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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1388 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kurchitzer, Mildred, degree, 1236 Kuriga, N., degree, 274 Kurland, A., degree, 1017 Kurland, J, A., degree, 122 Kurose, Mrs. Akiko, appointment, 804 Kurrus, Jane W., degree, 458 Kurrus, K. F., degree, 847 Kurth, R. E., degree, 1220 Kurto, G., Jr., degree, 271 Kurtz, E. A., degree, 467 Kurtz, L. T., appointment, 583 salary adjustment, 1058 Kurtz, O. I., degree, 1237 Kurzeja, L.f appointment, 789 Kusch, I. F., degree, 460 Kusch, Monica H., appointment, 392, 720 Kushino, K., degree, 1246 Kushner, Joanne, degree, 460 Kuster, G. A., degree, 847 Kuta, E. J., degree, 162 Kutch, W. J., degree, 1215 Kutchin, J. W., degree, 452 Kutsunis, G. T., degree, 1232 Kutuzov, Mrs. Helen G., appointment, 787 Kutzler, L. F., degree, 1029 Kuypers, J. M., appointment, 637 lease, 187 Kuzma, A., appointment, 782 Kvaraceus, W. C., appointment, 1143 Kvasnicka, W. J., degree, 467 Kvavli, C. S., degree, 433 Kvitek, G. L., degree, 858, 1208 Kwasniewski, E. S., degree, 1018 Kwicinski, W. J., appointment, 695 declination, 843 Kyle, N. T., gift, 1169 Kyle, R. H., fellowship, 841, 958, 980 Kyonka, J. C., appointment, 1086 Kypta, L. S., Jr., degree, 1219 Kyzivat, Dolores R., degree, 1026 LaBaw, N. L., degree, 466 LaBaw, W. D., certificate, 496 Labb, Genevieve J., degree, 1210 LaBertaux, A. O., certificate, 817 Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, advisory committee, 365, 1176 members of General Policy Committee to attend meeting, 816 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 81, 484 automobile, purchase, 235 budget, 656, 766 director, appointment, 492, 1070 fellows, 342 policies and program, letters from representatives of management in Rockford, 816 letter from R. G. Soderstrom, 924 use of property at 704 South Sixth Street, 4 remodeling, 93 Laboratory, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 703. 790 Laboratory apparatus, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 62, 480, 1161 , Laboratory equipment, contract, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1074 Biological Chemistry quarters, 1003 East Chemistry Building, installation, 4*9 Veterinary Medicine Building, 996 Laboratory furniture, purchase, Dairy Science, 280 Geology, 280 Research and Educational Hospitals, 279 Laboratory Furniture Co., contract, 972, 906 purchase, 1116, 1117 Laboratory glassware, purchase, 25, 183, 394> 480, 900, 1063, 1160, 1259, 1261 Laboratory, library, and supply fee, graduate students in Chicago Professional Colleges, 325 Kruse, R. L., degree, 1241 Kruse, W. E., appointment, 754 Kruzic, A. E., certificate, 496 Krzywoblocki, M. Z., appointment, 606 Ksiazek, E. A., degree, 473 Ku, C . degree, 437, 1200 Kubacki, W. H., appointment, 694, 978 Kubala, A. E., degree, 1238 Kubat, Beverly J., degree, 1231 Kubis, R. R-, degree, 1221 Kubitschek, H. £., appointment, 835 degree, 931 resignation, 109, 958 Kubitz, O. A., appointment, 554, 565 Kubly, H. O., appointment, 919, 926, 1150 Kucera, J, T., degree, 450 Kuchner, R. Z., degree, 457 Kuderna, Elaine B., degree, 1224 Kudlich, R. A., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1096 Kudo, R. R., appointment, 389, 571 Kueblei, J. R., Jr., degree, 850 Kueffner, Rita A., degree, 269 Kuegemann, V. E., degree, 1228 Kuehl, M. K., degree, 858 Kuehn, Phyllis, appointment, 793 Kuehn, R. E., degree, 117 Kuerth, H. J., degree, 274 Kugler, O. E., appointment, 558, 571 Kuhl, H. L., degree, 470, 1246 Kuhlman, A. F., appointment, 587 declination, 843 Kuhn, A. J., degree, 1224 fellowship, 1093 declination, 1096 Kuhn, James R., Jr., degree, 443 Kuhn, John R., degree, 128 Kuhn, W., appointment, 100, 386, 630, 638, 650 Kuhne, R. M., degree, 1029 Kuhne-Simmons Co., Inc., bid, 297 rejected, 409 contract, 18, 23, 76, 294, 310, 358, 406, 409, 420, 1051, 1075 addition, 85, 331, 1050 changes, 936 Kuhnhenn, L. F,, degree, 1222 Kuhns, Dorothy J., appointment, 100, 645 degree, 162 resignation, 1008 Kuhns, Helen F., appointment, 663 Kuhns, Janice L., degree, 1031 Kuhns, Joan E., degree, 136 Kuipers, L., certificate, 206 Kukral, J. C , degree, 1228 Kukuk, E. H., Jr., degree, 864 Kulat, H. R., degree, 1025 Kulcinski, S. W., degree, 448 Kulewicz, H. R., degree, 122 Kulhanek, L. J., appointment, 694 Kulig, Adeline E., degree, 1229 Kulovsek, L. A., degree, 272 Kulp, D. A., appointment, 100, 590, 597 Kulur, M. C , degree, 119 Kumata, Kikue R., degree, 1210 fellowship, 342 Kummel, B., appointment, 39, 562 Kummer, Mrs. Jane, appointment, 733 Kummerer, W. J., degree, 462 Kundrotas, A. P., degree, 448 Kunes, A. F., Jr., degree, 115 Kunjithapadam, S., degree, 475 Kuntz, J. E., degree, 445 Kuntze, L. J., degree, 273 Kunz, D. W., degree, 857 Kunz, Marie, appointment, 802 Kuo, K., degree, 1199 fellowship, 25s, 342 Kuperman, I., degree, 456 Kupfer, Joan E., degree, 1224 Kupferberg, C. W., degree, 456 Kupperman, H. A., degree, 933 Kupski, R. B., degree, 859
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