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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I38 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 21 ACADEMY FOR UNITED STATES AIR FORCE (5) United States Air Force authorities are preparing plans and enabling legislation for the establishment of an Air Force Academy similar to the service academies at West Point and Annapolis. It is anticipated that an interim academy will be established to operate on a small scale with approximately 200 to 300 cadets before completion of the Air Force Academy at its permanent site. I have invited the authorities of the Air University at Maxwell Field, Alabama, who are preparing the plans for the Air Force Academy, to establish the interim academy at the University of Illinois. I request that the Board confirm my action and also authorize officials of the University to carry on the negotiations with United States Air Force officials if the latter will consider the offer. On motion of Mr. Davis, the action of the President of the University was confirmed and he was authorized to do everything possible to secure the establishment of this academy at the University of Illinois. REQUEST FROM PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR A LEAVE OF ABSENCE (6) The Third Session of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will meet in Beirut, Lebanon, from November 17 to December 11. I have been appointed one of the United States delegates to this session. I am also the American member of the Executive Board of U N E S C O which will meet in Istanbul November 11 and 12 through the Beirut sessions. I request a leave of absence with adjusted salary from November 6 to December 14, 1948. O n m o t i o n of M r . W i l l i a m s o n , t h i s l e a v e w a s g r a n t e d , o n t h e t e r m s requested. BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR 1 9 4 9 - 1 9 5 1 (7) I present my recommendations for the biennial operating budget of the University of Illinois for the two years beginning July 1, 1949, covering all funds for which appropriations are made by the General Assembly. This estimate is submitted as the proposed basis for the budget to be filed with the Department of Finance by November 1, 1048, as required by law. Several months ago, deans, directors, and general administrative officers were requested to submit estimates of needs for the coming biennium. These estimates were assembled and carefully studied in the offices of the Provost and the Comptroller. They were then submitted to the University Council for discussion. After a review of these estimates and consideration of the problems of the next biennium as set forth below, I recommend a total operating budget for 19491951 of $72,271,742. Of this amount, the sum of $56,271,742 would come from tax funds of the State and the sum of $16,000,000 from the University's own income. For the 1947-1949 biennium, the total was $60,083,818, with $17,000,000 derived from the University's own income deposited in the State Treasury. The reduction of this item is related to the decrease in the number of veterans. From State tax funds, the present appropriation is $43,083,818. The increase of $12,187,924 is needed for the following purposes: Biennial Per Year Total For Academic Staff Additions $ 713 015 $ 1 426 030 For Nonacademic Staff Additions (salary and wage staff) 468 056 936 112 Total Staff Additions (1 181 071) (2 362 142) Salary and Wage Increases (increases in rate of compensation) : Academic and Administrative Staff 1 491 623 2 983 246 Nonacademic Salary and Wage Staff 888 222 1 776 444 Total Salary and Wage Increases (2 379 845) (4 759 690) Expense and Equipment (recurring) 622 425 1 244 850 University Retirement System 395 710 791 420 Nonrecurring Equipment 401 786 803 572 Total Increase Over 1948-1949 Budget $4 980 837 $9 961 674
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