UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1385]

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ackson, ackson, ackson, ackson, ackson,


D. M., degree, 847 E. L., appointment, 871 E. R., appointment, 755 Mrs. Frances P. ? resignation, 843 G. A., Jr., appointment, declination,

Jackson, G. E., resignation, 109 Jackson, Gloria J., degree, 269 Jackson, Harold L., degree, 430 Jackson, Howard L,, degree, 862 Jackson, H. R„ degree, 1232 Jackson, Mrs. Harriet, appointment, 803 Jackson, J. F., appointment, 561 Jackson, J. L,, appointment, 382 degree, 93 1 Jackson, J. R., degree, 269 Jackson, Mildred R., appointment, 56, 877 Jackson, N. R., appointment, 784 Jackson, R. E., degree, 1027 Jackson, Mrs. Rose J., appointment, 734 )ackson, V. A., degree, 450 Jackson, V. G., degree, 450 Jackson, William Carroll, degree, 1233 Jackson, William Charles, degree, 1241 Jackson, W. V., appointment, 772 fellowship, 1093 Jackson & Perkins, purchase, 1065 Jackson-Fotsch Co., purchase, 354 Jacob, Mrs. Arlene, appointment, 800 Jacob, P. E., appointment. 561, 1145 Tacobek, G. L., degree, 858 Jacobi, J. P., degree, 1224 Jacobowitz, J. M., degree, 470, 1246 Jacobs, Beverly A., degree, 458 Jacobs, C. M., degree, 864 Jacobs, Carol D., degree, 1228 Jacobs, D.. degree, 1021 Jacobs, E. E., appointment, 98 Jacobs, H,, degree, 1204 Jacobs, H. J., appointment, 377, 977, 1140 degree, 125, 1203 Jacobs, H. R., degree, 1214 Tacobs, I., certificate, 132 Jacobs, Jeanette R., degree, 126 Jacobs, L. E., degree, 445 Jacobs, M. L., degree, 437 Jacobs, R. L., degree, 860, 1204 Jacobs, S., fellowship, 1093 Jacobs, S. H.. certificate, 496 Jacobs, Shirley S., degree, 1026 Jacobsen, Alice K.. degree, 446 Jacobsen, C. M., degree, 447 Jacobsen, R. B., appointment, 773 Jacobson, B. M., degree, 1246 Jacobson, H., degree, 1235 Jacobson, H. J., degree, 456 Jacobson, H. L., degree, 124 Jacobson, H. M., degree, 1244 Jacobson, H. R., degree, 1221 Tacobson, J., degree, 1221 Jacobson, J. D., degree, 448 Jacobson, L. E., degree, 277 Jacobson, M., appointment, 694 degree, 474 fellowship, declination, 928 Jacobson, M. M., appointment, 52, 873 Jacobson, P. E., degree, 455 Jacobson, R. E., degree, 1226 Jacobson, R. S., degree, 262 Jacobson, W. H., Jr., degree, 277 Jacoby, C , degree, 1033 Tacoby, C. H., degree, 1241 Jaeger, G. E., degree, 122 Jaeger, Linda L., degree, 126 Jaeger, R. P., appointment, 759 degree, 448 Jaenke, Florence S., degree, 847 Jaeschke, Anne, degree, 1239 Taffe, Corinne S., degree, 1236 Jaffe, D. H., degree, 266 Jaffe, T. A., degree, 126 Jaffe, Jacqueline, degree, 269

Jaffe, S. E, degree, 461 Jagielski, Theresa, appointment, 793 Jaglowski, Victoria, appointment, 789 Jagodzinski, Jean, appointment, 787 Jakle, R. W., degree, 932 Jakob, K. M., degree, 160 Takowatz, C. V., appointment, 38, 611, 1144 James, Mrs. Cora L., appointment, 772 James, D. J., appointment, 38 James, Doris J., degree, 113 James, H. A., degree, 448 James, J. C , Jr., degree, 275 James, J. R., degree, 857 James, L. L., appointment, 776 James, Marian F., appointment, 586 salary adjustment, 1059 James, Marian L., degree, 854 James, Marilyn R., appointment, 767 degree, 456 James, Marion E., fellowship, 255 declination, 256 James, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 560 James, Mary F., appointment, 639 degree, 443 James, P. A., degree, 1236 James, Richard C , degree, 857 James, Robert C , degree, 461 James, R. M., appointment, 38, 377^ 624, 977 James, S. D., degree, 848 James, T. C , degree, 857, 1212 James, V. L., degree, 852 James, Mrs. Verda E., appointment, 695 James, Viola L., appointment, 38, 384, 647, Jameson, J. G., degree, 1212 Jamieson, J. R., Jr., appointment, 834 Janata, A. J., appointment, 541 appointed Secretary pro tempore, 402 elected Secretary of Board, 1189 Janda, F. J., Jr., degree, 1220 Janes, A. \V., appointment, 230, 576, 597 degree, 259 salary adjustment, 1056 Janes, J. R., degree, 1222 Janes, R. W., appointment, 568 Janes, W. C , degree, 277 Janitors, wages, agreement with Building Service Employees Union, 918 basic rates, 10 Janke, C. E., degree, 447 Janke, C. \ \ \ , appointment, 770 Janke, Mrs. Leota L., appointment, 1006 Jankers, R. J., degree, 160 Jankousky, C. K., degree, 1023 Jankousky, Mrs. Helen M., appointment, 735 Tankowicz, G. \V., degree, 471 Jannenga, W. J., degree, 1234 Janney, 1. W., appointment, 424 degree, 119 Janosik, J. L., degree, 1236 Janov, Beverly F., degree, 1236 Janowiak, E. J., degree, 447 Janowitz, H. I)., degree, 476 fellowship, 107 resignation, 304 Janows, S. S., degree, 1033 Jansen, T). E., degree, 274 Jansky, C. M., degree, 448 Janson, C. Helge M., appointment, 50, 870 Janson, T). E., degree, 467 Sanson, P. M., degree. 1233 Janssen, Bernice I., degree, 853 Janssen, Mrs. Pearl Z., appointment, 384, 59 1 cancellation, 513 Janssen, R. E., degree, 848 Janssen, W. C , degree, 858 Janus, D. J., degree, 1241 Jaremus, B. M., degree, 1022 Jarnagin, R. A., appointment, 98, 600 Tarrell-Ash Co., purchase, 983 Jarrett, Kathleen, member of advisory committee, 191