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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1373 Hudak, R. B., degree, 1241 Hulett, J. E., Jr., appointment, 38, 388, 558, Huddleston, H. H., degree, 274 568, 1149 Hudelson, D., Inc., purchase, 184, 234, 280, Hull, Barbara J. ( appointment, 154, 870 482, 938, 959 Hull, Betty L., appointment, 752 Hudelson, R. R., appointment, 575, 577 Hull, H. L,, degree, 467 Hudgens, C. R., degree, 1197 Hull, Mary E., degree; 443 fellowship, 958, 1137 Hull, R. W., degree, 456, 1212 Hudgins, D. R., degree, 1230 Hull, T. G., appointment, 47, 877 Hudson, E. D., degree, 1027 ! Hull, W. L., appointment, 385, 613 Hudson, G. L., degree, 272 Hulmes, R. E., Jr., degree, 852 Hudson, Harriet, appointment, 626 Hulsizer, R. I., Jr., appointment, 362, 373, Hudson, Neva N., degree, 454 616, 1149 Hudson, P. K., appointment, 381, 610, 1144 Hulson, J. L., degree, 1241 Hudson, R. B,, appointment, 811, 813, 834 Hult, R. E,,, appointment, 636, 1139 statement of President, 881 Hultgren, J. B., degree, 1241 Hudson, R. F., degree, 471 Hultman, A. C , degree, 467, 1018 Hudson, Ruth A., appointment, 1135 Hults, R. T., degree, 1019 Hudson, W. J., appointment, 807 Hultzen, L. S., appointment, 388, 558, 57°, Hudspeth, Cherry R., degree, 12341150 Huebner, D. C , appointment, 805 Human beings, psychological adjustments to Huebner, R. R., degree, 1226 rapid changes in environment, research, Huebsch, L. A., gift, 905 936 Huegy. C. W., degree, 460 Humanities, budget, 718, 804 Huegy, H. W., appointment, 623 summer session, 391, 1152 Huelsen, W. A., appointment, 594 Humberstone, Jeanne E., degree, 466 salary adjustment, 1060 Humble, M. K., appointment, 380, 631, 1143 Huelskamp, Rosemary, appointment, 791 Humbrecht, N. E., degree, 859 Huelster, Laura J., appointment, 490, 642, Hume, C. E., appointment, 389 1148 degree, 856 Huey, J. R., member of advisory committee, Humes, J. F., appointment, 649, 657 Humidity cases, Entomology, appropriation, 178 148 Huey, S. M., degree, 128 Humiston, C. G., degree, 930 Huff, G. E., degree, 1015 fellowship, 155 Huff, J. R., Jr., degree, 277 ' Hummel. C. A., gift, 905 Huff, L. R., appointment, 38 Humphrey, C. W., appointment, 363, 381 degree, 120 Humphrey, D. J., degree, 458 resignation, 256 Humphrey, G. O., degree, 128 Huff Gymnasium, architectural services, apHumphrey, J. C., appointment, 754 propriation, balance reappropriated, 486 Humphreys, J. L., degree, 1214 exit devices, purchase, 480 Hunding, C. W.. degree, 1033 improvements, appropriation, balance ^ a p Hunesberger, I. M., appointment, 230 propriated, 71 Hunley. E. H., Jr., degree, 446 remodeling, contract, 951 Hunley, L. H., Jr., degree, 127 Huffine. Nellie, appointment, 775 Hunnicutt, C. W., appointment, 1143 Huffington, E. V., degree, 1019 Hunnicutt, H., degree, 1204 Huffman, F. C., Jr., degree, 275 Hunsicker, P. A., appointment, 387, 931 Huffman, W. J., appointment, 387, 641, 649, Hunt, C. L., degree, 1033 834 Hunt, D. S., Jr., degree, 467 degree, 259 Hunt, E., appointment, 758 Huffman, W. L., appointment, 1006 Hunt, Effie N., degree, 1010 Hufford, C. T., Jr., degree, 162 Hunt, G, E., Jr., certificate, 206 Huffstutler, S. E., degree, 1241 Hunt, H. C , member of advisory committee, Hug, J. C., degree, 268 Hugelman, Mary B., appointment, 774 191 Huggins, J. D., certificate, 173 Hunt, H. H., degree, 859 Huggins, R., degree, 1241 Hunt, Mrs. Julia M., appointment, 734 Hughart, H. H., degree, 1205 Hunt, Mrs. Patricia W., appointment, 252, Hughes, C. A., degree, 445 379 Hughes, E. L., degree, 1208 degree, 458 Hughes, E. M., member of advisory commitHunt, R. R., appointment, 733 tee, 178 Hunter, Doris M., appointment, 790 Hughes, E. O., appointment, 749 Hunter, E. C , fellowship, 338 Hughes, G. K., degree, 452 declination, 375 Hughes, M. L., certificate, 496 Hunter, G. H., appointment, 386, 639, 1148 Hughes, Mrs. Ora D., appointment, 786 Hunter, James R., degree, 1241 Hughes, R., degree, 274. Hunter, John R., degree, 274 Hughes, R. E., resignation, 428 Hunter, J. S., degree, 126 Hughes, Robert Gene, degree, 123, 435 Hunter, Mrs. Naomi W., appointment, 388, Hughes, Robert Gilbert, degree, 467 570, 1150 Hughes, R. H., certificate, 1034 Hunter, R. F., degree, 1216 Hughes, R. T\, degree, 467 Hunter, R. L., degree, 450 Hughes, W. F., Jr., appointment, 684, 707 Hunter, R. M., degree, 1214 Hughes, W. G., Jr., degree, 1241 Hunter, R. R., degree, 268 Hughes, W. M., degree, 852 Hunter, Stella J., degree, 120 Hugy, C. E., degree, 1236 Hunter, W. T., degree, 448, 1208 Huie, P. L., degree, 262 Hunter Lumber Co., purchase, 233, 305 Huitema, R-, appointment, y\gt n 5 3 Huntington, Dorothy A., degree, 442 Huizenga, J. R„ degree, 430 fellowship, 980, 1095 Huizinga, A. H,. degree, 448 Huntington, W. C , appointment, 608 Hulet, Mrs. Kathleen, appointment, 776 appreciation for services, 144 Hulet, R. E., appointment, 777, 834 Hupp, Martha, degree, 44° degree, 1207 Hurdle, D. R., degree, 1028
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