancellation, 958 Lischka, N. N., certificate, 1035 Liscom, R. W., degree, 1022 Liss, A. E,, degree, 456 Liss, S. Z., degree, 1024 List, E. A., appointment, 1145 Litchfield, A. C., Jr., degree, 1025 Litchfield, K. W., degree, 450 Litherland, Mrs. Dorothy A., appointment, 377, 624, 1140 certificate, 132 Litherland, T. B., degree, 1200 Litigation, Blackburn case, employment of special counsel, 170 legal services, payment, Q4S Kenny case, employment of special counsel, 170 legal services, payment, 945 report, 919 status, 816 Leverenz Electric Co., decision, 1076 employment of special counsel, 945 legal services, payment, 1076 Taylor case, dismissed, 1084 employment of special counsel, 989 Litman, S., appointment, 625 Litow, M. S., degree, 46S Litt, Mrs. Lorraine A., appointment, 791 Litterst, R. \V., degree, 1031 Little, A. D., Inc., purchase, 307 Little, C. J., degree, 852 Little, E. B., appointment, 390, 51 o, 717 Little, Ginevera M., degree, 1216 Little, Marguerite, appointment, 39, 424 Little. R. H., degree, 1220 Little, T. J., appointment, cancellation, 109 Littlejohn, Audrey O., degree, 452 Littler, T., appointment, 754 Littleton, A. C , appointment, 377, °23> Littman, A., fellowship, 107, 841 Litton Engineering Laboratories, 63, 354 1140 1397 Littrell, J. H., appointment, 154, 654 Litturi, Santina R., degree, 470 Litwiller, H. D., degree, 267 Liu, Chang-Keng, degree, 1199 Liu, Chen-Hua, degree, 262 Liu, F., degree, 1014 Liu, P. H., degree, 1197 Liver, N, L., Jr., appointment, 379 degree, 1205 Liver diseases, dietary therapy, research, gift, 1169 Livergood, D. R., degree, 1030 Liveright, P. B., degree, 932 resignation, 45 Livermore, O., appointment, 391, 722, 1152 Livesay, G. R., appointment, 385 degree, 118 fellowship, 342 declination, 345 Livesay, H. E., degree, 1019 Livingston, G. S., appointment, 54, 875 Livingston, H. M., degree, 278 Livingston, L. E., certificate, 132 Livingston, P., authority, execute revenue bonds for Small Homes Council housing research proj ect, 817, 899 elected member of Executive Committee. 286, 1042 member of committees, 287, 288 Livingston, R. G., degree, 273 Livingston, R. H., degree, 1234 Livingston, W. S., degree, 445 Lizius, Stephanie D., appointment, 780 Llarena, P. M., degree, 275 Llewellyn, J. P., degree, 464 Llewellyn, Mary L.. degree, 1231 Lloyd, D. S., degree, 265 Lloyd, Dorothy, appointment, 762 Lloyd, J. W., appointment, 577 Lloyd, K. M., degree, 859 Lloyd, R. T., Jr., degree, 273 Lloyd, S. P., appointment, 424 degree, 442 Lloyd, W. R., degree, 1214 Lloyd somatoprosthesis gift fund, addition, 912 purchase, Lo, A. W., appointment, 100, 611 declination, S43 degree, 930 Lo. Y. T., degree, 439 fellowship, 341, 1092 scholarship, 255 Loan funds, investment, 88, 333, 414* 825 Lob, C. G., degree, 439 Lob. Ruthann J., degree, 1224 Lobraico, R. V., Jr., appointment, 52, 100, 374, 683, 1087 LoCicero, Mary, appointment, 789 Locke, K. W., degree, 274 Lockers, Dentistry, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 485 purchase, 131 Library, purchase, 352 Lockhart, G. R., Jr., degree, 1024 Lockhart, W. T., degree, 1234 Locklin, D. P., appointment, 625 Lockyer, J. L., degree, 459 Locomotive Testing Laboratory, removal of spray basin, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 Lodestro, V. P., degree, 1033 Lodue, Louise F., appointment, 662, 1088 Loeb, D. R., appointment, 874 Loeb, J. H., degree, 1236 Loeb, R. E., certificate, 1035 2 Loeffler, F. J., Jr., degree, 45 Loerfler, H. A., degree, 1243 Loefgren, R. R.. degree, 1221 Loesch, A. F., degree, 860 Loesch, Clara, appointment, 794 Loesch, D. E., degree, 273 Loevey, Paula F., degree, 452
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