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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1394 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lerch, C. J., degree, 1214 Lercher, K. T., degree, 1241 Lerman, N. A., degree, 466 Lerner, I., appointment, 978 Lerner, M., degree, 1029 Lerner, Renee, degree, 466 Lerner, Rita S., degree, 1024 LeSage, M. E., degree, 857 Lescher, F. M., appointment, 635 Leseman, Laura J., degree, 1224 2 Lesher, Elizabeth M., degree, 45 Lesher, G. Y., degree, 1024 Leshin, A. A., degree, 122 Leshin, N., appointment, 54, 875 Lesk, I. A., degree, 439 Lesko, M. M., degree, 1228 Leslie, R. G., degree, 1234 Lesniak, Mrs. Delia, appointment, 791 Lessaris, P. T., degree, 862 Lessing, Charles A., degree, 450 Lessing, Clifford A., degree, 864 Lester, J. E., degree, 1207 Lester, K. D., appointment, 774 Lester, K. R., degree, 1021 LeSueur, M. E., degree, 460 Lettas, R. A., degree, 1033 Leubner, G. W., degree, 258 Leukemia, research, gift, 68, 910, 911 Leurgans, P. J., fellowship, 1095 Leuthold, C. A., appointment, declination, 45 Leutwiler, O. A., appointment, 613 Lev, M., appointment, 685, 705 Levant, G. P., degree, 468 Levant, J., degree, 456 Levanti, L., degree, 1032 Leven, M. B., certificate, 132 Levenson, S. D., degree, 1232 fellowship, 1089 Levenson, S. M., appointment, 58, 100, 880 cancellation, 958 Levercnz Electric Co., claim, work on Electrical Engineering Building, 810, 945 court decision, 1076 contract, 8, 245* 950 addition, 18, 90, 412, 418, 974 purchase, 279 Levin, B. M., appointment, 55 resignation, 182 Levin, C. M., degree, 456, 1017 Levin, E. D-, degree, 849 Levin. Elinor A., degree, 1024 Levin, Frances, lease, 526 Levin, H., degree, 470 Levin, H. F,, certificate, 206 Levin, H. S.. degree, 456 Levin, Helen R., degree, 269 Levin, J. M., degree, 1238 Levin, Joyce S., degree, 1231 Levin, M. K., degree, 1246 Levin, P., degree, 454 Levin, S., member of advisory committee, 365, 1177 Levine, A. S., degree, 448 Levine, H. B., degree, 1227 LeVine, H. JT, appointment, 50, 870 Levine, H. S., degree, 158 Levine, M., degree, 464 Levine. N. D., appointment, 596, 643, 644 salary adjustment, 1061 Levine, S., appointment, 680 cancellation, 1055 degree, 474, 1022 Levine, S. B., appointment, 657 Levine. T., degree, 468 Levinson, Florence D., degree, 162 Levinson, Ida, appointment, 154, 388, 570, Levinson, Levinson, Levinson, Levinson, Levinson, 1150 Leighton, Grace H., degree, 1231 Leighton, R. T., certificate, 1035 degree, 459 Leighty, N. E., degree, 273 Lein, Marie E., appointment, 100, 391, 718 Leinberger, Clara J., degree, 470, 1246 Leiner, F. C . degree, 1219 Leinhaupel, F., degree, 1228 Leiss, C , Co., purchase, 960 Leisten, Annette, degree, 1224 Leiter, H. A., appointment, 154 degree, 431 resignation, 345 Leiter, Maxine, degree, 1011 Leiter, O. C , appointment, 645 Leithner, Mrs. Violet, appointment, 807 Leiva, J. O., fellowship, 928 resignation, 1096 Lekan, E. F., degree, 1018 Lekas, G. S., degree, 463 Leland, J. P., appointment, 365, 389 Leland, S. E., Jr., degree, 864 Lello, V. W., degree, 1018 Lem, J. L., degree, 860 LeMay, Mary R., member of advisory committee, 191 Lembkey, P. H., degree, 1232 Lembkey, R. F., degree, 1027 Lemburg, Mrs. Ruby L#J appointment, 758 Lemburg, W. A., degree, 1028 Leming, T. L., degree, 1219 Lemmon, E. L., degree, 468 Lemmon, J. M., degree, 863 Lemmon, W, S., appointment, 736 Lemna, J. R., degree, 1234 Lemon, Ruth, appointment, 793 Lemons, C. T., degree, 278 Lenard, M., degree, 1217 Lencioni, D. S., degree, 1235 Lendrum, F. C , appointment, 675, 682 Lendrum, J. T., appointment, 490, 612, 658, 835 Leng, E. R., appointment, 376, 583 salary adjustment, 1058 Lengvenis, R. J., degree, 859 Lenich, R., degree, 859 Lenihan, Mrs. Marion C , appointment, 71S Lennertson, R. A., certificate, 292 Lennon, A, T., degree, 856 Lennon, D. E.. certificate, 132 Lennon, E. J., degree, 114 Lenoir, J. M., degree, 430 fellowship, 43 Lense, H. E., degree, 473 Lentz, D. F., degree, 459 Lentz, Dorothy S-, degree, 465 Lentz, J. H., appointment, 767 degree, 1231 Lentz, N., appointment, 799 Lentz, Mrs. Phyllis A., appointment, 739 Lentz, R. C , degree, 273 Lenz, L. H., degree, 1018 Lenz, R. E., degree, 1019 Lenz, W. H., certificate, 132 Lenzini, J. F., degree, 1219 Leon, E., degree, 455 Leon, H., degree, 274 Leon, J. G., degree, 1228 Leon, M., degree, 1232 Leonard, Carmen I., degree, 452 Leonard, D. C , degree, 1022 Leonard, Maria, appointment, 546 Leonard, Mary T., degree, 123 Leonard, N. J., appointment, 378, 556 discovery, patent rights, release, 193 Leonard, P. D., degree, 1031 Leone, \V. A., degree, 472 LePak, Rosalie, appointment, 784 Lepic, R. E.. degree, 853 Lepper, M. H., appointment, 1125, 1135 LeQuatte, Dorothy, appointment, 835 degree, 269, 1207 J., degree, 44S M. L., degree, 1249 M. S., degree, 456 Pearl P., degree, 1228 S. A., appointment, 55, 685, 703
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